
"Ivy League" 是指美國常春藤聯盟,這是一所由六所私立大學組成的聯盟,包括哈佛大學、賓夕法尼亞大學、耶魯大學、普林斯頓大學、哥倫比亞大學和達特茅斯學院。這些大學的英文名稱中都有 "Ivy" 或 "Ivies" 這個詞,因此人們通常用 "Ivy" 或 "Ivies" 來代指這六所大學。


* The Ivy League

* The six private universities that form the Ivy League

* Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, and the University of Pennsylvania

* The prestigious and selective institutions that attract top students and faculty from around the world

* The rigorous academic programs and high standards of excellence that have made the Ivy League one of the most respected institutions of higher learning

* The strong alumni networks and connections that the universities have established across industries and professions


* Ivy plant

* Climbing vine

* Green and leafy plant with long tendrils for grasping and climbing surfaces

* Commonly found in gardens and parks, where they can cover walls and fences with their tendrils

* Possessing dark green leaves and reddish-purple or yellow berries that can persist throughout the winter months

