Steve jobs金句english

Steve Jobs的英文金句如下:

* I'm not interested in doing things that are second rate, or less than perfect. I want it to be the best it can possibly be. *我不感興趣做事情是次優的,或者達不到完美的。我希望它能達到可能的最好狀態。

* Innovation distinguishes us from our competitors. But we stay ahead by being not just innovative, but relentlessly so. *創新讓我們與眾不同,但只有堅持創新,我們才能一直領先。

* I'm a believer that a person's worth is not determined by where they work or what they make. *我相信一個人的價值不在於他們在哪裡工作或者他們能賺多少錢。

* The only way to do great work is to love what you do. *成就一番偉業的唯一方法就是熱愛自己的工作。

* I'm as proud of where I've come from as I am of where I am now. *我為我來自哪裡和我現在的成就一樣自豪。

* The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. *想要做出偉大的工作,就要熱愛自己的工作。如果你還沒有找到,那就繼續尋找,不要妥協。

* The only way to do good work is to love what you do. It』s as simple as that. *做好工作的唯一方法就是熱愛自己的工作,就這麼簡單。

* People who are serious about a career should take the one thing they like best and use it as a springboard for the rest of their careers. *對於職業人士來說,要嚴肅對待自己的職業生涯,找到自己最喜歡的一件事情,把它當作跳板,以幫助自己取得成功。

* A designer is a doctor for form. A great designer is a master of two disciplines: chemistry and psychology. The more chemistry you understand, the better the product will be. The more psychology you understand, the better your product will fit the customer』s life. *設計師是造型醫生,偉大的設計師必須精通兩個領域:化學和心理學。你掌握的化學知識越多,產品就會越好;你掌握的心理學知識越多,產品就越能符合顧客的需求。


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