Work Plan > Youth League Committee Work Plan

The 2019 work points of the Communist Youth League (County) Committee

In 2019, the theme of the work of the Communist Youth League in the whole district was “Year of Key Project Construction”. The general idea of ​​the work of the Communist Youth League in the whole district is to follow the requirements of the "two young people" of Jin Tao's secretary, to grasp the grassroots organization construction of the regiment, actively serve the party and government centers, actively participate in social management innovation, and effectively enhance the youth under the new situation. The ability of the people to work, unite and lead the majority of youth members to make more and greater contributions in the process of building a “life quality city, emerging industry zone”.
First, to implement the Party's 18th National Congress and the 4th Party Congress of the City as an opportunity to comprehensively deepen the ideological guidance work of young people and strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the youth and the party's path of socialism with Chinese characteristics
1. Focus on the implementation of the spirit of the Party's 18th National Congress and the 4th Party Congress, and strengthen the education of young people's ideals and beliefs.
2. Solidly promote the classification and guide youth work. Pay close attention to the ideological dynamics of the youth groups, grasp the bad thoughts that appear in the youth groups in a timely manner, accurately grasp the crux of their thoughts, and take them as the key targets of the work to carry out targeted guidance work.
Second, work closely around the party and government center, unite and lead the youth of the group to seize the opportunity and shoulder the mission, and contribute to the construction of the "city of life quality, the area of ​​emerging industries"
1. Deepen the struggle for excellence, unite and lead the youth to serve the party and government centers, and promote transformation and development. The 6th China Chongqing•Youth Talent Forum Dadukou Division Forum and the “Jintian Cup” Dadukou District Transformation and Development Forum will be held to guide young people to actively participate in the construction of “quality of life and emerging industries”. Grasp opportunities, boost transformation, and play a leading role in key projects, key areas, and key projects. A selection of work styles was selected for the selection of the top ten outstanding young people in Dadukou.
2. Actively participate in social management innovation with the focus on the construction of the Communist Youth League School. All the qualified communities in the district will be listed and established, and there will be 2 municipal-level demonstration sites and 3 district-level demonstration sites. The school model of “Community Youth League School” with “3+x” as the focus will be widely promoted to enhance the quality of citizens. Promote urban civilization as the theme, with volunteer service as the main form, guide community residents to love each other and promote community harmony through community harmony. The citizen school will be built as an important platform for the Communist Youth League to participate in social management innovation and promote the building of a harmonious society.
3. Further highlight youth employment and entrepreneurship, and continuously expand employment channels. Carrying out the spirit of the 11th Party Congress of the district, focusing on the development strategy of “the city of quality of life and emerging industries”, combined with the favorable opportunity of the transformation and development of Dadukou District, continue to strengthen the emphasis and support for youth employment and entrepreneurship. Further implement preferential policies and continuously create an entrepreneurial atmosphere. In-depth promotion of the "Sunshine Action" youth entrepreneurship loan and "good loan to return" Chongqing youth microfinance project, continue to do a good job in the construction of youth employment and entrepreneurship bases and professional training in employment and entrepreneurship, to help and support more new youth to achieve The road to entrepreneurship.
4. Further improve and reflect the channels for appealing to and protect the general interests of young people, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of young people. We will deepen the "face-to-face meeting between the Communist Youth League and the NPC deputies and CPPCC members", and vigorously do a good job in the construction of "unprotected" and "prevention office" organizations. Establish and improve the daily mechanism for reflecting the needs of young people to relevant departments. Establish a system for collecting and judging information on rights cases. Strengthen the construction of the 12355 youth service desk.
5. Give full play to the traditional advantages of the Communist Youth League and effectively serve the work of the Party and government. Vigorously promote youth to promote harmonious action and implement two "care projects." First, extensively carry out the “Care for Volunteer Service for Migrant Workers”, especially the long-term mechanism for building care and support for left-behind children. The second is to carry out “Volunteer Action” to strengthen the care and care for the empty nesters. Taking the transformation and development of Dadukou as an opportunity, volunteering services were carried out in areas such as public welfare, rule of law propaganda, large-scale activities, help and disability, poverty alleviation, anti-drug and anti-AIDS, so that young volunteers can receive education in hot social practice.
Third, taking the 91st anniversary of the Communist Youth League as an opportunity, earnestly sum up and grasp the experience and laws for the party to do a good job in the work of the youth, earnestly strengthen the self-construction of the regiment, and always maintain the vitality and vitality of the Communist Youth League.
1. Focus on promoting non-hierarchical group building and continuously strengthen the grassroots organization of the Communist Youth League. Actively explore the construction of a new pattern of urban and rural overall planning, explore and promote the establishment of innovation in grassroots organizations, and vigorously promote the construction of the four-legged organization of “geography, industry, interest, and technology” to form a grassroots organization organization system for urban and rural integration.
2. To greet the 91st anniversary of the establishment of the group, and carefully prepare for the convening of the 12th Congress of the district. To greet the 91st anniversary of the founding of the group, a series of activities to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the founding of the group will be held to create a strong atmosphere to celebrate the 91st anniversary of the founding of the group. Carefully prepare for the convening of the 12th Party Congress of the district, systematically summarizing the work of the Dadukou Communist Youth League since the 11th Party Congress, scientifically planning the work of the Communist Youth League in the next five years, and solidly carrying out the election of the delegation, the 12th District committee members and alternate members recommend consultations and other work.
3. Strengthen the team building of the cadres. Further temper the cadre style of the regiment, strengthen the party spirit of the regiment cadres, and carry out "three activities", "three in three", "get poor", "big visit" and "three activities" in the group cadres. Carry out the "Four into Four and Four Togethers" and closely contact the youth practice and exercise activities, carry out the "Community Youth Forum", cadre exchange meetings and other learning activities, and do a good job in training the "two new" organization cadres.
4. Deepen the work of the party and the Communist Party to build a first-class competition. Continue to implement "one lecture, two comments, three public announcements." Actively promote the young people in the window industry to compete for excellence, and carry out the "three bright, three to three competition" activities. The young and advanced individuals and advanced individuals were selected to carry out the "Chongqing Youth May Fourth Medal", "May 4th Red Flag Bearer", "Young Cultural Celebrities", "Excellent Communist Youth League members", "May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee" and other commendation activities.

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