Work Plan > Annual Work Plan

Judicial Office 2019 Annual Work Plan

1. Guided thinking is guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of "xxxx", conscientiously implements the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Party and the XX Session of the Party and the spirit of the Municipal Council, vigorously strengthens grassroots governance according to law, and comprehensively implements the basic strategy of governing the country according to law. Focusing on the theme of developing local economy and maintaining social stability, we will comprehensively promote the development of the "Fourth Five-Year Plan" and deepen the development of various judicial administrations, and serve the "Suzhong competition, the cross-river dispute, and the national competition for the top 100." "The ambitious goal, vigorously promote the process of creating a "safety big instrument" and play its due role for the construction of the three civilizations of our town.
Second, the work objectives Standardization of the judicial office, the standardization of the Commission and the democratic and rule of law model villages have reached the requirements of higher levels, and strive to create "people's satisfaction with the judicial office", the judicial administration business is located in the upper reaches of the city.
Third, the task of grasping the law and promoting the work of governing the town in accordance with the law is the year of full implementation of the "fourth five-year" law and the establishment of security activities. In accordance with the general requirements of the "Fourth Five-Year Plan" and the rule of law management, the legal propaganda work strives to create a rule of law atmosphere for reform and development.
1. Carry out propaganda of relevant laws and regulations around the center. This year, we will use radio, window, television, banner, placard, slogan and other media as the main channel, relying on the legal propaganda and consultation desk, the traditional legal system combining traditional methods and modern means, and breaking through the shallow layer of the common law and common law. The second operation creates a good rule of law environment for economic development.
2. Continue to do a good job of learning the key subjects. We will further improve the academic system of leading cadres, improve the training of law, law, notebooks, law, and school registration systems, and improve the ability of leading cadres to make decisions according to law, administration according to law, and act in accordance with the law. Continue to do a good job in juvenile legal education and give full play to the functional role of the vice president of the legal system. Strengthen legal training for business managers and marketing personnel, and organize migrant workers to learn relevant laws.
3. Constantly innovate the form of propaganda and consolidate and expand the propaganda position. Strictly in accordance with the work deployment of the Municipal Rule of Law Office, combined with the actual situation, the number and quality of the demonstration sites for the establishment of a democratic rule of law model are in line with relevant requirements. We will vigorously promote the creation of “Ping An Da Yi” and the work of governing the town according to law, improve the self-government of villagers and the autonomy of community residents, mobilize the enthusiasm of the use of urban and rural grassroots cadres, and enhance the legal concept and ability to act according to law.
Grasping the foundation, strengthening the network construction, and fully maintaining social stability
1. Strengthen people's mediation work. Give full play to the role of the people's mediation work in maintaining the "first line of defense" in social stability. In accordance with the relevant arrangements of the Municipal Law Commission and the Municipal Bureau, the Center for Social Contradictions and Disputes, which is led by the Party and Government, the township comprehensive management committee, and the judicial administration, and the relevant departments, will be established; the surrounding Qinnan, Tianshan, Gongdao, Ganquan , Liu Ji, Chen Ji and other townships and towns set up the city's North Film Joint Commission to build and improve the "big mediation" mechanism. The construction of standardized town regulation committee and standardized village level adjustment committee has always run through the concept of high starting point planning, high standard construction and high quality operation. Strengthen the work guidance for the village-level mediation committee, strengthen the business training of grass-roots mediators, adhere to the system of major disputes and the social situation analysis system, and do a good job of grasping the small-scale and early-stage efforts, and strive to reduce conflicts and disputes from the source of administrative law enforcement to ensure During the year, there were no petitions and interviews. The mediation rate of contradictions and disputes was 98%, and the success rate of mediation was over 90%, and efforts were made to improve the effectiveness of people's mediation work.
2. Strengthen the standardization of the judicial system. In accordance with the requirements of the “June” of the judicial department of the Provincial Department of Justice, based on the actual situation of our town, on the basis of the standardized judicial office at the municipal level, we will strive for the care and support of the town party committee and government, and establish a provincial-level standardized judicial office to create “people”. Satisfied with the judicial office."
3. Implement various measures for resettlement and education. Further increase the reintegration and management of criminal interpretation and correctional personnel, hold regular meetings and clear responsibilities, and make arrangements for all work, measures, inspections, results, and timely reporting. Explore and do a good job in community corrections, do a good job in job placement and life support for prisoners, and reduce the rate of recidivism of prisoners.
4. Do a good job in information research. We will work around the party committee and government center at all times, seize the key points, and timely submit information reflecting the dynamics of the judicial administrative service economic development, reform and opening up, and maintaining social stability in our town, and strive to complete the tasks assigned by the municipal bureau at the beginning of the year.
Grasping the business, fully promoting the establishment of "Ping An Dayi" and earnestly implementing the implementation opinions of the town on the "creating the safest areas" activities, in accordance with the overall requirements of the "three-year creation", do a good job in all judicial administration. Focusing on the "six non-occurrence" and "seven lower levels" work objectives, we will ensure new achievements in the five major environmental constructions, such as a stable social environment, a good public security environment, a credible development environment, and a safe production and living environment. In order to continue to maintain the honorary title of “Advanced Township of Social Security” in Dayi Town, we will further strengthen the foundation and grasp the team, continuously improve the quality of the judicial administrative police, grasp the improvement of the ideological quality of the staff of the Institute, and establish the concept of lifelong learning, with strong internal quality and external trees. The image is based on the principle of "establishing the party for the public and governing for the people". In accordance with the general requirements of "political firmness, professional proficiency, excellent work style, and fair law enforcement", we must do a good job in implementing anti-corruption measures to ensure new achievements in building the party's work style and building a clean government. , constantly improve work style and improve work efficiency.
Grasping services, full-service investment, attracting investment, highlighting the focus of service economy, selecting breakthrough breakthroughs, further follow-up services, close to every link of economic construction, paving the green channel for investment promotion, providing legal consulting services for various enterprises. Help coordinate the contradiction between enterprises and enterprises, enterprises and individuals, and strive to create an investment atmosphere of “pro-business, convenience, wealth, and business” to protect the economic development of our town.

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