The hundred foot journey台詞

以下是《The Hundred-Foot Journey》的部分經典台詞:

1. 「It is not the size of the kitchen that matters, but the size of the heart that cooks.」(重要的是心靈的大小,而不是廚房的大小。)

2. 「You can』t judge a book by its cover.」(不能以貌取人。)

3. 「It is not the heat that kills you, but the cold in your heart.」(真正要了你的命的是心裡的寒冷,而不是外在的炎熱。)

4. 「You have to let go of the past, embrace the present, and believe in the future.」(你必須放下過去,接受現在,相信未來。)


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