Linus torvalds名言

Linus Torvalds是一位著名的計算機科學家,他是Linux作業系統的創始人之一。他的名言有很多,其中一些常見的名言如下:

1. "It's not the destination, but the journey that counts."(重要的不是目的地,而是旅程。)

2. "Get it working, then get it right."(先讓它工作,然後再讓它正確。)

3. "Patience is key."(耐心是關鍵。)

4. "Nobody cares if you can code in BASIC or not. Coding is coding."(沒有人會在意你是否能用BASIC編程,編程就是編程。)

5. "People don't understand the importance of having fun. If you're not having fun, what's the point?"(人們不明白享受樂趣的重要性。如果你不享受編程,那還為什麼要編程呢?)

6. "Don't think of it as work, think of it as fun."(不要把編程看作是工作,把它看作是樂趣。)

7. "The best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself."(預測未來的最好方法就是創造未來。)

這些名言體現了Linus Torvalds對編程和創新的看法,鼓勵人們積極面對挑戰,享受過程,追求卓越。

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