Work Plan > Teaching Work Plan

2019 Elementary School English Teaching Work Plan

In the national education reform, English teaching has become one of the major reform subjects of national education reform. In the past, students only came into contact with English after they entered the country. Now the English teaching has reached the national level. When students are young, they must start a new English teaching . This is the result of our continuous growth. This is a huge achievement that we have been making in our continuous progress. I have formulated the National Primary School English Teaching Work Plan according to my actual situation:

First, the guiding ideology

Seriously study and thoroughly implement the third spirit of the whole church and the contents of the "Decision" and "Outline" issued. Guided by the "English Curriculum Standards", the classroom teaching is used as a position to effectively change the teaching concept and adhere to all students. The construction of English teachers will strive to create a good English teaching environment, further improve the quality awareness, and lay a good foundation for the students' lifelong development.
Second, the main work of the city's small and medium- sized English teaching in the past few years of development, in the care and attention of leaders at all levels, the school has achieved certain results, the backbone of the teacher team is basically formed, a group of young teachers gradually emerged, teaching The teaching and research activities are booming and the quality of teaching is improving year by year. However, this year's English teaching in small and medium- sized schools is still in a tough situation, and the task is arduous: 1. The teachers are tight, the class hours are small, and the teaching tasks are heavy; 2. The Oxford Elementary School English 4b and 5b textbooks are used by the schools for the first time. The requirements are not enough, there is a process of understanding, running in and adapting; 3. The connection of Chinese small English textbooks puts forward clear requirements for the teaching of small and medium- sized English. This requires all teachers to wait and do not rely on it, and carry out teaching work in a down-to-earth manner, which is actually improving their own level and improving the quality of teaching .

Expanding development channels and promoting discipline construction
1. Continue to increase the emphasis on English subjects. The capacity of small and medium-sized English textbooks is constantly increasing, and the difficulty is deepening. The three lessons per week are not conducive to the consolidation and application of students' knowledge. At the school level, it is especially important to ensure that English classes are available at the village school and in all grades to ensure that students have enough time to speak foreign languages ​​every week. In-depth understanding of the actual teaching of small and small English, to ensure that students have enough early self-study and tutoring time. Teachers have more classes and more students, and the task of completing the teaching is quite difficult. The school should be flexible, scientific and reasonable in arranging the teaching of English courses. Some parents still don't know much about the English teaching requirements. It is recommended that the schools use the "Parents' Book" or the Parents' Association to communicate and communicate with parents to play the role of parents in guiding and supervising students' English learning.
2. Strengthen the convergence of Chinese small English teaching . If Chinese and Chinese students do not understand each other in English teaching , it is easy for students to learn to be out of touch or repeat, which will cause students to feel fear or boredom, which will affect students' English learning. Therefore, it is necessary for China to strengthen contacts, enhance understanding, and learn from each other. This semester will hold a seminar on Chinese small English teaching .
3. Set up a network platform. Strengthen the construction of the English-language pages of the National Primary School, adjust the columns, enrich the content, provide teachers with a platform, share teaching resources, and better adapt to the needs of curriculum reform. Through the interactive function of the Knowledge Forum, through study, communication and discussion, form a seminar atmosphere and promote the combination of teacher learning, practice and reflection.
Strengthen theoretical study and update teachers' concepts
1. Since the new curriculum experiment starts from the initial grade, English teachers still don't know much about the new curriculum. In order to better update concepts and change behaviors, it is necessary for English teachers to carefully study the spirit of curriculum reform and fully understand the significance of curriculum reform. Care about and participate in current curriculum reform research; recognize the importance and role of English teaching in quality education; and strive to translate these correct ideas into positive and feasible teaching practices.
2. Carefully organize theoretical study, improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, and carry out the study and discussion activities of the English Curriculum Standards. Each teacher should carefully read one or two English teaching research publications to improve their theoretical literacy.
3. Further implement the archives spirit of the Ministry of Education's "Guiding Opinions on Actively Promoting the Opening of English Courses for Elementary Schools" and "Basic Requirements for Teaching English in Elementary Schools ", and clarify that the purpose of the English course at the National Primary School is to stimulate students' interest in learning English. Cultivate their positive attitude towards learning English, establish their initial self-confidence in learning English, cultivate students' sense of language and good voice and intonation; enable students to form a simple daily communication in English to serve lifelong development.
Implement the teaching routine, improve the teaching efficiency, earnestly study the "Six Serious Work Requirements of the National Primary School Teachers", and earnestly do a good job in teaching six. This semester is intended to make greater exploration in the following three areas:
1. Try to prepare lessons in class. In view of the fact that the English teachers in this city are generally young, the teaching experience is insufficient, the teaching activities are designed in a single way, the teaching plans are to be standardized and the situation is relatively closed. In this semester, the city tries to prepare lessons in class, and the task preparation is assigned to each school. Or prepare for the two units, strive to prepare, prepare, and implement various forms of activities, the terminology is correctly expressed, and the format meets the requirements. After the teaching plan is approved by the teaching and research section, the schools are issued for reference.
Each school's teaching and research group under the equipment group, each grade equipment team leader, each unit is newly convened by the preparation team leader before the new teaching, the textbooks and the provided teaching plans to discuss, analyze the content of the teaching materials, determine the teaching focus, difficulties, to In combination with the actual situation of the students, the teacher's personality is highlighted, and each school should supplement, delete or adjust on the basis of reference. After each unit is completed, the proofs provided by each school will need to be analyzed and evaluated and the adjustments made.
2. Improve classroom teaching . This semester will continue to promote the exploration of classroom teaching , (1) establish classroom teaching ideas: focus on cultivating students' comprehensive language use ability, and guide students to understand, imitate and use language in simulation or real communication by creating reasonable teaching scenarios; , pictures, gestures, visual aids and performances, etc., lively and foreign language teaching . (2) Adopting the teaching mode based on activity classes, highlighting the activities in middle school, training, and use, emphasizing the use of language to do things. Each activity must have a scene, a language, a process, and a result. Task-based activities can be properly penetrated. (3) Classroom teaching adopts various forms of activities such as group, individual, group, etc., creating opportunities to guide students to participate in the whole process, participate in the whole process, highlight the main status of students, and promote the positive emotional experience of students.

