Work Plan > Young Pioneers Work Plan

2019 Moral Education and Young Pioneers Work Plan

First, the guiding ideology:

Guided by the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the theory of quality education, with the "Laizhou City School Moral Education Work Convention" and "The Young Pioneers Counselor Work Program" as the guide, actively implement the school, teachers, students' harmonious development of the school, and strive to create a good The education environment of the people has thoroughly promoted the basic idea of ​​"all-person education, whole-course education, and all-round education". Adhere to all moral education work is to promote the harmonious development of students, adhere to the cultivation of education as the foundation, patriotism education as the core, and grateful education as the starting point. Strive to build the style and characteristics of our school's moral education, and promote the school's moral education management to a new level.

Second, the work objectives:

1. Continue to strengthen the construction of the moral education work team according to the small requirements of the central government, and strive to build a high-quality moral education work team. Improve the assessment rules for school moral education and form a strong network of school moral education.

2. Everything starts from the actual needs of the students, organizes a variety of activities, cultivates sentiment, improves literacy, and pays attention to the effectiveness of educating people.

3, pay attention to class, team activities and morning meeting, thinking class and other courses of the main channel to educate people, strengthen the moral education function of each discipline, pay attention to the comprehensive, continuous and systematic moral education.

4. Adhere to the main content of fostering education, cultivating the responsibility, and grateful education, and actively practice the concept of moral education based on “starting from small things, doing simple and easy things, doing good things”, starting with small things, from one Start with a little bit and develop good behavior habits and strong sense of responsibility.

5. Continue to implement the experimental research work of the National Eleventh Five-Year Key Project “Evaluation Reform of Players”.

6. Carry out a variety of moral education practice activities represented by the theme of "My Olympics" and "Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up", strengthen the theme education, continuously improve the overall quality of students, and expand the brand of school moral education. Continue to carry out the series of special activities of "Little Guard in Action - Going to Society".

7. Continue to organize teachers to seriously study the "Laizhou City School Moral Education Work Convention" and the " Young Pioneers Counselor Work Program" and study the implementation rules of the " Small Pioneers Counselor Work Program".

8. Carry out all kinds of moral education work in the center and small country in a solid and effective manner.

Third, the main work:

1. Build a high-quality moral education work team and thoroughly implement the basic concept of “all staff education, full-time education, and all-round education”.

The construction of teachers' morality has a long way to go. This year, we will shift the focus from "love children" to "for children." Gorky said that loving children is something that even old hens can do. How to educate children is a big deal. Today, in the "rule by virtue", "love the child" can only be said to be the bottom line of the teacher's morality. If this is not done, it is not worthy of being a teacher. “Being a child” is responsible for the growth of the child, dedication to the child, and pursuit for the child. It is necessary to put "for children" throughout the entire process of education and teaching. These include the transformation of educational concepts, the innovation of teaching methods, the optimization of teaching content, and other specific and practical work, so that the construction of teachers' morality is reflected in daily teaching behavior. From the stage of "slogan and understanding" to the stage of "feelings and behaviors" at the educational level, until the stage of "habits and quality", we strive to enable all teachers to integrate education, education, education and art. Get the actual results that are visible and tangible.

First of all, we must establish a team, improve the system, and establish an education network and education system. In the team, the school is led by the Chief Instructor of the Young Pioneers , and the squadron counselors are divided into separate implementations. The principals are coordinated with the various departments of the society. In the system, the "flag-raising system", "class team system", "daily behavior inspection system", "primary school moral evaluation system", etc. are mainly implemented. In the education system, horizontal "school, society, family" should be established. Schools, grades, and classes are intertwined with educational networks, with "patriotism" as the main line of education content, focusing on civilized behavioral habits, and using colorful activities as carriers to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of moral education. . Second, seize the opportunity to carry out good thematic education activities. Make full use of all kinds of traditional festivals to carry out traditional education for students, use the important meetings of the country, major events and other opportunities to conduct current affairs political education, and strengthen the patriotism education of "I am Chinese" and "I am doing my best for China's revitalization" among the students. Third, we must strengthen the construction of campus cultural positions. Make full use of the education propaganda positions such as blackboard newspapers, magazines, hand-written newspapers, and small radio broadcasts to give full play to their educational functions, and continue to run the "Red Scarf Supervision Post" to standardize student behavior and develop good habits. The class teacher should carefully analyze the new characteristics of the students under the new situation and do a good job in mental health education. It is necessary to continue the activities of "advocating science, opposing superstition, and opposing xx". Let a healthy and uplifting culture occupy school positions.

At present, Guoxiao Moral Education is still the first in school work and the soul of quality education. Therefore, moral education should be the ultimate goal of quality education—teaching students to be human, teaching students to live, teaching students to think, and teaching students to practice. At the same time, the essence of moral education should be that after the students leave school, they take away the love for life, the courage to face difficulties and challenges, the feelings of gratitude for others to the society, the persistence of never giving up, the right The relentless pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty is the attitude of life that is enthusiastic and optimistic, and it is a healthy and positive moral sentiment.

