Work Plan > Rural Agricultural Work Plan

2019 University Youth League Work Plan

~年## Agricultural University Youth League Work Plan I. Guiding Ideology and Work Objectives 1. Guiding Ideology: Hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important idea of ​​"xxxx", and thoroughly study and implement the Fourth Plenary Session of the Party's XX Session and the xx Session of the Youth League The spirit of the Plenary Session, implement the school's deployment of youth and the Communist Youth League, focus on the work of the school center, and serve the growth and development of young students wholeheartedly, continuously strengthen the capacity building of the group, inherit the past and the future, be determined to innovate, seek truth and be pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising, unite Lead the youth of the school to work hard to accelerate the establishment of a first-class agricultural university and build a well-off society in an all-round way! 2. Work Objectives: Guided by the important idea of ​​“xxxx”, taking student activities as the carrier, relying on the organization of all levels and student organizations, fully expanding the “second classroom” education function, edifying in ideological and moral education, culture and art, Science and technology innovation, social practice and other aspects of shaping young people, training young people into a comprehensive and high-quality talents with innovative spirit and practical ability. Second, adhere to ideological education, vigorously improve the ideological and political qualities of youth members of the League, and thoroughly implement the "CCP." The Central Committee's Opinions on Further Strengthening and Improving College Students' Ideological and Political Education, and xx's Speech and Work Report on the National Conference on Strengthening and Improving College Students' Ideological and Political Education, Focusing on Ideals and Beliefs, Focusing on Patriotism, Based on this ethical code, with the goal of all-round development, the strong spiritual pillar of the younger generation will be firmly constructed through the political theory study, theme group meeting, group class observation, report meeting, knowledge contest, essay writing, and theoretical light practice education. . With the 70th anniversary of the 1st and 9th Movements, the 60th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the May Fourth, the 10th, and other major festivals, we will carry out a variety of campus cultural activities. 2. To strengthen the capacity building of the Communist Youth League as an opportunity, carry out the advanced education of the members, and strive to strengthen the ideological construction of the Communist Youth League. From the height of strengthening the party's ability to govern, consolidating and expanding the party's ruling youth base, we understand the strategic significance of the capacity building of the strengthening group. To maintain the advanced nature of the members is to strengthen the awareness of the pioneers of the times and make the members become outstanding representatives of the youth. Work hard in daily work and study and become a model for everyone to learn. 3. Give full play to the role of student backbone, theoretical associations, and network positions, carry forward and cultivate the great national spirit with patriotism as the core, help the youth of the league to correctly understand various social issues, hotspots, and focus events, and resolutely cut the words and deeds of the motherland. Struggle; enhance the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and the sense of social responsibility, and guide the youth of the group to consciously develop new moral concepts and norms of behavior that are compatible with the socialist market economy. 4. Initiate the basic civilized self-cultivation plan for college students, deepen the theme of “civilized life, healthy and talented”, and conscientiously guide young students to strengthen their faith, be determined to become talents, improve their quality, improve themselves, and adopt a civilized lifestyle and a reasonable study plan. And the spirit of high spirits show a new style in the new era. 5. Carry out surveys on the ideological status of college students and continuously enhance the pertinence, scientificity and effectiveness of ideological and political work. Close to reality, close to life, close to students, actively explore the rules of youth ideological and political work in the new situation, and innovate ways and means of ideological and political education. Third, adhere to the practice of educating people, leading young people to become healthy and healthy, and develop healthy growth and success with students. Closely related practical, comprehensive and oriented practical activities, expand the scale of summer social practice, organize students to study and inspect where the country needs development, take thousands of families, visit thousands of households, receive education, talents and contribute. 7. Encourage young members of the Youth League to actively participate in the “Western University Student Volunteer Service Western Project” and “College Students Volunteer Service in the Northwestern Liaoning Project” to educate university students to care for the motherland and serve the people, to the west, to the grassroots, to the places where the motherland needs it most. Guide young people to work hard and promote youth to build talents. 