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English training summary

English training summary

In May, all the middle school English teachers in our county conducted intensive training. The training was organized by the Hong Kong Fertility English Development Society. After training, I have benefited a lot and I feel deeply. On the first day, we gave a wonderful lecture to our foreign teachers. Their enthusiasm always infected me, especially when I heard that teachers would sing so good English songs. I understand that as a teacher, I strengthen my study and be good at learning. It is very important to improve the overall quality of our own, and we must apply the learned knowledge to the teaching practice, one step at a time.

They explained the content of the teaching link in detail for us, let us recognize the gap of our own level. I have learned a lot of good teaching methods by watching excellent teaching fragments. I believe that I will use it in teaching in the next semester. .

In short, through this training, I feel that the burden on my shoulders is even heavier. I am very grateful to the leaders and the Hong Kong Fertility English Training Organization for giving me such an opportunity to learn. I will redouble my efforts and be diligent in thinking and analyzing in the future education and teaching. I will strive to become a qualified middle school teacher and effectively carry out secondary school. English teaching work.

The 7-day English training came to an end. During this 7 days of intense, fulfilling and happy, I felt a lot and learned a lot. This training has benefited me a lot, although the time is short, but the training content gives I have helped a lot in teaching, listened to the theoretical guidance of foreign teachers, experienced some activities, and connected the theory with reality, which made me understand the contents of the teacher more deeply and thoroughly. Here are some of my experiences:

First, I have renewed my understanding of myself.

Through learning, I have made a new transformation in my thinking. As an English teacher, I must have profound English knowledge, skilled operation skills, and good thinking quality. In the process of English exploration, teachers no longer have English knowledge. Teaching the main teaching tasks and purposes as oneself, and no longer spending the main energy on checking the students' mastery of knowledge, but becoming a member of the learning community. In front of the questions, teachers and children find answers together and explore English. On the road, teachers become students' partners and close friends.

Second, have a new understanding of English classroom teaching

By listening to some of the teaching skills taught by the foreign$2, I also have a new understanding of English classroom teaching. The English class uses language objects, emphasizes the task, looks at the surrounding world, and cultivates students' English ability. This is the knowledge point. Pay attention to interest, experience success and cultivate self-confidence in the overall goal of teaching; focus on creating learning environment and improve learning efficiency in curriculum implementation; focus on participation in practice and innovation development in teaching mode and method; focus on cultivating language sense in the goal of language teaching And communicative competence; in the evaluation of teaching, focus on the use of incentives and multi-evaluation. English teachers should have the teaching skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, and indicate the direction of efforts for English teachers to clarify the basic qualities that should be possessed as a qualified English teacher.

Third, the basic knowledge of English and basic skills have a qualitative leap

After listening to the teacher's guidance, I realized that the game design process should design high-level activities, so that students can play in middle school and learn to play. I can learn the essential things through the game. Language learning can only take place in meaningful and purposeful activities. Through the meticulous explanations of foreign teachers, I have learned how to better teach English listening, speaking, reading and writing. Our English teaching method puts students under heavy pressure without feeling the joy of learning. The teaching of each ability can be taught very interestingly. I am inspired by the practice of foreign teachers. Many times our students are reluctant to speak English because there is no safe language environment. Emphasizing vocabulary and grammar knowledge makes teachers often interrupt students' speeches in public, which makes students feel embarrassed. In the long run, students are reluctant to communicate in English in public. Therefore, to improve students' listening and speaking ability, we must first create a safe language environment for students. In a secure language environment, teachers focus on the content of communication rather than the vocabulary and grammatical correctness. With self-correcting ability, students can improve their listening and speaking skills in constant communication. Only in constant practice, the student's speaking ability will continue to improve.

