

1. "Work hard, play hard."(努力工作,盡情玩樂。)

2. "You've got to work to live, but you live to work."(你要為生活而工作,但最終是為了生活而活著。)

3. "Work is the curse of the modern world."(工作是現代社會的詛咒。)

4. "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."(預測未來的最好方法就是創造未來。)

5. "Work is the seed of life, and it's only through work that we discover what we are capable of."(工作是生活的種子,只有通過工作,我們才能發現自己的潛力。)

6. "Work is the source of life, and success is the fruit of hard work."(工作是生活的源泉,成功是努力工作的果實。)

7. "You can't have a job without a goal."(沒有目標的工作是沒有意義的。)

8. "If you want to succeed in business, you need to love what you do."(如果你想在商業上取得成功,你需要熱愛你的工作。)