All faculty and staff must firmly establish the concept that "everyone is a moral education educator, everywhere is a moral education place.", and enhance the three kinds of consciousness of moral education: first, the learning consciousness: from the perspective of giant view, under the background of paying attention to human care Today's world cultural and social environment is complex and colorful, and it is very attractive to primary school students. From the microscopic analysis, students have distinct personalities and unique characteristics, and the primary school students' mental state is extremely unstable. All of this determines that there is no one-size-fits-all education method. As a concrete implementation of moral education, we must enrich and update our own educational theories and methods through continuous learning. Secondly, student consciousness: Today's new curriculum reform activities that are popular throughout the country, its most basic starting point is to promote the harmonious development of students. In addition, the age characteristics of primary school students also make them extremely plastic, and the education guidance of the school plays a decisive role in their healthy growth. All of this forces us to realize that the healthy development of students must be the center, starting point and destination of moral education. Finally, the sense of complementarity: Today's society has entered a period of refined cooperation. Every major work must rely on the collective strength of the team to be successfully completed. It is only futile to fight alone. As the saying goes, everyone collects firewood with high flames. All of this tells us that the moral education for students is not just a matter of school leadership, but the work of all the faculty and staff of the school; not just the work of the class teacher, but the work of all the teachers. Teacher education must not only complement each other in the class, but also complement each other regardless of class or grade.

Strengthen the construction of the class leader team. The head teacher is the main force of school moral education, and it is the key to the success of education. This semester is mainly to continue to promote the training of the class teacher. The operation mainly relies on the regular meeting of the class leaders organized by the Young Pioneers . Through the forms of visits, exchanges, skill competitions, etc., the class teacher's moral education ability and level are continuously improved. It is possible to use love to shape, use the true feelings to influence, use the example to inspire and use personality. Going to the scent, the love and dedication of the company will be transparent, regular and concrete. The training is mainly from the aspects of class management, especially the cultivation of responsibility and the mental health education of students. In order to improve the efficiency of training, the school will organize the class teacher to carry out activities such as educational activity design, handwriting report, activity observation and evaluation, etc. As always, we will do a good job in the assessment of civilized classes and excellent class teachers.

2. Grasp the routine, promote the cultivation, and strengthen the cultivation of the sense of responsibility.

The establishment of good moral emotions and moral behaviors stems from the daily consciousness of human culture management. “Teaching students one day, thinking about students' life.” In the work, the system management and evaluation mechanism are perfected, and the two key points of moral education are established. Content, that is, the cultivation of students' basic behavioral norms and the cultivation of their sense of responsibility.

1 Education and training students in small things. With the "Code for Primary and Secondary School Students" and the evaluation of "civilized class" as the incentive, we should start from the students' behavior habits, safety common sense, especially the cultivation of responsibility and gratitude education, and encourage students to gradually develop health through repeated criticism and reconciliation. Good moral and behavioral habits, creating a good image of students, and striving to train a group of students with strong sense of responsibility.

2 For the whole, create a good space for student development. On the basis of implementing the two major points of student education in this semester, adhere to the daily morning meeting system; determine the morning morning meeting as a safety education day to ensure the healthy development of students' lives; adhere to the weekly flag-raising ceremony and collective Morning meeting system; adhere to the implementation of the class activity class of 1-2 times per semester; adhere to the organic penetration of moral education in various disciplines.

3. Play the role of the Young Pioneers' moral education position and guide students to grow up healthily during the event.

The principle of strengthening activities and educating people with activities as the carrier is the starting point of school moral education. The activity will be based on the Young Pioneers , based on the law of physical and mental development of students, entertaining and educating, and actively carry out campus cultural activities that are conducive to the healthy growth of young children. The activity organization is based on the principle of refinement and effectiveness, with the principle of operation and the uniqueness and high quality. In this semester, in addition to the legal education, ideological and political education, moral education, and disciplinary education as the content of education, the school focuses on integrating the two major educational contents into various activities.

1 Persevere in the daily basic activities of the class. First of all, the evaluation of “civilized class” is the activity window, and the regular education is emphasized. Secondly, each class organizes the team activities of 1-2 times per semester. In addition to the implementation in this class, it can also implement complementary education across classes and even grades.

2 Carefully organize squadron theme education activities. This semester strives to improve the number of observations, activities and forms to create a sense of quality. Actively construct a large form of activity, that is, the combination of theme squadron activities, school-based curriculum development activities, and comprehensive practical activities can save energy and implement the activities of the school toward a center.

3 Organize school-wide student activities and give play to the educational functions of campus culture. According to the overall deployment of the school, the Young Pioneers and the Teaching Office are the main body, and the school-wide student activities are organized from the aspects of learning activities, culture and entertainment, and physical fitness. In addition to doing a good job in combining educational activities such as major festivals and commemorative events, this semester is prepared to focus on the “Qingliu·1” event. The construction of static culture promotes the development of dynamic culture, creates a harmonious and beautiful campus culture, and effectively exerts the educational function of campus culture.

4. Gradually implement research on moral education topics.

The study of moral education and management is a powerful guarantee for the scientific and standardized education. It is a powerful weapon to comprehensively improve the pertinence and effectiveness of education, and it can avoid the waste of educational resources brought about by blindness and randomness. This semester will continue to do the preparation and research work related to the national 11th Five-Year Key Project.

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