Fourth, have a holistic understanding of the teaching materials

As a front-line teacher, I know what kind of class is a good lesson, not including teacher-student interaction, student subject, etc., but I think the key is to grasp the teaching materials. Through training, I understand, I want to use teaching materials. Teaching students, rather than teaching materials, can use the teaching materials creatively, and can be deleted and added around the curriculum standards. In addition, students should be able to exercise their practical ability, that is, the ability to listen, speak, read, and write, that is, in the classroom, pairwork And the groupwork part not only has to practice, but also allows every student to participate in it, to be open-minded, to make the classroom atmosphere active and orderly, so that students can find their own position and really like the English class.

As a young teacher, as a first-line English teacher, I feel that the burden on my shoulders is even heavier. I am very grateful to the leadership of the Hong Kong Fertility English Training Organization for giving me such an opportunity to learn. I will redouble my efforts and work hard in future education and teaching. Thinking, being good at analysis, and striving to become an excellent English teacher at an early date!

English training summary

First, the first feelings

In my opinion, if you want to learn English well or at least do not feel pain in the process of learning, you must learn to turn English into a hobby, an interest, so that in the process of learning, it will not be abandoned halfway, there is no end to the beginning and learning is like a needle. Felt, scratching ears, chewing wax, painful! I believe that most of the "non-English majors, ambitious and passionate students who love this profession" will have more or less similar feelings when they first face English. It’s hard to start with. Therefore, how to overcome this feeling and gradually cultivate your love for English is crucial! We must realize that in the 21st century, English has become an indispensable important communication tool and essential for your further study. Bridge, whether you are going abroad or taking a postgraduate degree. Therefore, I feel that you must learn to "love" and "it", so that you will not be tortured, jealous, trampled and have no countermeasures. Remember to learn "love" on "it" is also the first step to ensure your future success!

Second, long-term accumulation

“Accumulation” can be said to be necessary for any study. It is more important in English learning! For example: I will use English “words, grammar, sentence, structure, reading, writing, listening, speaking” and so on. As a metaphor for different layers, each time you learn something, you will add something to the corresponding layer, and the more solid you learn, the more solid the layer between the layers. So when you have a day of use, the knowledge stored in the layer will be squeezed out like water to provide you with inexhaustible language material, you will feel like something useful Constantly rushing out, I believe that your confidence and sense of accomplishment will follow, and your English learning is getting better.

Third, persistent pursuit

The so-called "persistent pursuit", quoted a professor at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, must believe in "the power of your dream." My understanding is: first, you must dream, only if you have the dream, you have the goal of pursuing, you have the power, you have the direction and motivation. Take me as an example. Postgraduate study can be said to be my dream. It is only for various reasons, especially the poor English, which was temporarily stranded. But in my heart, I can say that this dream has never disappeared. On the contrary, it has become more and more intense. I think this is "the power of the dream", it will always call you in the deepest part of your heart, guiding you, urging and motivating you. This power is imperceptible, eternal and lasting, and extremely powerful. So I think the first step is to determine the "dream" in your heart before you can work hard for it. Second, the dream may be temporarily suppressed, but when it is activated again, it will be overwhelming and irreversible. All we can do is to complete and realize it. One of the methods is to pursue it! All the hardships and obstacles, with perseverance to complete your dreams, the big difficulties will become vulnerable in front of you and your dream, to overcome all difficulties, to usher in the final victory is only a matter of time. I believe that friends here should have enough confidence and strength to go to your own Yangguan Avenue.

English training summary

Looking back at my English learning process, the learning methods that have a greater impact on me are mainly the crazy breakthrough of Li Yang. Kleiz and the reverse method of Zhong Daolong. Of course, there are other methods, such as Xiang Xiang English, Musashi English, etc., but none of the first two are profound. So I want to introduce these two kinds here and everyone:

