Fan Wen Daquan > Work Report

Report on the open work of township government affairs

Under the leadership of the county party committee and the government, the open work of government affairs in our town has been steadily advanced and deepened. Below, I will make a brief report on the open work of government affairs in the town. Please criticize and correct:

First, strengthen organizational leadership and create a good atmosphere

In order to further improve the leadership style and ruling style, improve the leadership level and ruling level of cadres, dismantle the “cross-wall” between the party and the people, and set up the “Lianxin Bridge”, and the town will “standardize, improve, expand and expand”. "Working ideas", the government affairs open work as a "people's heart project" to grasp and do a good job. On the one hand, organizational leadership has been strengthened. In the town, a group leader of the party committee was appointed, and the head of the town, the deputy secretary, the secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, the deputy head of the party, the party and government office, and the heads of the organization and other departments were members of the open government leadership group. Responsible for organizing and leading the town's government affairs open work, the leadership team has an office, specifically responsible for daily affairs. At the same time, the first series of archives of "Opinions on Party Affairs and Deepening Political Openness", "Wangshi Township Openness and Democratic Management Work Implementation Plan" and "Opinions on Establishing Village-level Village Accounting Center" were issued. Township and village work duties. And listed the special funds, to achieve the three positions of personnel, funds, energy, only set up a standard public column, the town invested 60,000 yuan, formed the party and government leaders personally grasp, in charge of the leadership specific, staff dedicated to the majority A good atmosphere in which people participate together. On the other hand, it has strengthened the publicity and propaganda work of government affairs, and insisted on the orientation of public opinion as an important means of deepening the openness of government affairs. The main leaders of the party committee and the government have repeatedly mentioned the importance of promoting the openness of administrative affairs in the town conference. , urge the relevant departments of the town to seriously implement. At the same time, eight publicity bulletins for government affairs were also established. Through vigorous publicity, the openness of government affairs has become increasingly popular among the people, the government has served the people, and the awareness of democratic management has been continuously enhanced.

Second, improve the system, improve the mechanism

In the process of promoting the openness of administrative affairs, the town party committee and government formulated relevant systems, established a financial supervision system, and hired representatives of the city and county party and representatives of the people's congress as public affairs supervisors. Opinion collection and processing feedback system, supervision and implementation evaluation system, regular work system, etc. Open a column of government affairs in the town government compound, publicize the functions, responsibilities, and service projects of the eight stations, set up supervision telephones, and make the government affairs open to work. At the same time, strengthen the supervision and appraisal of the work of open government affairs, and regard this work as an important part of the responsibility system for party style and clean government construction and the year-end assessment. The members of the party and government team shall work in accordance with the division of labor and the departments and units in charge.

Third, the standard open program

We must grasp three links. The first is the review process. Each time the public content must be reviewed by the government affairs disclosure leading group before it is made public, it is particularly important that it should be reviewed and approved by the party committee. The second is the open link. The party and government affairs office will publicize the contents that have been reviewed and disclosed in accordance with the normative procedures on time, and take the party and government, major decisions on party affairs and government affairs, appointment and dismissal of cadres, and major issues concerning the vital interests of party members and the people. The program outside the party and government is open. The third is the feedback link. During the public period, it is clear that the special person is responsible for screening, sorting out the opinions and requirements reflected by the people through various channels, promptly feeding back to the relevant departments, and making the handling and implementation of the situation public and accepting the supervision of the people.

Fourth, standardize the public content and broaden the public channels

In accordance with the requirements of openness and transparency, we have highlighted practicality and standardization in the openness of government affairs. On the one hand, in the content of open government affairs, we must adhere to the issues of comprehensive, timely, legal and truthful disclosure of the vital interests of the people, the spirit of the archives at the higher level, important decisions of the towns, villages and various departments, monthly financial revenue and expenditure; Bidding, policies, investment in infrastructure projects, and practical things for the people. Second, highlight hot and difficult issues, special funds and distributions allocated by higher-level governments and departments, second-child birth certificates, direct subsidies for grain, five-guarantee and low-income households. The third is the division of labor of the party and government members, the annual work goals, the rewards and punishments of party members and cadres, the people's rectification of problems, the development of new party members, the collection of party fees, the construction of clean government and the theme of party building. On the other hand, it highlights the diversity in form. Firstly, it is publicized through the government affairs public column for a long time. At the same time, it has set up a public service report phone and suggestion box. Basically, the fixed content is open for a long time, the special content is open in a timely manner, and matters affecting the vital interests of the people are disclosed in a timely manner.

V. Open time limit

The public time should be compatible with the public content. Regular work should be published regularly, usually once every quarter or half a year. Stage work should be disclosed piece by piece. Generally, it should be disclosed in time after the completion of the stage work; temporary work should be open at any time. . For major or complex issues, it should be further refined based on the feedback from the public, and if necessary, open again.

By pushing the open work of administrative affairs, the collective "home" was cleared, the "heart" of the people was understood, and good results were achieved. First, it standardizes the behavior of cadres, strengthens the cadre's sense of integrity and self-discipline, and promotes the building of party style and clean government; secondly, it broadens the channels for cadres to contact the people, promotes the ideology and work style of cadres; and thirdly, effectively solves the internal affairs of the people. Contradictions have maintained social stability;

The next step is to plan.

First, in the open thinking, gradually realize the transformation from "we announce what the people want, what the people see" to "what the people want to see, we will announce what it is." Timely publicize new policies for enriching the people and increasing income and venture capital, and at the same time speed up the construction of agricultural and sideline products and rich information release platforms.

Second, in the open form, to achieve "linkage openness", the public content of the townships, towns and units and villages echo each other, consistent, convenient for the public to inquire and supervise.

Third, the establishment of township administrative service center, the area is not less than 100m2, equipped with file cabinets, archive boxes, office phones, computers, printers, photocopiers, and the county administrative service center. Each village has set up a village agency room and is equipped with a village-level agent. In the whole process of facilitating the convenience service project, the “three in place” is effectively implemented. That is, the personnel training is in place, and the annual township administrative service center personnel and village-level agent are intensively trained. Once; the second is the funding guarantee in place, the work funds are included in the township town budget; the third is that all the eight stations service projects enter the administrative service hall.

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