Work Plan > Rural Agricultural Work Plan

Agricultural Bureau 2019 Work Plan

I. Guiding ideology and working ideas

Conscientiously implement the spirit of the 5th and 6th Plenary Sessions of the Party and the provincial, municipal and county agricultural and rural work conferences, focusing on the main line of “stable food development, increasing agricultural production and efficiency, increasing farmers’ income, and rural harmony”. The industry promotes agriculture, science and technology, strong agriculture, open live agriculture, service for agriculture, law enforcement and agriculture, and strives to improve the level of industrial development and the level of service for agriculture, and promote the modern agricultural construction process in our county.

Second, the work objectives

Strive to achieve an annual growth of 3% in the output value of the crop industry, an increase in the output value of the livestock industry x%; food production xxxx tons, meat and egg milk increased by xxx million tons, fruit increased by xxx tons, and vegetables increased by xxx million tons.

Third, the main practice

Stable development of grain production and improvement of comprehensive grain production capacity.

First, strengthen the winter and spring crop field management to ensure the spring grain production increased. Strengthen the classification and guidance of winter and spring potato and sweet potato crops, organize technical personnel to go deep into the front line, and improve the household registration rate and the occupancy rate of key technologies of field management. The second is to vigorously promote fine varieties and improve the coverage of improved varieties. This year, Daejeon can promote more than 20 varieties such as ii xxx, special xxx, Zhongyou xxx and Liangyou xxx. These varieties have passed the provincial variety identification, and have been tested by many counties in the county for production and production. . The third is to promote grain production and technology to increase production and income. Continue to focus on the super high-yield cultivation of super rice, dry nursery, throwing mites, reclaimed rice, potato, sweet potato detoxification technology, soil testing and fertilization, and other practical new technologies to strengthen the monitoring and comprehensive prevention and control of pests and diseases, and reduce production costs. To improve the efficiency of growing grain. The fourth is to strengthen the construction of farmland infrastructure and protect the basic production capacity of food. Focus on the construction of the provincial-level commodity grain base and the provincial-level commodity grain base construction demonstration project with a total investment of xxx million yuan. Construct a water diversion irrigation channel xxxx meters in Luokeng Village, Taoxi Village and Daqiao Town Bridge Village, Chengdong Street, and lay u-shaped The slot is xxxxx meters, and the construction of the road is xxx meters. The annual construction of the above project can save xxx million m3 of water, which is equivalent to the newly increased irrigation area xxxx mu, and the irrigated area is xxx mu. The annual production capacity can be increased by xxx tons, and the annual increase is xxx. Ten thousand yuan. The fifth is to strengthen the prevention and control of pests and diseases and promote the stable development of food. Strengthen the early warning and prevention and control of pests and diseases, and focus on strengthening the forecasting and comprehensive control of rice planthopper, rice leaf roller, rice blast, potato late blight and rodent, as well as monitoring the epidemic situation such as rice weevil. At the same time, we must do a good job in the prevention of natural disasters such as typhoons, heavy rainfall and low-temperature freezing, and strive to minimize disaster losses.

Strengthen cooperation between ancient Taiwan and agriculture and expand the export-oriented economy of agriculture.

Through various channels, we will introduce Taiwanese businessmen to invest in agriculture, focus on the introduction, breeding and demonstration of Taiwan's fine seed seedlings; take the initiative to undertake the agricultural product processing industry transferred from Taiwan to the island, and jointly develop the food processing industry; The beneficial experience of organizational development, the pilot of farmers' production and marketing cooperative economic organizations such as vegetables, fruits and edible fungi will be carried out to improve the technical level and market development ability of farmers in our county. It is necessary to strengthen the work of attracting investment from agriculture, and make full use of various investment promotion platforms such as “6.18”, “6.28”, China Xiamen Investment Fair, China Agricultural Expo, etc., to carry out the docking and negotiation activities of agricultural investment projects, and strive to improve the effectiveness of investment promotion. Strengthen the use of foreign capital in agriculture, and strive for loans from international financial organizations such as the World Bank and ADB for basic projects such as comprehensive management of agricultural ecological environment.

We will expand and strengthen the three major industries and enhance our competitive advantage.

The three major industries of manure, animal husbandry and processing are an important part of the agriculture of our county. It is necessary to give full play to the advantages of resources, focus on improving product quality and safety, and promote income growth, and strive to promote the development of the three major industries to a new level.

