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2019 hotel staff training program

Staff training and departmental service quality inspections were the focus of the 2013 full year. The theme of “building a learning enterprise, being a smart worker” runs through it. Actively explore the practical ways of learning organizations in the formation of work, in order to promote the overall improvement of the overall quality of employees, and strive to build resources for the hotel and solidify the basic skills of employees.

In 2019, the staff training aims at the development and job requirements of the hotel, effectively improve the importance of employees' awareness of training work, actively guide employees to learn consciously, master service skills, enhance post competitiveness and exercise employee self-confidence, and cultivate a team. The high-quality staff with high-quality service and unique skills will continue to strengthen the brand image and market competitiveness of Yijiaxian.

The training work is based on the store as the basic training unit. We will implement the training principles of combining operational skills, service skills, and service attitudes, and organize the implementation of post-filling and multi-energy training methods. It is expected to carry out targeted training in three aspects, and continuously improve the job recognition and job skills of employees.

First, professional skills training

The new ideas and ideas of management have become the urgent knowledge needs of hotel staff including managers. Therefore, this year we are preparing to increase the training of managers' professional knowledge. Under the condition of permission, some employees will be transported to participate in some tourism management professional training, so that hotel management work tends to be standardized and standardized. At the same time, it also strengthens and enhances employee loyalty to the company. Yi Jiaxian first solves the problem of staff turnover rate in the catering industry.

The front lobby of the hotel is an important window for creating quality service and enhancing corporate image. The lack of service skills and the irregular operation process will inevitably have a crucial impact on the operation of the hotel. therefore. This year we will strengthen the service process training and continuous skill competition of the service basic specification to enhance the continuous improvement of various service skills of employees. In the training of service skills, the external and "internal training" will be combined to increase the intensity and strive to successfully complete this task in the case of business and training.

In the pre-job training assessment of the hotel years ago, the basic service theory and operational skills are generally not strong. This year will be a key point to improve the quality of employees. In the case of conditions permit, the first-line staff and service personnel will be organized again for technical verification in the second half of the year.

Second, new employee training

New employees are the new force in hotel business activities. Enhance your own quality, master the job skills, and let them improve with the fast-growing hotel as soon as possible. According to the principle of “training by side and going to work”, there are plans to carry out step-by-step job training for new employees in a step-by-step manner. The staff manual, safety knowledge, and service skills should be regarded as the basic training content. After passing the examination, it should be included in one of the conditions for formal installation.

Third, one special training

“Building a learning team, being a smart worker” is the theme of hotel training in 2019. It is the grasp of our work to cultivate a multi-functional compound talent. Therefore, this year we started with training in these two areas.

In the store, we will send some business backbones to some professional schools and training institutions to conduct training on relevant business knowledge to improve service levels.

Some positions in the store are used to carry out follow-up training for different types of skills, in order to strengthen the flow of personnel, to solve the problem of lack of staff in emergency situations, and to provide employees with a comprehensive grasp of service skills, and to create a multi-functional intelligent staff to provide the necessary elements. Can condition.

Fourth, quality inspection

“Employees will only do the work we check and will not do the work we ask for.” This is a drawback of the current hotel, which also shows that some employees are not motivated and pay attention to the rules and regulations, team awareness and execution is low. Inevitability. Therefore, this year, a combination of training and inspection work will be carried out to comprehensively improve and gradually solve some existing problems.

1. Elegant environment and clean hygiene are the premise of a catering business. The first quality inspection of hygiene in 2019. Formulate the "Hygienic Quality Inspection Standards and Rules", "Store Health Inspection Form", and "Company Health Quality Inspection Form". It is planned that each store will have a record of three inspections per week next year. The formation of a three-level inspection system, the first is the inspection of the heads of various departments of the store. Followed by the store manager once. Then the company quality inspection once. With such a frequency of inspections, the overall health improvement will be promoted.

2. Service quality and service attitude are important indicators that reflect the management level of the entire hotel and the grade of the hotel. It is also one of the problems that many hotels have been talking about. The service is endless. We will change by means of supervision and inspection. Promote the improvement of service quality by means of training and training. Gradually strengthen the implementation of the "customer opinion card" and the development of "service quality implementation rules." Promote employees to achieve a new understanding and improvement of the concept of service.

V. Other management assistance and related aspects

1. The management of staff quarters is on a new level. Create a photo profile. Stored shop collaboration is required to have at least one recorded security check and accommodation check every week.

2. Assist the store to do some daily auxiliary work and some reception tasks.

3. Take seriously every item and task assigned by the leader.

4. The production and selection of hotel basic training materials.

These are some of my initial thoughts on the work of 2019.

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