

* Inspire by failure, change from within.(由失敗來激勵,從內心來改變。)

* Dreams are the wings, let us fly.(夢想是翅膀,讓我們飛翔。)

* No pain, no gain.(不勞無獲。)

* Believe in yourself, don't give up easily.(相信自己,不要輕易放棄。)

* Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.(生命就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)

* The world will be even more beautiful once you try. Don't be afraid of it.(世界會因為你的嘗試而變得更加美好,不要害怕它。)

* Failure is the road to success, you must learn to face it and overcome it.(失敗是通向成功的路,你必須學會面對和克服它。)

* Dream twice as big for success in half the time.(成功的雙倍夢想,一半的時間。)
