

1. 「你需要的不是找成功,而是要找最適合成功的土壤,一味只追求成功本身就是一場災難。」 - "What you need is not to find success, but to find the soil that is most suitable for success. Pursuing success alone is already a disaster."

2. "當你站在球場上,你代表的是你的家庭,你的精神,你的尊嚴,你的團隊,你愛的每一個人。你必須為這些而戰,這就是我為什麼如此熱愛籃球的原因。" - "When you stand on the court, you represent your family, your spirit, your dignity, your team, and everyone you love. You have to fight for these things, which is why I love basketball so much."

3. "你可以打敗我,但不可以打敗我鬥志。" - "You can beat me, but you cannot beat my will to fight."

4. "你見過凌晨四點的洛杉磯嗎?那是屬於我的時刻。」 - "Have you seen L.A. at four in the morning? That's my time."

5. "總有人要贏,為什麼不能是我呢?" - "Someone has to win, why not me?"