1. Based on characteristic industries, transforming resource advantages into economic advantages. In accordance with the development requirements of the “excellent” of the fruit industry and the increase of the “quantity” of the vegetable industry, combined with the actual situation of the county, further optimize the structure of the fruit variety and the structure of the mature period, and promote the cultivation of Tsui Ping, Da Ji Bao, Yi Hong, and late white phoenix. Such as early and late ripe peaches and Newhall navel oranges, rattan grapes, etc., promote a number of practical techniques such as plastic pruning, fruit bagging, standardized production, promote the appearance and quality of fruits, promote timely harvest, improve fruit Quality and commodity traits, actively support the cultivation of fruit processing enterprises, strengthen post-harvest grading, packaging, preservation, storage, processing and other links, improve the post-harvest commercialization level, increase the added value of fruits, and increase farmers' income; further expand the scale of vegetable cultivation, Vigorously develop modern facilities and cultivation, increase the proportion of fine vegetables, and expand the production of off-season vegetables in high-altitude mountainous areas. The urban-effect vegetable base should focus on the development of new special, rare and seasonal vegetables, and increase the cultivation area of ​​pollution-free vegetables and green food vegetables. Improve the health quality of vegetables in an all-round way, and increase production and efficiency. At the same time, pay attention to the implementation of brand strategy. All agricultural production enterprises and individuals that have reached a certain scale, good product quality and relatively stable sales channels should encourage them to actively carry out “three products” declaration and certification, cultivate famous brand products, and achieve branding and expansion. Market, increase efficiency.

2. Accelerate the transformation of growth mode and develop modern animal husbandry industry. In-depth implementation of the "Livestock Law" and "Animal Epidemic Prevention Law", with the principle of "increasing the scale, increasing the efficiency, making the characteristic strong industry, grasping the epidemic prevention and preservation," as the guiding ideology, innovative ideas, clear ideas, relying on science and technology, based on characteristics, and strong advantages Efforts to promote the development of modern animal husbandry. First, adhere to scientific guidance and grasp the development orientation of modern animal husbandry. The modern development concept is used to guide the animal husbandry industry to take the path of resource-saving, technology-intensive, processing value-added, quality-safe, and environmentally friendly. The second is to develop scale farming and promote the transformation of animal husbandry production methods. Focus on building moderate-scale aquaculture, improve the construction level of commercial bases; focus on cultivating large-scale professional households, improve the development level of small and medium-scale aquaculture, focus on the construction of 1-2 livestock and poultry standardized production demonstration sites, and promote scientific breeding methods. The third is to increase the promotion and training of new technologies, comprehensively implement bio-safety measures for livestock and poultry breeding, promote the separation of human and livestock, the separation of farms and villages, and the healthy breeding methods for waterfowls and droughts, and promote the development of science and technology. The fourth is to strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases. Strictly follow the requirements of the “eight adherences to six in place and two guarantees” proposed by the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and do a good job of “six customs”, namely: compulsory immunization, disease surveillance, animal quarantine, and animal health supervision. Livestock and poultry disinfection, livestock and poultry transfer. In addition, in accordance with the requirements of xx and provincial and municipal governments, the county and township veterinary system reform, the three systems of animal husbandry and veterinary administration, law enforcement supervision, and technical support will be improved, the grassroots animal husbandry and veterinary management system will be rationalized, and the township and village animal epidemic prevention teams will be stabilized and strengthened. To improve overall work ability and business level.

3. Vigorously develop the processing of agricultural products and promote the industrialization of agriculture. First, vigorously support the development of processing industries that use high-quality agricultural products such as grain, fruits and vegetables, meat, and edible fungi as raw materials, and actively guide agricultural product processing enterprises to conduct "production, learning, and research" docking, and encourage enterprises to promote the application of new technologies, new processes, and new products. And new equipment to promote the transformation of agricultural products from rough processing to intensive processing. Second, give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises, do a good job in the docking of agricultural enterprises, support leading enterprises to establish raw material bases through targeted investment, targeted services, targeted acquisitions, etc., and use the base as the “first workshop” of the enterprise, and strive to build "The leading industry with industry, the industrial belt base, the base with farmers", the "combination of workers and peasants, the docking of agricultural enterprises, and the win-win situation for agricultural enterprises." The third is to actively explore leading companies to use capital, technology and peasants to invest in land, labor and other factors in the shareholding system, shareholding cooperatives and other forms, adopt industrial and commercial connections, agricultural enterprises to connect, establish a risk sharing, benefit sharing linkage mechanism, Achieve a win-win situation for agricultural enterprises. With the "order" as a link, encourage agricultural enterprises to dock. After the leading enterprises sign the purchase and sales contract with the merchants, they sign a contract with the farmers according to the order quantity and quality required by the tubular. In the process of signing the contract, the order contract is standardized, and the order fulfillment rate is actually improved.

Increase the promotion of “five new” and increase the contribution rate of science and technology to agricultural growth.

