Work Summary > Production Work Summary

2014 safety production summary

Article 1:

Risky than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is more important than Taishan. This is the belief we should abide by. To ensure completeness, we must first strengthen people's awareness of safety.

Make me feel that the rules are the key to the violation of regulations

The purpose is not to rectify people, but to protect the safety of each employee's life and property.

It is the high-voltage line of our safe production of electricity, the criterion line of our work behavior, the warning line of our ideology, and the guarantee line of our life safety. These four lines run through a theme, which is the management philosophy of “care for life and concern for safety”. It is a supplement to safety culture and a constraint on everyone’s safety behavior.

Production must be safe and safe to promote production. However, in our real life, some employees always want to reflect their own "small cleverness" on security issues, do things by experience, and repeatedly violate themselves.

Fortunately, there is no problem in the industry, and even some people will not hesitate to teach others "experience" with their own personal experience. In doing so, the "time bomb" was finally buried for safety. Once it exploded, the consequences were unimaginable and the loss could not be remedied. As an employee of a power company, only with a down-to-earth, realistic and pragmatic style and a step by step attitude, can we effectively ensure full production.

Safe production - the key is to implement. Safety production is not a verbal commitment, nor a few words in a book, but a practical attitude. It is every action and every sentence in our actual work. We are for the enterprise, for ourselves, for A permanent expression of responsibility of others. The execution of enterprise employees is directly related to the implementation of measures and the achievement of goals. Safety production management must also talk about execution. For our power companies, safety production is the first and must be constantly carried out. To ensure safe production, we must work hard to improve the "execution power" of safety and security. Therefore, we are required to start from the details, pay attention to each link chain, and ensure that every link is implemented. The rules and regulations must not only be seen, but also remembered.

It is the care for the lives of employees. Violations and accidents, and life are closely linked, a small violation, it is likely to ruin their lives. Safety production work is like a thin ice, not to be negligent and paralyzed. To care for life, we must first start from obeying the rules and care for life. We should conscientiously study and implement the ten bans in a down-to-earth manner.

There is no small matter in safe production. We must firmly establish the idea of ​​"safety first, prevention first". Improve safety awareness, standardize unsafe behaviors, eliminate all kinds of habitual violations, eliminate hidden dangers, and strive to do safe production.

Article 2:

Since the beginning of this year, under the specific guidance of the superior security authorities, we have adhered to the important thinking of the "three represents" and conscientiously implemented the important guiding spirit of the central leadership, the State Council, the provincial and municipal governments on how to do a good job in safety production. The practice of “creating the first to compete for excellence” fully implements the principle of “safety first, prevention first” and does a good job in safety production. We will pay attention to leadership, actively promote and earnestly study, earnestly implement the safety production responsibility system and various safety rules and regulations, adhere to the important agenda of daily work, and strictly implement the relevant spirit of “one post and two responsibilities”. Timely solve various hidden dangers in safety management, vigorously promote safety production responsibility system, constantly improve safety management working mechanism, and improve safety awareness. In xx, the bureau has fully realized a safe, normal and stable work order, and has completed various tasks well. The main work is summarized as follows:

First, the leadership attaches importance to clear responsibilities

In accordance with the important instructions of the central leading comrades on safety production responsibility over Taishan, the bureau put the safety management work at the important position of the daily work of the leadership team. First, the establishment of a safety work leading group, designated members of the leadership team to specifically grasp the safety work, organize cadres and workers to seriously study the guiding spirit of the central leading comrades on the work of safety production, and strictly implement the "safety first, prevention-oriented" policy, firmly Establish a sense of safety management; second, combine the industry characteristics of the unit and the actual work, improve the safety production responsibility system and various safety production rules and regulations; the third is to clearly define the division of labor, implement the responsibility, sign the responsibility letter at all levels, and implement the safety production The double responsibilities are issued to everyone in the form of official files of the bureau. The leader of the safety leadership team of the bureau is the first responsible person for safety production; the deputy leader is the direct responsible person for safety production, and other deputy leaders must perform their duties in charge of business operations, and also perform the duties of safety production in charge of business. In accordance with the principle of “who is in charge, who is responsible” and the new mechanism of “business responsibility, industry management, state supervision, public supervision”, the spirit of “one post and two responsibilities” is strictly implemented, and attention is always paid to safety. We will do our utmost to ensure the implementation of the safety responsibility system.

