My hero英作文

My Hero

Everyone has their own hero. For me, my hero is my father. He is a hard-working and responsible man who always puts family first.

My father works in a busy office and he always puts in a long day's work. He never complains about the workload and always strives to do his best. He is also a great provider for our family. He works hard to earn enough money to take care of our needs, and he never skips on his payments.

Apart from his professional responsibilities, my father is also a great role model for me. He always sets an example of hard work and dedication, which I try to emulate in my own life. He is also very kind and compassionate, always lending a helping hand to those in need.

My father is also very protective of me. He always takes care of my safety and well-being, and he is always there for me when I need him. He never fails to surprise me with his thoughtfulness and kindness, which makes me feel loved and cared for.

In conclusion, my father is my hero because he is a hard-working, responsible, kind, and compassionate man who always puts family first. I admire him for his dedication and sacrifices he has made for our family, and I hope to follow in his footsteps one day.

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