1. Introduce and promote new varieties of high quality, high yield and disease resistance. Taking the construction of county agricultural science and technology demonstration field as the carrier, more than 100 new varieties of grain, fruit and vegetable were introduced from the province and abroad in the county agricultural science and technology demonstration field and related townships to carry out trial demonstrations, and 10 suitable natural conditions and ecological conditions suitable for our county were selected. The new varieties will be promoted to the whole county; continue to undertake the regional and municipal trials of mid-season new varieties of regional trials and production trials, including: 36 sets of provincial seed stations, 12 groups of municipal seed stations, and 12 sets of provincial middle rice production trials. 12 combinations, "excellent 627" high yield 50 acres. At the appropriate time, the organization of agricultural cadres, township leaders and professional households to visit the demonstration site, radiation to promote the county to promote 370,000 mu of hybrid rice, 30,000 acres of super rice, 80,000 acres of early rice, promote dry food for sweet corn 20,000 mu of fresh food and processing special varieties such as “two potatoes” and soybeans, and the coverage rate of main grain crops should be maintained at over 96%.

2. Vigorously promote soil testing and formula fertilization technology. Complete the analysis of 18 indicators of each sample of 4350 soil samples, according to the test results and the target yield, the fertilization formula of each farmer in the project area will be processed by the production enterprise according to the formula; the soil nutrient map and crop soil test of the cultivated land in the project area will be produced. Formulated fertilization zone map; according to different crops and different soil types such as grain, vegetables, fruits, 50 “3414” field fertilizer effect plot tests and 10 fertilizer efficiency comparison tests; fill in 95,000 fertilization recommendation cards and distribute them to farmers The training course will be held for more than 5,000 people in 20 sessions; the demonstration film of 100,000 mu soil testing and formula fertilization center will be implemented, and the technical backbone inspection will be organized and the implementation of various township projects will be carried out. The project covers 400,000 mu of cultivated land and 130,000 mu of orchard. At the same time, we will do a good job in the promotion of more than 10 agricultural practical new technologies such as rice cultivation, pest control, and standardized production. We will complete 65,000 mu of dry and thin plants, 10,000 mu of rice, and 10,000 rice quality control. Mu, detoxification of two sweet potatoes 30,000 mu, grain and double-cultivation 20,000 acres, intercropping 40,000 acres of the promotion task.

3. Vigorously promote new pesticides and new fertilizers to reduce agricultural non-point source pollution. Established 100,000 mu of soil testing and fertilization demonstration tablets in the county, promoted 6 new pesticide varieties or dosage forms, and promoted an area of ​​100,000 mu, further improving the efficacy and fertilizer efficiency, reducing production costs and improving agricultural efficiency.

4. Intensify the experimental demonstration and promotion of new machinery and new machinery for agricultural machinery, and strive to promote the “small, safe and efficient” multifunctional agricultural machinery suitable for the production of economic crops in our county.

In the promotion of “five new”, we will focus on training new farmers and improve farmers' ability to apply science and technology. This year, the bureau has also ordered 300 copies of "Fujian Agriculture" to be given to agricultural administrative villages and townships in charge of agricultural leaders and township heads. Middle and senior agricultural technicians have also actively carried out farmer technicians and practical technical training classes at the grassroots level. At the same time, we actively carried out the activities of sending science and technology to the countryside, and sent the production information and new varieties and new technologies that farmers need most to their hands.

Strengthen administrative capacity building and improve the level of service agriculture.

1. Strengthen the quality supervision of agricultural products and improve the quality and safety of agricultural products. The first is to learn the law. Taking the implementation of the "Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Law" as an opportunity, we will do a good job in propaganda and popularization, and strive to enable the majority of farmers to understand this law and consciously promote the quality and safety of agricultural products in agricultural production activities. The second is to strengthen the trace management and supervision of all aspects of agricultural production and circulation, increase the source of agricultural input and the pollution control of tableware, and strictly control the quality and safety of agricultural products from the source of input, production process, market access to the table. It is completely forbidden to sell and use five kinds of highly toxic pesticides such as methamidophos, methyl parathion, parathion, monocrotophos and phosphonamine, highlighting the quality supervision of veterinary biological products, and increasing the illegal use of lean meat. The behavior of illicit drugs such as sperm, Sudan red, and ractopamine. The third is to promote agricultural standardization. Continue to do a good job in the standardization production of peaches, oilseeds, and Huangtian horseshoes, and strive to establish 1-2 demonstration films in all towns and villages to further expand the demonstration area. The fourth is to support and launch agricultural product production and processing enterprises to carry out “three products” certification. Expand the production scale of products that have obtained the right to use green food and pollution-free agricultural products, and improve the effective supply of the market; strive for the declaration of “green food” for Huangtian horseshoe shoots, and declare “non-polluted agricultural products” for the breeding of pigs in Muxing breeding pigs; Label management, vigorously promote the use of the "three products" logo, and establish a high-quality brand image. The fifth is to strengthen inspection and testing. We will continue to do a good job in the detection and listing of major agricultural products such as grain, fruits and vegetables, and edible fungi, and strive to squeeze into the construction project of the county-level agricultural product quality inspection station of the Ministry of Agriculture to further improve the quality and safety supervision of agricultural products.

