

* 你的名字是星星點燈,卻照亮了我的心房。(Your name is a little light in the world, which lights up my heart.)

* 我努力的目的就是不讓媽媽在過馬路的時候突然鬆開我的手。(The purpose of my effort is to let my mother not suddenly let go of my hand when we cross the street.)

* 你失去的只是一個人,愛情偉大到可以戰勝一切,過去的,現在的,未來的,只要你願意,我就可以再追回你。(You lost just one person, love is so great that it can overcome everything, the past, present, future, as long as you are willing, I can catch you back.)

* 我不怕前路漫漫,只要你有答案。(I am not afraid of the long journey ahead as long as I have the answer.)

* 我只想要一份真愛,卻發現真愛無分寸在哪個世界。(I only want true love, but I find that it has no boundaries in any world.)

* 我害怕的事很多,但我更害怕不能留下你的記憶。(There are many things I fear, but I am more afraid of not being able to leave a memory of you.)

* 人生就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道下一顆是什麼味道。(Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.)

* 人生就像一場舞會,教會你最初舞步的人卻很少能陪你走到散場。(Life is like a dance party, the person who teaches you the first steps rarely goes with you to the end.)

* 即使前路艱難,也要勇往直前。(Even if the road ahead is difficult, we must forge ahead bravely.)

* 人生就像一本書,封面是父母寫的,內容是自己寫的,厚度和精彩程度則取決於自己。(Life is like a book, the cover is written by parents, the content is written by oneself, and the thickness and richness depend on oneself.)

