Work Report > Winter Holiday Social Practice Report

2019 Winter Holiday Social Practice Report Paper

After a long journey, we finally walked into Luliang, walked into Liulin, and entered a strange world.

My understanding of the mountain area began with Yang Jiawa of Hejiapo Township. In order to support our activities, the county has specially dispatched a car to pick us up and assist us in our work.

For me, when the roller coaster was played two months ago, the screams of the tourists echoed in the ear. Today we are on a veritable “roller coaster”. The mountain roads of the Loess Plateau, in addition to the inherent rugged loops, add a bit of danger. On one side of the mountain cliff is the abyss. Looking down from the window, it is directly into the deep valley of the end, life and death are often only one line apart, one step difference. In the face of more real fears, the players in the carriages presented a surprisingly calm. Instead of looking at the distant mountains through the window, you look straight ahead and look at the dangerous slopes that must pass. Perhaps people are re-imagining what Yang Jiawa is going to be, or whether it is more mission-oriented to formulate his own work plan. It can be said that we don’t know anything about what is going to happen, except for ideas and ideas.

And my thoughts still stay in Hejiapo, who just left. As soon as he arrived at Hejiapo, he heard the children shouting with the tender voice: "Learning to the visitors! Study hard, go up every day!" A kind of long-lost intimacy suddenly came to my mind, I haven’t heard such a voice for a long time. This is the scene. Going over, I saw the children in the square array wearing sportswear that was out of season, holding colored bouquets and garlands in their hands, waving regularly under the guidance of the teacher, sweat continually slid down the cheeks, one by one serious Serious. Under the leadership of the township leaders, we walked into the Hejiapo Elementary School, where many villagers have gathered. The leaders opened a simple welcoming ceremony, which was close to noon and the hot sun. Our college students in short sleeves and short sleeves felt hot and hard, but the children still stood still and stood upright. Generally the sun is baked on them without reservation. We see it in our hearts. After all, this is caused by us. Moreover, the eyes they dare not look straight are also what we do not want to see.

After the ceremony, we walked among them and helped them take off the thick coat and let the children cool down. Our move eliminated the strangeness between us and the gap that we shouldn't have. The atmosphere immediately became easier. In a short time, we became friends who had nothing to say. This little joy gradually became on campus. The sky is filled with...

Yang Jiawa is the first natural village where our squad was stationed. Listening to the driver's master, this is still a relatively convenient village, and other neighboring villages can only walk, and the distance is quite far. There, we can't go.

The villagers waited for us at the village chief's house very early. Through some simple and direct conversations, we learned a lot. The parents here are more open than we imagined. They generally realize that education has a direct decisive effect on the future of the child. The average family will do their best to prepare for the children.

Yang Jiawa has been suffering for five consecutive years. On the barren land, it is not suitable to grow food. The jujube trees that depend on it are also very poor. They are close to the harvest season, but they are not seen on the branches of each jujube tree. Jujube, it will be seen that this year will be a poor year.

The level of education here is very backward. The teacher's lectures are based on the self-developed teaching plan and the mastery of the students in the class. Most other students have difficulty keeping up with the teacher's progress. The direct result of the backward teaching method is the stagnation of the rate of enrollment. The rate of progression of the graduates in this village is 0, and the rate of enrollment of students who have been re-read is only 10%. Moreover, it is going to Liulin Yizhong to study, and there is a year there. It costs about 2,500 yuan. For an ordinary farmer facing the loess, this is not a small amount! Although the local re-reading is cheap, the effect is difficult to satisfy. It is said that some children have not been admitted to high school after three years of reading.

The children in these mountains are struggling between economic conditions and teaching conditions. In the end, students with a slightly difficult family have lost the opportunity to attend high school. Of course this is not absolute. Teacher Song is an exception.

To be honest, the first time I saw Song, I reminded me of the principal of the movie "Phoenix Piano". The angular face is covered with a pair of large myopia glasses, and the thin two lips are tightly clasped, and the thin body of a teacher is even more embarrassing. Teacher Song is responsible for the communication between us and the children. Many of the expenses for supporting children to go to school are transferred through him. His family lives in the old caves of the abandoned country. Most of the simple furnishings are books. The TV is the only home appliance I have seen, but it is rarely seen to affect children's learning. Teacher Song is not only a successful teacher, but also a successful father. His daughter is the only student in the school who has been admitted to high school and has become the first recipient of our scholarship. This reminds me of a song: the world has its own justice, and it always pays off, and it is better to do it...

