Summer holiday作文

Title: 夏日的度假時光

Summer holiday has arrived, and I can't wait to escape the city and take a break by the beach. It's been a long winter, and I'm ready to bask in the sun and let my worries fade away.

The journey begins early in the morning. I pack my bags with sunscreen, a book, and my camera, and head out the door. The drive to the beach town is a beautiful one, with fields of green rolling by my window.

When I arrive at the beach, the first thing I see is the vast expanse of sand stretching out before me, and the ocean sparkling in the sunlight. I feel the soft sand between my toes, and it's a feeling that instantly puts me at peace.

I rent a beach house and settle in. The first few days are spent lazing around, reading my book, and taking long naps in the sun. I also explore the local area, walking along the beach, hiking in the nearby mountains, and visiting local restaurants for fresh seafood.

One afternoon, I set out to swim in the ocean. The waves are gentle, and the sun warms my skin. I can feel the sand slipping through my fingers, and it's a feeling that's unlike anything else. I take lots of pictures to remember this special moment.

As the days pass, I start to feel a sense of renewal. The stress of city life seems to slip away, and I'm left with only the sounds of the waves and the laughter of my friends. It's a time for me to disconnect, to let go of my worries, and to focus on what truly matters: nature, relaxation, and simply being.

Summer holiday is a time for renewal and rejuvenation, and it's a time for me to appreciate the simple things in life: the sunshine, the sand between my toes, and the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. It's a time for me to slow down and take a deep breath, to be present in the moment and enjoy this special break from routine.

And so my summer holiday begins...準備好了嗎?來和我一起開啟這段美妙的夏日度假時光吧!

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