

1. 與時間賽跑:霍金曾說:「我最大的恐懼就是死亡,我對死亡的恐懼大大超過了我對生活的恐懼。」即使在全身癱瘓,只能通過語音合成器與人交流時,他仍然堅持著,不斷探索宇宙的奧秘。

2. 時間機器:霍金是《時間機器》的作者,這是一本科幻小說,講述了一位科學家探索時間旅行並穿越時空的故事。霍金在書中分享了自己的宇宙觀和哲學思考,這使他在全球範圍內獲得了巨大的知名度。

3. 人類意識與計算機:在某次公開演講中,霍金與一位人工智慧專家展開了一場辯論。專家認為人類的意識可能只是大腦中的電腦程式,霍金對此表示認同,他認為我們只是某種電腦程式的代表者,意識並非真正屬於我們自己。這個觀點引發了人們對人工智慧和人類意識的深度思考。


1. Racing Against Time - Hawking once said, "My greatest fear is of death, and I am more afraid of it than life itself." Even though he was completely paralyzed and could only communicate through a voice synthesizer, he continued to explore the mysteries of the universe.

2. The Time Machine - Hawking is the author of "The Time Machine," a science fiction novel that tells the story of a scientist exploring time travel and traveling through time. He shared his own cosmology and philosophical thoughts through this book, gaining huge popularity worldwide.

3. Human Consciousness and Computers - During a public lecture, Hawking had a debate with an artificial intelligence expert. The expert believed that human consciousness might just be a computer program in the brain, and Hawking agreed, suggesting that we are just representatives of some computer programs and consciousness truly belongs to ourselves. This view sparked deep discussions about artificial intelligence and human consciousness.