3. Strengthen evaluation research. The English lesson is not to sing and dance, to play and play. Its teaching requirements are the cultivation of students' interest, the mastery of knowledge and the improvement of their abilities. Teachers should improve their quality awareness in teaching . From the perspective of teachers' "teaching" to the perspective of students' "learning", it is necessary to study how students learn well, remember to live, and use their work. It is necessary to play the role of formative evaluation in teaching , and also to study how to conduct detection evaluation. Teachers should strengthen the research on the test paper proposition, paying attention to the form to meet the age characteristics, but also pay attention to the requirements according to the textbook, paying more attention to the difficulty according to the students, to ensure the pass rate, and fully play the positive role of the test to make the students learn interesting. , learning confidence. And timely feedback and analysis after testing. The teaching and research section will be properly guided in this regard.
Strengthen the construction of teaching and research groups and improve the level of teachers
1. Grasp the team of teaching and research leaders. The English teaching and research team leader is very important in the construction of English subjects in each school. This semester will focus on the backbone of the teaching and research team leader. Through lectures, assessments, learning, exchanges and other forms of activities, the teaching and research team leader's own teaching level and the teaching and research group's management ability will be improved to promote the construction of English teaching and research groups in each school.
2. Promote the growth of new teachers. Each school organizes new teachers to study routines, learn advanced models inside and outside the school, and strengthen inspection and supervision. Through lectures, lectures, assessments, lectures, group preparations, and textbook analysis, the new teachers will be able to pass the outline and textbooks as soon as possible. Clearly prepare the basic norms of class and class, adapt to the teaching requirements of the national small English, and constantly improve the quality of business.
3. Strengthen the "three transformations" of teaching and research. The teaching and research groups of each school continue to do a good job of “three-oriented” teaching and research activities, and the teaching and research group or the preparation group activities are conducted weekly. In order to strengthen the specialization of teaching and research activities, raise teachers' awareness of teaching and research, and solve problems and problems in teaching through teaching and research, the teaching and research activities of each school should be carried out around topics or topics, and earnestly do a good job of data accumulation and write a summary of the topic. The teaching and research section will pay attention to the special research situation of each school. At the beginning of the school, the school will put the teaching and research group's subject or the research special report and research section of this semester. The final teaching and research section will organize the school to exchange experience.

English teaching itself is not very difficult. It is difficult for students to accept English. In the continuous growth, the people have made a lot of progress. This is a huge achievement that we have been growing constantly. In constant growth, English teaching has matured a lot. It is not taught as it used to be. I believe we can do well. In the continuous growth, we have made more progress. This is the result of continuous improvement. My English teaching has also made progress in the slow teaching , I believe I can do it well!

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