Patrick melrose台詞

以下是Patrick Melrose部分台詞:

- "I'm sorry, I don't do self-pity."

- "I'm not looking for sympathy, I'm looking for a friend."

- "You don't want to be like me, it's not healthy."

- "I don't need your money, I need your story."

- "I don't want to be a great artist, I want to be a great liar."

- "I'm pathetic, I'm pathetic and I love it."

- "I'm not pathetic, I'm just sad."

- "I'm not a monster, I'm just a guy who can't stop wanting what he can't have."

- "If I was normal, I wouldn't be here now."

這些台詞來自於Patrick Melrose小說中的角色Patrick,他在成長過程中遇到了許多挫折和痛苦。這些台詞反映了他對自我的認識和對生活的態度。如果您想了解更多與這個人物有關的台詞,請查詢更多的小說章節或資源。

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