
以下是一個2到3分鐘的英文故事,名字叫做「The Adventures of the Little Engine That Could」:


Once upon a time, there was a little train named Engine. He was not like the other engines. He was small and weak, and he couldn't jump over big mountains like they could. But he had a dream. He dreamed of taking him and his passengers to the faraway mountain peak.

One day, the track ahead of him was blocked by a huge mountain. It seemed like there was no way around it. But little Engine didn't give up. He decided to try and climb over the mountain. He worked hard and tried again and again until he finally made it to the top.

After that, all the other engines saw him as a hero. They realized that they could all be heroes if they just believed in themselves. And so, they all followed little Engine's example and tried to climb over the big mountains in their way.