Teacher Li Yang’s crazy English I think everyone should be familiar with it. I am a goodwill ambassador, so I understand this method. It should be said that before I contact Li Yang. Keliz, I The English learning method is based on a completely chaotic state. It is entirely a traditional way of learning in school. At that time, although I studied hard day and night, I always felt that there was no substantial breakthrough in English level. At that time, I was still studying outside. In English self-study exams, I didn’t dare to relax. I felt that reading was still a good one. Speaking and listening were almost zero. At that time, it was indeed in an extremely painful state of embarrassment. How many times I had to give up studying English, I couldn’t count myself. Later, when I read the newspaper, I read the introduction of Li Yang. Kleiz, probably telling me the pain of learning English. The resonance is extremely strong. Now I sent two textbooks to the remittance. It’s the best, it’s getting rid of the two black and white booklets, and I’m going to read it almost every day. The contents of the 18 cards are really repeated for a hundred times, every sentence on each card. Can take off When I first translated in the company, I really felt that the sentence on the card seemed simple, but the frequency of appearance in real life was very high.

Li Yang. Kleiz's operation in the past two years should be said to be relatively successful. Many English learners in the country have heard about it, and many people have benefited a lot. Now many people have accused Li Yang. Kreitz is a kind of Commercial hype, flashy. I want to talk about some of my views here as a user:

First of all, I think Li Yang. Klein's crazy English can't be called an absolutely ideal, complete learning method. Li Yang's words in the textbook are indeed some exaggerated. But I think we can't because of him. If it is not complete, it will be completely negated, and it will turn a blind eye to his excellent, glowing place. It should be said that every learning method has its own advantages and disadvantages. We should use our own minds to learn from each other's strengths. It is true to our own actual situation. I think Li Yang Kreitz understands that it is a breakthrough, and a breakthrough method is very suitable, especially in the aspect of oral English. Li Yang’s "three most oral training", "one breath training method", etc., I have carried out Practice hard and earnestly, it should be said that the effect is still very obvious, and it really makes the mouth slippery when speaking English.

"Perseverance and perseverance are necessary conditions for success." After writing this sentence, I feel that this sentence is empty and empty, and there is a feeling of not saying anything, saying it is also white. Just like the CLICHé mentioned in English, there are more people to say, and there is no feeling. Everyone just listened to it, how many people actually implemented it?

First of all, "What is success? How are the criteria and definitions of success defined? If success means wealth and status, then how much money to earn, what position to climb is a success? Indeed, there are many problems worth using us. I have been asking for a lifetime. I just want to simplify the problem. For millions of English learners, "What is success?", success is to learn English, master English, use English, make English become our acquisition. Information, work and study, entertainment and leisure tools, really become the master of English. But how easy it is!

Some friends must ask: See how good you are, how high is your English level? Tell me the truth, I am a small secondary school student, reading mechanical and electrical majors, and have not received formal Full-time higher education, not even a famous university, what I learned now is entirely self-study during my post-graduation work. Although I have obtained the corresponding diploma through my own unremitting efforts, there is a certain gap between the teacher and the teacher. I believe that there will be many of my monologue friends now, or I used to be the pride of the sky, and I have a college life that I have always envied. Your English level must be much higher than me. I am not a fake. Modesty, from many friends' English letters, it can be seen that many friends have reached a level of proficiency in the English slogan. "So what are you still here?" Road. Don't misunderstand, I just think that my English has improved a lot in the self-study process in the past few years. The things about English learning methods have been borrowed, summarized and explored. Some of these methods have some thoughts after personal experience, so I don't know how to write them in a high-pitched manner. There are two main purposes: one is to share your learning experience with others; the other is to play a role in attracting jade. You can write to me to discuss any problems in English learning. It is best to sum up your experience in English learning. You don't have to be big and comprehensive. It is good to be able to write your own opinion on a certain point. For example, the memory of words, the practice of speaking, the English corner, the English textbooks and so on. I am also preparing to publish a letter from everyone in this section of the English learning method. My own method is just a statement. The common learning experience is the most valuable. Some method guides published by some big-name professors in English magazines are very good, but I always think that they are too general, there is no specific operation process, and most of the articles are similar, probably the official article is written more ^_^. Therefore, I hope to receive a letter from you, to discuss the issue of English learning, and hope that our feelings will make us a friend of consensus.

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