Work Report > Summer Social Practice Report

Experiences in the social practice of left-behind children's education in the summer of 2019

There are more people who go out to do business. The left-behind children are naturally more abundant. Xiqiao Township of Yongjia County is a typical example. The left-behind children there are the most and the most difficult, and that is the destination of our “Love Warm Childhood” practice team. .
Social practice activities began from the beginning of Xiqiao Township. Against the scorching sun, after a few hours of driving, we came to a remote mountainous area with an altitude of 700 meters and an area of ​​43.50 square kilometers, and a population of only 6,000 people, known as "Yongjia Tibet." In this environment, my first social practice began. Through this experience, I will let myself know more about the society, increase my knowledge in practice, exercise my abilities, and more importantly, test what I have learned. Whether or not things can be used by society, can their ability be recognized by society. I want to find out what my weaknesses and gaps are through social practice. ?
On the first day of social practice, we assigned our work. The practice team is mainly based on teaching. Therefore, our first priority is to recruit local left-behind children. We are divided into 4 teams, three of which go out to visit the nearby village enrollment, and one team is responsible for logistics. After the enrollment, we successfully carried out a one-week obligation to teach at the Xiqiao Center Elementary School. In terms of cultural knowledge and hobbies, we do what we can to make them feel the importance and happiness of learning. Of course, we have learned a lot from ourselves.
On the afternoon of June 30th, the opening ceremony was held in the conference room of the township government, and it was strongly supported and sponsored by the township government. On July 1-2, we conducted a detailed questionnaire survey on the students' study, life, family situation and school teaching in the nearby villages. On July 3-4, we took a group of 6 people to the Daruoyan and Lion Rock Scenic Areas to carry out the 10,000-person signature and charity fundraising activities in the name of “left-behind children without staying behind”. At the same time, the Daruoyan government also expressed its support for our fundraising activities. Our proceeds from this fundraising are used to purchase school supplies for condolences to left-behind children. On the evening of July 5th, we showed the results of our education and study during the period on the small stage of the old center. I am very pleased to invite the staff of the township government, the village head, the school’s teaching director and the local villagers. Watch. Due to the limitations of the performance, the stage lighting effect was not very satisfactory, but the student's hard performance won the applause of the audience, and the practice ended in the end of the performance.
Looking back on the days there, there are happiness and pain. Take the students, some are very obedient and some are naughty. For obedient children, we can teach easily, and naughty children do not obey and make it difficult to teach. But we still carefully teach each student.
But there is a lot of fun over there. Compared with towns, the mountains of the country are more green; the waters of the villages are more clear; the air of the villages is more fresh; the sky of the villages is more blue; the people of the villages are more simple. In the evening, watching the night sky in front of the railings of the school classrooms is a bit of fun. Counting the stars in the sky or looking at the strange constellations in the night sky can calm our hearts. Unconsciously, we buried the seeds of thoughts in our hearts and sprouted and grew up in the years to come. Whether we are teaching or investigating, the villagers and students are actively cooperating. They welcomed us with a sincere heart, and a grateful heart sent us away.
Summarizing the social practice activities of this period, although it is the first social practice of each of us, I think it is a successful, practical, and beneficial social practice. I believe this will be very good for my future study and work. Great help. As a contemporary college student, he has a heavy responsibility and is not lazy. Through this social practice, I clearly understand the importance of education and the necessity of economic development. Naturally, it is not a matter of speaking empty words, it will be successful. If you pay attention to action, you will have deep experience and more income. Practice is true, and there is no doubt that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

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