2. Strengthen the construction of agricultural legal system and improve the level of agricultural administrative law enforcement. The first is to further strengthen agricultural administrative law enforcement. In accordance with the deployment of the provinces, municipalities and counties on rectifying and standardizing the market economic order, we will actively carry out special rectification work such as agricultural materials counterfeiting, highlighting the investigation and handling of illegal cases such as seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and veterinary drugs, and further standardizing the agricultural capital market. To ensure that the peasant people can use "relieving medicine", planting "relieving kindness" and applying "relieving fat". The second is to effectively strengthen the supervision and management of reducing the burden on farmers. Further strengthen leadership responsibilities, implement the "Xun County-Year Farmers Burden Supervision and Management Responsibilities" at various levels, implement various regulatory measures, and focus on five mechanisms: source prevention, supervision and management, key monitoring, democratic deliberation, and organizational guarantee. Strictly implement the "four systems" to alleviate the burden on farmers, increase the supervision of fundraising and investment in rural areas, deepen the special governance of outstanding problems that farmers reflect strongly, strengthen the supervision and management of agricultural fees, and resolutely correct and investigate various Unreasonable charges and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers.

3. Strengthen the construction of biogas projects and improve the level of sustainable development of agriculture. This year, the project will strive for the construction of 1,000 household biogas digesters from the relevant departments of the province. Through the construction of household biogas, the kitchen will be changed, the toilets will be changed, the circle will be changed, and the circular economy model such as “pig-marsh-fruit” will be promoted. Next, we plan to build a large-scale biogas digester in large-scale farms or large-scale breeding households, and implement centralized gas supply to demonstrate the ecological model of “ecological breeding – biogas – organic fertilizer – efficient planting” to control environmental pollution and obtain high-quality energy. , the production of organic fertilizer. At the same time, continue to test and improve the production of biogas technology using edible fungi production waste, build rural ecological homes and enrich the people's projects, and gradually realize the cleanliness of home civilization, the efficiency of the courtyard economy, the harmlessness of agricultural production, and the improvement of the sanitary environment.

4. Strengthen services and improve the level of agricultural socialization services.

1 Strengthen policy services. We will continue to improve and improve the policy implementation mechanism, earnestly improve the level of policy implementation, ensure the comprehensive direct subsidy of agricultural production data, and other central agricultural support policies have been brought into play and achieved practical results.

2 Strengthen agricultural economic management services. Stabilize and improve the contracting relationship of rural land, pay close attention to the extension of the land contracting period, improve the rural land contract dispute arbitration pilot, strengthen the land transfer standard management and services, and establish a land transfer service center in the townships where the land contractual management rights are more active. Gradually establish and improve the rural land transfer mechanism. Continue to strengthen the rural financial standardization construction, improve and standardize the village collective accounting entrustment agency system, and promote the village financial management computerization and network supervision. Further develop the village-level organization debt check and mapping work, lock in old debts, and curb new debt. The key point is to cooperate with the Municipal Agriculture Bureau to do a good job in the “Hundred Villages Audit” work. In the year, the Municipal Agricultural Bureau will conduct audits in 100 villages with relatively chaotic village financial management and large public opinions. The county selects 11 villages for audit. At the same time, strengthen the work of agricultural letters and visits, and work hard to resolve the sensitive issues that the peasant people have strongly reflected and maintain rural harmony and stability.

3 Strengthen information services. While doing a good job in uploading and releasing agricultural product market information, we will actively strive for the provincial agricultural video conferencing system project construction project to the provincial government, and open a provincial, municipal and county agricultural video conferencing system as soon as possible. We will do a good job in the transition of the 969155 Agricultural Service Hotline to the 12316 National Unified Service Hotline, and upgrade the agricultural information service from hotline service to a modern information service system that combines the functions of telephone voice, computer network and TV program production. .

4 Strengthen self-building and improve service capabilities. The first is to strengthen the work of the "three-level joint creation" of the party building of the province's agricultural system. The second is to actively promote the institutional reform of seed companies and animal husbandry and veterinary systems. The third is to strengthen the construction of the political style, the efficiency of the organs, the building of the party's style and clean government, and vigorously promote the industry's new style of seeking truth and being pragmatic, pioneering and innovative, diligent and efficient, and honest and clean, promoting industry-optimized services, and establishing a good public system for the agricultural system. The image provides a strong team guarantee for the modern agriculture and socialist new rural construction in our county.

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