

Once upon a time, there were 12 animals in the zodiac. They were the Rat, the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Sheep, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig. Each animal had its own unique personality and characteristics.

One day, the animals gathered together to decide who would be the leader of the zodiac. Each animal presented its case to the others, explaining why it should be chosen as the leader.

The Rat was the first to speak. It said that it was a clever and hardworking animal that was always looking for ways to improve itself and its environment. It argued that it was a natural leader because it was always thinking ahead and looking for solutions to problems.

The Ox followed suit and explained that it was a strong and reliable animal that was always willing to work hard for others and for the good of the group. It said that it was a natural leader because it was a steadfast and dependable animal that could bring order and stability to the zodiac.

The other animals listened carefully to each presentation and then voted on who should be the leader. After much deliberation, they decided that the Rat and the Ox were the best candidates. So they chose Rat as the leader of the head of the zodiac and Ox as its deputy.

From then on, Rat and Ox were respected by all the animals in the zodiac as leaders who were wise, hardworking and reliable. They worked together to maintain harmony and stability in the group, while also encouraging all animals to strive for improvement and prosperity.

This story teaches us that hardworking, honest, loyal, intelligent, responsible animals should be rewarded by higher social status. When dealing with difficulties, we should rely on our brains, keep moving forward with patience and endurance. Let』s be confident, believe in our ability, never give up on our goals and ideals!
