Work Plan > Trade Union Work Plan

City Straight Labor Union 2019 Work Plan

The guiding ideology of the work of the direct trade unions in XX years is to guide the work of the trade unions with the important idea of ​​"xxxx", conscientiously implement the spirit of the trade union regulations of Henan Province, and comprehensively improve the overall work level. Focusing on the center, taking care of the overall situation, advancing with the times, earnestly fulfilling the basic duties of trade unions' rights protection in reform and development, and opening up a new situation in the work of trade unions in the new century with high morale. S0100
First, earnestly fulfill the educational functions of the trade unions, unify the thoughts and actions of the majority of trade union cadres and workers and the masses into the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's XXth session, and conscientiously study and implement the "Decision" of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's xxth session. The primary task of the current and future period of the people is also the primary political task of the trade union. The "Decision" of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XX Session is the first programmatic archive on strengthening the party's ability to govern in the history of the Party. It is of great significance for promoting the new great project of party building and creating a new situation in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The trade unions at all levels of the municipal government must combine the actual work of their own departments, organize the majority of trade union cadres and workers to implement the "Decision" of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XXth Central Committee, and further unify the thoughts and actions of everyone into the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the XXth Central Committee.
Trade union cadres are members of the Communist Party. They must actively participate in the educational activities to maintain the advanced nature of party members, further enhance political awareness, overall awareness, innovation awareness, development awareness and sense of responsibility, and constantly improve their work style, and truly establish the Communist Party members in the work of the trade unions. The image is the image of the party for the public, the ruling for the people, the image of seeking truth and being pragmatic, and the image of diligence and integrity. Create a learning department and strive to be a learning cadre.
Second, do a good job in creating a "home of workers" activities, the best chemical industry activity environment to create workers' home activities, is a long-term work carried out by trade unions at all levels, the city's direct grassroots trade unions must follow the general, "on the in-depth development under the new situation "Building opinions on workers' homes", following the five principles of building a family, under the unified leadership of the party organization, winning administrative support and relying on the masses of workers to create a "home of workers."
The municipal direct labor union requires that the units that have built the workers' homes should raise the level of building a family, and create them at a high-level employee's home, and then upgrade to a new level. Units that do not build a home should focus on building a home, eliminate all difficulties, create conditions, and build a "home of workers" so that the activities of the trade unions have a venue and an environment, serve the workers and serve the country's long-term stability. The municipal direct trade union went deep into the grassroots inspection and acceptance in April. 3. Strengthened the training of trade union cadres and cultivated the high-quality work of high-quality personnel trade unions. It comes from the high quality of trade union cadres. With high-quality talents, the overall level of trade union work can be improved. In order to improve the quality of the majority of trade union cadres, the XX year plans to hold three large-scale trainings, ask experts and professors to give lectures, organize a field visit and study, and carry out the "Henan Province Trade Union Regulations" knowledge contest.
Through in-depth activities of “creating a learning organization and striving to be a knowledge-based employee”, the city’s trade union cadres have been upgraded to a new level, their political and professional qualities have been greatly improved, and their business work capabilities have been strengthened, making this year’s trade union work a new situation.
Fourth, further strengthen the organization of women workers and workers in trade unions, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women workers. The grassroots trade unions with more than 25 female members must establish a women workers' committee. Grassroots trade unions with less than 25 female members must have women workers. Trade unions at all levels that have established women workers' committees and women workers committees must closely focus on the party's central work, actively carry out various activities and activities that are suitable for the characteristics of women workers, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women workers and special interests, and help women workers. Improve their own quality and lead the majority of female employees to make due contributions to the reform and construction of the city.
5. Doing a good job of high-grade activities and active amateur cultural life to carry out healthy and civilized cultural and sports activities is an integral part of the active cultural life of the organs, the need to strengthen the construction of institutional culture, and the best way to improve the physical quality of the cadres of the organs. The trade unions demanded that all grassroots trade unions should use the trade union's active positions during the "May 1", "July 1" and "11" holidays to carry out various forms of cultural and sports activities to enhance the collective concept of the workers and the union and enhance the call of the trade unions. Force to improve the status of trade unions.
The municipal direct unions will organize badminton, swimming, billiards or fishing competitions in May, July and September respectively. It is hoped that all grassroots trade unions will organize their own team members, strengthen training, actively participate, and strive to achieve good results.

6. Do a good job in the self-construction of trade unions and create superior working conditions. Trade union work has two basic tasks: first, organizational construction, and second, financial work. These two jobs occupy a very important position in the work of the trade unions. For this reason, the municipal direct trade unions require all grassroots trade unions. The change of the trade unions must be timely changed. The absence of trade union members must be added in time. The units that have not established trade unions must organize trade unions. To establish, to ensure the sound organization of the trade unions, at the same time, we must do a good job in the financial work of the trade unions, ensure that the labor union funds are collected in full and on time, and at the end of December, we must conduct a trade union financial percentage competition.
In short, trade union organizations at all levels must further change their work style, improve their working methods, vigorously promote the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, and vigorously invest in the research and development of the situation, adapt to the requirements of the new situation, advance with the times, people-oriented, straight in the city and the city Under the leadership of the Working Committee, it will make due contributions to the party's ability to govern and the economic development of Xinxiang City.

Xinxiang City, the direct union, two oo, five years, March 1

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