Work Plan > Trade Union Work Plan

Trade union work plan for 2019

The year is a crucial year for China to fully realize the goal of the 10th Five-Year Plan and accelerate the implementation of the second-step strategic goal of the "three-step". It is also the core of China's ten-year-old reservoirs, facing new situations and new opportunities. And new challenges to achieve an important year of great development. In the new year, the Central Trade Union will closely focus on the central strategic objectives and priorities, obey and serve the overall situation of the development of the center, actively play the role of trade unions, carry out work in a down-to-earth manner, unite and mobilize the majority of employees, and develop for the center. Contribution to the construction of two civilizations. S0100
Central Union - Year Work Plan:
1. Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and "xxxx", earnestly study and implement the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the Party's xx, and implement the Trade Union Law. The ability to improve the work of trade unions is closely linked to the reality, and publicity and education work and ideological and political work are carried out around the enterprise.
2. Actively promote the construction of corporate culture in the center, carry out the needs of enterprises, employees, creative, colorful and colorful activities, enrich the amateur cultural life of employees, and constantly meet the multi-level spiritual and cultural needs of employees. Regularly hold various ball games, chess games, mountaineering activities, karaoke competitions, etc., and organize employees to actively participate in useful social activities. Make employees healthy and comfortable, do their job well, create a dynamic, harmonious, positive and positive corporate atmosphere, and enhance the cohesiveness and centripetal force of the company.
3. Strengthen the professional ethics education of employees, guide employees to be based on their duties, dedication, innovation and encourage employees to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, professional and technical knowledge, and improve the quality of employees.
4. Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of employees and adhere to the people-oriented principle. Closely contact the people, care about the lives of employees, listen to the opinions and requirements of employees, and help employees solve problems. Actively cooperate with the party and government leaders, and do a good job of winning people's hearts, warming people's hearts, stabilizing people's hearts, and gathering people's hearts. Continue to carry out the "send warmth" activities, condolences to the injured, and difficult employees, promptly sent to the organization's warmth.
5. Continue to run the central data room to provide learning materials for employees.
6. Strengthen the democratic management of enterprises, encourage employees to participate in the administration of state affairs, provide suggestions for the development of the center, and provide rationalization suggestions. Mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, guide employees to closely link their own development with corporate development, stimulate the ownership of employees, and enhance their sense of responsibility, mission and crisis. Encourage the creativity of employees and give full play to their ingenuity to achieve self-worth in the development of enterprises.
7. Establish and improve trade union organizations, strengthen coordination and cooperation with trade unions of financial companies, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of trade union backbones and trade union activists, and take the lead in all work. Do a good job in developing new members and collect union dues in a timely manner.
8. Carry out national fitness activities, strengthen the management of various teams and sports associations, and play the positive role of the sports associations, so as to achieve "weekly activities, seasons and competitions." Encourage the enthusiasm and interest of employees to participate, let more employees exercise, and continuously enhance the physical and physical fitness of employees.
9. Do a good job in women workers, train women's "four haves" spirit, and give women employees health education and other aspects of knowledge to improve the overall quality of female employees. Organize the "March 8" series of activities to enable female employees to live their own festivals. Actively carry out activities that benefit women's physical and mental health, do a good job of protecting women employees during special periods, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women workers and special interests.
10. The work of the trade unions should be persuaded to go out and invite in. The way to strengthen foreign exchanges and contacts, and learn from the fraternal units with humility is good.

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