The villagers can say that we are enthusiastic. They are always doing everything silently for you because of the most kind nature of human nature. Their simple and honest smile touches the depths of my heart. Cheng Tianyu is a child I funded. In order to greet me, he took out the best of his family, and he rarely eats it. White noodles, made pumpkin white noodles. The rice was made for me alone. When I was eating noodles, they looked at me intently, and there was a satisfying smile on their faces, as if they were chewing white noodles instead of me. I don’t dare to leave a meal here. Tian Yu’s mother looked at the bowl that I had eaten clean. I was very pleased with my eyes. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to eat it. But at the moment, my heart is already sour and bitter.
There is a habit here, to drink millet porridge at night, commonly known as "drinking soup." On the first night, we spent at Liu Aijun’s house. His father waited for an hour and a half at the village chief's house in order to let us go to his house to drink soup. At his kind invitation, we went to his house. It was very dark at the time, and the rough and rugged mountain roads seemed to be difficult and difficult under the night. After us, Liu Aijun’s family started to have dinner in the corner of the kitchen. After everything we finished, we just regret why we didn’t come earlier! Xiaohui gave a tutorial to the love army for a while. It was getting late, his father insisted on sending us back. I had to know that it took at least half an hour to go, but it was close to eleven, which would directly affect his rest. What should I do tomorrow? What? Moreover, we have added too much trouble to their family, so we took the flashlight and walked back alone. On the road, Tian Yu and his mother took us with a weak flashlight. Later, I realized that they waited for us for two hours at the head of the village. I couldn’t wait to come to us. I lived in his house at night. Because of the rushing and tiredness of the day, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. The dream was filled with the smiles of the fellows and the simple smile. The children looked forward to the eyes of trust... I grew up in the city and never found out that I could give Others bring such great happiness and happiness. They respect me, support me, need me, and what I do is so insignificant! Ah, how good this kind of love and love, care and caring are between people! The next day, Tian Yu said that I was smiling in my sleep. Yes, can I not laugh at such a sweet dream?

Jiang Pingge’s mother always smiles with such confidence, and her simple kiln is simple and simple. In the face of poverty, she has come up with the unimaginable perseverance of ordinary people, not only to fill the stomach, but also to cultivate two children into cultural people. Now both sons have stepped out of the mountains and become people's teachers and brain doctors. In this regard, her family's couplet is the most eloquent: "The ruthless years increase and decrease, the taste of poetry is bitter and sweet".

The kind of sweet taste must be like that red and big date. In the afternoon, when we left Yangjiafu, Tian Yu’s cockroaches gave us a red date that had been stored for a long time. There was a layer of gray on the red dates. If I was at home, I would rush and wash, wash and wash. There is no need at all here, because this jujube does not spray any pesticides, completely pure natural. If it is a layer of loess, I am even more happy. Here the loess is absolutely dominant, and everything is born in the loess. The loess is long. Without the loess, there is no foundation for survival there. Nothing is cleaner than the loess. So I ate it without any scruples. It’s really a land of red dates, I have never eaten sweet dates like this. He took out a few pieces of small rock sugar from the cabinet and gave it to the children. Now they had broken colas, and they were all delicious with sugar. They were happy like a festival. A happy atmosphere filled the entire cave. Even I feel that I have been a childhood child.
How incredible, satisfying them is just a rock candy that the children in the city disdain! What KFC, McDonald's they have never heard of. The children in the city drink "Wahaha" every day, eat chocolate, chew the taste of the mountains and seas, and can't appreciate the joy from the heart. They are unparalleled in material and cannot be seen at one sight, but they lack spiritual touch and joy in spirit.

The children in the village know each other and live together like brothers and sisters every day. They spend most of their time playing in the village or in the fields, fully enjoying the care of nature. Every plant can name and use it. Every insect is their partner, what catches and catches, The grass worms are all proficient, and even the scorpions are not afraid. Nature gives them a healthy body, a pure heart and a pristine nature. Their childhood is happy, their growth is natural, but they lack the knowledge of the future of mountain children without knowledge. What are their hopes?
We, these volunteers, are using actual actions to ignite the fire of hope for these children, let them know that there are many people who are related to their growth, and their future is bright. Although they will experience more setbacks and difficulties during their growth, their spirit will not be embarrassed and will not be destroyed, because there are countless volunteers behind them to support them. What is worthy of our satisfaction is the children who are in the face of adversity and are tenacious. They insisted on fighting hardships and never gave up. Isn’t that dark and bright scorpion not exactly the condensation of this spirit? At the same time, these children have taught me that there are many things in life that cannot be decided by themselves, but we can choose to fight, use our own strength to conquer it, get rid of it, and let ourselves continue to advance in the stormy waves of life! Maybe we brought them hope, but they taught me: I want to find hope for myself, and hope for it!

Time flies, the short journey is about to end. On the last night of the last night, our team members stared at the starry sky and sang one song after another. There was no excessive language exchange, all friendships and feelings. Incorporated into a thick voice. Under Yingying's starlight, we look at the mountains and the jujube forests, and our songs will surely drift over, so that all the children in the mountains can hear them. They will certainly hear the ardent hopes of these big brothers and sisters, and let them know that Dashan can't block their way of studying. Strive for the ideal, hope for the struggle, know that under the infinite love, hope is Everlasting!

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