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Company team captain competition report

Dear leaders:

Hello everyone!

Today, I am very honored to participate in this competitive speech here, I am very excited. First of all, I would like to thank the leaders for their training, support, and giving me this opportunity to stand here for a competitive speech! I cherish this competitive opportunity very much. Regardless of the results of the competition, I think that the whole process of participating in the competition is of great significance in itself, and I hope that through this competition, I can get more exercise and improve my work ability and overall quality. Today I decided to bid for the captain of the team.

I. Overview and analysis of the current situation of the department

Thanks to the leadership's concern and support, _Year_Month_ is seconded to the administrative department's escrow team. The company's existing _ bus and _ battery car, _ car bus total amount _ yuan, each _ yuan; three battery cars total amount _ yuan, each _ yuan. Total _ yuan, which does not include the purchase tax of _, then what is the purpose of the company to purchase these vehicles with such a large sum of money? My analysis is that our company is a leading enterprise in Huaihua, and an honest and trustworthy enterprise that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In order to repay the society and the completion of the Hutian color boutique residential quarter and Hutian Commercial Plaza, the purchase of these vehicles allows all of our companies to develop. The homes, shops and owners of the shops can enjoy high-quality convenience services for shopping at Wandford Supermarket. The ultimate goal is to promote the popularity of the vehicles and turn them into a real city-level commercial center.

Through nearly three months of work, I have a comprehensive understanding of the entire fleet. During this work, real-time control of fuel was achieved due to the one-card management of fuel. Based on the original vehicle line and deployment plan, the optimization is adjusted to meet the demand of the line and improve the vehicle's use efficiency. Due to the implementation of the two measures, the fuel consumption of vehicles in the past three months has been significantly reduced compared with the same period.

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Second, vehicle management

(1) Coordinating internal and external relations to ensure the implementation of the spirit and rules and regulations of the superiors.

(2) Hold daily work meetings and safety training meetings, adhere to the principle of “safety first, prevention first” to ensure driving safety.

(3) Establish a safety accident working group and a vehicle technical status inspection team.

(4) Strengthen vehicle management, pay close attention to car insurance, ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition, formulate vehicle maintenance and repair plans, and check the technical status of vehicles on a regular or irregular basis.

(5) Establish vehicle technical original data, vehicle technical files, etc., and grasp and analyze the consumption of vehicle oil, tires and materials at any time.

(6) Caring for employees' hardships, understanding the dynamics of employees' thinking, doing well in the ideological work of employees, and rationally arranging and deploying drivers.

(7) Develop a driver assessment system.

Third, the improvement of service quality and regulation

(1) Preparation work before departure, dress neatly, dress according to regulations, wear work permit, check your appearance meter. Carefully check the vehicle's facilities and vehicle capacity, fuel availability, and tire pressure.

(2) Assist the customer to place large items, take care of the elderly and children to get on the bus and sit down.

(3) Before the departure, observe whether the passengers are sitting well, close the door and start smoothly, without pinching, falling or injuring the passengers.

(4) Strictly obey the traffic rules and operating procedures during the operation, concentrate on energy, politely drive, and drive safely.

(5) If the elderly and children have sudden illness, they should immediately send the patient to the nearest hospital for medical treatment.

(6) When you arrive at the station, check if there are any missing items in the car. If so, return it to the passengers.

(7) It is strictly forbidden to swear and swear words at work.

(8) It is strictly forbidden to quarrel with passengers and fight Europe.

(9) It is strictly forbidden for the driver to chat and answer the mobile phone during driving.

(10) The driver of the vehicle uses Mandarin, obeys public morals, does not litter, and does not spit.

(11), the instrument is dignified, neat, not unkempt face.

Fourth, competitive feelings

If I can compete for the competition in the team captain, I will further improve the cost management and daily management of the vehicle, especially the cost management of the vehicle. At the same time, it constantly strengthens its own learning and promotes the improvement of the quality of the entire team.

If this competition is unsuccessful, I will continue to do my job as usual, reflect on myself and find my own deficiencies, so as to improve and perfect myself.

Finally, I would like to thank the company leaders for giving me this opportunity to compete.

thank you all!

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