Work Summary > Office Work Summary

Summary of personal work in the office in 2019

Over the past year, under the correct guidance of the office leaders and the support and help of the comrades of various departments, I have worked diligently and successfully completed my duties, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the leaders. I have improved in all aspects. Doing a good job in the work of the office has laid a good foundation. I will summarize my thoughts and work this year as follows:

First, study hard and work hard to improve

In the past year, I have seriously studied the important ideas of Deng Xiaoli and "xxxx". Efforts to improve their own theories, use their correct theories to guide their work practices, guide themselves to establish a firm communist conviction, and guide themselves to constantly transform their worldview, outlook on life and values; secondly, seriously study the party’s xx spirit and deepen Implement the scientific development concept, clarify the direction, goals and tasks of the work, keep up with the trend of the times, and ensure that the ideological and operational aspects are highly consistent with the party organizations. The third is to study hard and learn all kinds of knowledge related to work. Work is not left behind, not outdated, and better able to do his job. Through learning-thinking--improvement, my ideological quality, moral quality and work ability have all made significant progress.

Second, down to earth, work hard

The office is a department with very complicated work and heavy tasks. As a member of the office, shouldering the heavy responsibility of leading the assistants, but also taking into account the normal functioning of the organs, whether in the work arrangement or in dealing with problems, they must be carefully considered, so that they can stand alone, all of which are office personnel. Shifting duties. Over the past year, I have firmly established the idea that "the office is no small matter", doing my due diligence and working hard. The first is to be familiar with the business and competent. In addition to his work, he will gradually improve his knowledge of investigation and research through all the materials he can find, so that he can do his job well. The second is to take seriously everything in your job and leadership. The office is a bridge for the county's organs to release and report on the situation. Doing a good job in the office plays an important role in the normal operation of the county. For this reason, no matter what work or work, insist on doing so. Six don't let it, that is: not letting the work of the leadership arrangement be delayed in my hands, not letting the official documents being processed pile up in my hands, not letting all kinds of mistakes happen to me, not letting me contact me to contact me. Being left out, not letting any gossip spread from me, so that the image of the office is not damaged by me. The third is to pay attention to the image. The office is the window of the county party committee, so whether it is a phone call or a welcoming call, I always pay attention to my own words and demeanor, not affecting the image of the entire organization because of my fault.

Third, correct style, correct position

In the work, I always adhere to the diligent, pragmatic and efficient work style, and do a good job. Obey the leadership arrangements, do not count the gains and losses, do not take the lead. For the work, only pay attention to the size of each other, regardless of each other's thickness, any work is to strive to use the least amount of time to achieve their own best, since the work, did not delay any of the things assigned by the leadership. In life, adhere to the integrity, modest, simple life style, correct your position, respect leadership, unite comrades, get along with each other, treat people with sincerity, do not tend to be attached to the situation, do not bully, and properly handle with leaders and colleagues. The relationship between ruler and degree, the principle of big things, the style of small things, consciously resist the erosion of decadent ideas.

Fourth, there are problems

Through the work of the past year, I also clearly saw that there are still many shortcomings, mainly: First, the understanding of office work is not comprehensive enough, and some work ideas have coping with it; Second, the creativity of work is not strong enough, lack of hardship The spirit of hard work and hard work; Third, learning to master new policies and new regulations is not enough, there is still a gap in the work needs under the new situation; Fourth, the research work is not deep enough, and the working methods still need to be improved. These shortcomings, I will try to improve and improve in the future work, and strive to do my job better.

In short, in the past year, through hard work and constant exploration, I have gained a lot. I firmly believe that as long as the work is done with all my heart, I will be able to do well.

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