Work Plan > Training Work Plan

School-based training work plan for the second semester

School-based training is the need for the rapid development of education, and it is also the need for curriculum reform for teachers' own development. Vigorously carry out school-based teaching and research and training , and build a school into a learning-oriented school, so that teachers can be based on practice in their own positions, asking questions, analyzing problems, constantly reflecting, and learning to learn and learn better. Cooperation, let teachers enhance themselves in personal reflection, develop themselves in peer-to-peer mutual assistance, and perfect themselves in professional guidance. Create a team of teachers who can adapt to the development of the times, promote basic education reform, implement new courses with high quality, and strive to create a good atmosphere for teachers' lifelong education and sustainable development of schools.

First, the guiding ideology

1. Based on the "Education Law" and the "Compulsory Education Law", the premise of implementing the party's educational policy is to improve the overall quality of students and to cultivate "four have" newcomers.

2. Continuously improve students' moral cultivation and ideological quality, and help students establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values.

3. Deepen the reform of education, optimize the teaching process, reduce the burden of students' work, pay attention to the intellectual development of students, attach importance to the cultivation of students' abilities, face all students, persist in teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, and continuously improve the quality of teaching.

4, teaching activities must follow the following principles: 1 student's subject participation; 2 layered guidance; 3 knowledge, intelligence and learning method synchronization.

Second, the main goal

This year, the teaching and research work focused on the following four goals:

1. Deepen the teaching research centered on the teaching effect of basic education courses;

2. Strengthen teaching research centered on improving classroom teaching effectiveness;

3. Standardize the educational and scientific research process and pay attention to the materialization of results;

4. Pay close attention to the improvement of the teaching and research team.

Third, the work arrangement:

1. The school-based training work in this semester aims to comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching, and builds a high-quality and professional teaching team as the fundamental starting point. Focusing on new ideas, new courses, and information network technology training , based on school-based training . Relying on modern distance education, the in-depth training of all teachers will be carried out, and a team of teachers with better comprehensive quality and higher professional level will be created to provide guarantee for the reform and development of our school.

2. Through school-based training , update teachers' concepts, establish modern educational ideas, optimize knowledge structure, and improve education and teaching capabilities, educational innovation capabilities, and educational research capabilities.

3. Adapt to the needs of basic education reform and development, gradually build a school-based teaching and research and training model, form a school-based teaching and research and training system, establish a school-based teaching and research and training mechanism, and make the school-based teaching and research and training gradually scientific, standardized and serialized.

4. Focus on improving the modern education quality of teachers, so that teachers can basically reach the intermediate level of modern education technology, improve the ability of teachers to acquire, process and utilize educational information, and gradually develop the habit of finding educational materials on the distance education network. The ability of educational technology to carry out classroom teaching. The school regularly and irregularly trains the principals, teaching and research leaders and network administrators in this area to promote the network teaching and research activities.

5. Strengthen the training of the school as the base, take the development needs of teachers and schools as the starting point, improve the teacher business learning mechanism, gradually build a school-based training model, form a school-based training system, establish a school-based training mechanism, and make school-based training gradually scientific and standardized. Serialization to improve the effectiveness of school-based training activities;

6. School-based training should be based on school training , combined with centralized training and two-way interaction. Strengthen theoretical study, improve teacher literacy, and update educational concepts. Carefully select theoretical articles or cases related to the subject, and organize teacher analysis and discussion. Looking for relevant theories of teaching, so that teachers can apply what they have learned in time to their own teaching practice, reflect on teaching behaviors, base themselves on school-based, do a good job in job training , and conscientiously organize the "three lessons" activities and "new curriculum reforms". "To start with, according to the overall thinking of the teaching and research room work, do a good job in school-based teaching and research and school-based training .

7. Relying on the campus network to form the characteristics of online training , each school should use multimedia classrooms to create conditions for all teachers to study and reform and reform teaching methods. Using distance education resources, we can guide the problems encountered by teachers at any time, so that each teacher will use and use distance education resources to improve classroom teaching efficiency.

8. Combine the actual situation, highlight the training focus, the new curriculum training and subject training , the school should further focus on the implementation of the new curriculum standards, and focus on the training of new teaching materials and teaching research in January. The school combines the practical training of special topics, focusing on learning and counseling lectures, and solving the problem of teachers' curriculum reform. The school focuses on solving the puzzles and problems of teachers in classroom teaching around the actual teaching, and effectively improving teachers' driving experience. The ability to gradually improve the quality of teaching.

Fourth, the main measures

1. Conscientiously implement the school-based training management system, political business learning and note checking system, school-based training annual assessment rating system, pairing mutual help system, out-of-school learning back-to-school reporting system, backbone teachers and academic leaders' annual assessment system, etc. Institutionalization and standardization of school-based training .

2. Promote the study by the examination, organize the theoretical test of the basic skills of the teachers; promote the study by research and study, conscientiously implement the three-curriculum activities; promote the school by the competition, and carry out the teacher-speaking competition and the teacher teaching expert competition. Guide all teachers to firmly establish the professional development of teachers. Ultimately, it is for the concept of student development. It guides all teachers to students, takes root in education and teaching, and strives to improve the overall quality of all students, and builds and maintains the advantages of Yang Xiao's education quality brand.

3. The party, government, and industry will jointly manage and optimize the construction of the teaching staff, and temper a team of teachers with high morality and exquisite work. Relying on the party branch and the trade unions to carry out the party members' teachers' education and education activities, as well as the teachers' moral education activities and the self-study notes of the political business, so that all teachers can be taught according to law, clean and educated, civilized, and dedicated. Relying on the school's moral education department to carry out professional training and guidance for the class teacher, and constantly improve the professional level of the class teacher.

4. Relying on well-known experts, teaching and research personnel to come to the school for lectures and lectures, and to guide the students to conduct "professional leadership." Continue to implement the system of key teachers, academic leaders and young teachers to help and strengthen the system, strengthen mutual learning and communication among teachers, give full play to the leading role of key teachers and academic leaders, and promote new teachers and transfer teachers to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible. The level has been greatly improved.

5. Increase the investment of teachers' learning and training , and promote the combination of individual self-study and group discussion with the help of public subject training and online learning to promote the construction of learning organizations.

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