8. Through work-study, tutoring, research, and support, engage in service work, cultivate labor concepts, and enhance the sense of pride and pride in self-sufficiency. 9. Guided by the Youth Volunteer Service Team, through the public welfare activities such as helping the disabled, helping the poor, and helping the solitary, the students will experience the ideological and moral education by experiencing the fun of serving the society. Fourth, adhere to the service to educate people, improve the service system with the characteristics of Shennong and the characteristics of the Communist Youth League, and provide services for young students. Group organizations at all levels strive to create learning organizations, help students establish the concept of lifelong learning, and do a good job in the design of academic process. Through the new century reading plan, book club, learning experience exchange, learning champion evaluation and other effective carriers to guide students to establish learning is the first priority, diligent learning is the most important, learning the most glorious concept of excellence, and promote our school's excellent style of study, test style Construction. 11, for student employment, entrepreneurship services. In the process of new enrollment education, we must attach importance to guiding them to establish new life goals, and carry out the first college life planning and career design competition; for graduates, help college students to establish correct by inviting excellent alumni to make reports and hold simulated recruitment contests. Career concept. 12, stand out for the outstanding talents of young people. During the May 4th this year, the school will select and honor the “two firsts and two excellent” in the group, and select advanced collectives and advanced individuals in campus culture, social practice, youth volunteers, etc., and select and commend the top ten young faculty and staff, top ten college students, postgraduate academics. Ten Jie, through the advanced model of selecting trees, creates conditions for young talents to stand out from the crowd. 13, for special groups such as poor students. We will carry out poverty alleviation and help the poor to send warm activities, assist relevant departments to do a good job in student loans, tap resources inside and outside the school to seek help, and support students with financial difficulties. Special subjects for mental health and students subject to punishment. 14, for student life services. We will strive to establish a school leadership reception day system, so that the school leaders can listen to opinions widely, maintain the smooth communication channels between students and schools in a multi-faceted manner, maintain and enhance the fundamental rights and interests of students, and promote campus stability. 15. Deepen the implementation of the quality development plan for college students and serve the growth of college students. Taking the scientific development concept as the guide, taking the students' all-round development as the goal, carrying out quality development training, standardizing the certification and use of quality development certificates, and making efforts in the social recognition link. V. Adhere to the building of the party building and promote the self-construction of the group organization in the spirit of reform. 16 Give full play to the role of the student union, the graduate student association and the student associations and other organizations in reaching out to young students. The young students of the whole school will be more closely united around the party, and efforts will be made to build the Communist Youth League into a strong core of united education for young people. The organization must strive to be the organizer, promoter and practitioner of the important ideas of "xxxx". Improve the backbone training system for students and improve the work of pushing the party into the party. 17, Formulate the "## Agricultural University Student Association Management Measures", standardize the management of various types of community activities at the school, so that the community will develop a healthy development with the common interests and hobbies as a link, and vigorously promote the pilot of the community formation, Implement multiple coverage, organize community cultural festivals, community tour activities, and focus on building several brand associations. 18. Cooperate with relevant departments to carry out the renovation and transformation of broadcasting station equipment and lines, consolidate theoretical research positions, ideological education positions and publicity positions with various group publications and networks as carriers, and take advantage of the position construction to correct the ~ Guide people. 19, Formulate "## Agricultural University Sub-group Evaluation and Evaluation Method", "## Agricultural University League Branch Evaluation Method", establish and improve the scientific and standardized group cadre selection and appointment mechanism, education and training mechanism, supervision and prevention mechanism and evaluation and evaluation mechanism, Encourage the cadres to study hard, work diligently, be creative, and devote themselves to being a group cadre who is reassured by the party and satisfied with the youth. 20, preparation ## Agricultural University eleventh group representative meeting and ~ year student representative meeting. Gongqing

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