Second, publicity is in place, awareness is raised

Since the beginning of this year, the SIPO has paid attention to the combination of various activities and major festivals, and has vigorously carried out the work of the missions with outstanding themes, various forms and rich content, organized the study of the "Fire Law", visited the firefighting propaganda and education base, etc. Use fire safety to continuously improve your fire awareness and fire fighting skills to ensure that no fire accidents occur. Organize everyone to seriously study the Road Traffic Law, strengthen road traffic safety education for car drivers and locomotives, obey traffic rules and enhance safety awareness. Adhere to regular organization of safety knowledge learning, regularly hold safety work analysis meetings, adhere to the organization of safety work inspections, carry out safety work summary, timely analyze the safety work situation, conscientiously sum up experience and lessons, and timely formulate corrective measures for existing problems and hidden dangers; Actively carry out activities such as "National Safe Production Month", "100 Days of Safety and No Accident" and "Prevention of Serious and Serious Accidents", effectively improving the safety awareness of the majority of cadres and workers, and preventing various accidents.

Third, combined with the actual, effective measures

Our bureau can actively play its role and play a leading role. We can organize and organize all the bureaus in a timely manner to convey and learn about the spirit of the conference, safety policies, regulations and related archives, and study and solve existing problems; organize systematic units to regularly check the safety production work of all units, and combine the practice of “creating the first to compete for excellence” and the integration of social security. Governance and other work, timely rectification of existing security risks. This year, in the case of difficult funding for the bureau, the replacement of doors, windows, and power lines of the global office has eliminated potential safety hazards in a timely manner and greatly improved the working environment of the bureau. At the same time, the security of key parts of the bureau will be strengthened. During the holidays, the leaders will take the lead and set up special personnel management and use for computers, document rooms, accounting rooms, conference rooms, etc. to eliminate hidden dangers and ensure fullness.

Over the past year, through the joint efforts of the cadres and workers, the safety production work has been further strengthened, and the safety production has reached the requirements of the higher authorities. There has been no safety accidents in the overall situation, which has effectively promoted the smooth development of the city's safety work and played a positive role.

Article 3:

Safety production is a responsibility, not only responsible for itself, but also responsible for the family, but also responsible for the employees, responsible for the company, and responsible for the society. The siren of every accident is full of people's hearts. Every painful accident has left a lasting pain to the hearts of loved ones. Safe production affects people's hearts. Safe production is not only about yourself, but more about you and me.

Safety production is the eternal theme of social development and the essence of all work. Safety is the premise and foundation of enterprise development. It is closely related to the survival and development of enterprises. If enterprises want to seek greater development and obtain a broader market, they must earnestly do a good job in safety production, fully implement the responsibility system for production safety, and curb production safety accidents. In order to create better economic benefits.

As a project manager, he is well aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders and is fully responsible for the safe production of construction projects. Therefore, from the perspective of oneself, we must firmly establish the guiding ideology of "safe development, clean development" and the correct concept of "safety first, environmental protection priority, people-oriented", and resolutely overcome the wrong thinking of "heavy production, light safety" and make a correct The relationship between safety and progress, safety and efficiency, and earnestly ensure that "unsafe, no production, no safety, no construction, no safety, no construction, no safety, no operation" to ensure production safety.

From the experience of many years of grassroots construction, we must focus on the following points:

First, correctly understand the current situation of safe production

From the overall situation, the company's safety production situation is relatively stable overall, but the grassroots safety and environmental protection work is still grim, the comprehensive management capacity can not meet the needs of production and operation, and it does not meet the requirements of safe development and clean development. Therefore, we need our grassroots leaders to correctly understand the current situation of safe production, lead all employees to carry out safety and environmental protection work in a down-to-earth manner, implement various safety and environmental protection work measures, and strive for practical results, continuously consolidate grassroots HSE management, and comprehensively improve accidents at the grassroots level. The overall preventive ability lays a solid foundation for the company to achieve sustainable and healthy development.

Second, improve thinking and understanding

In recent years, group companies and companies have paid more and more attention to safety and environmental protection work, and their requirements have become stricter. It can be said that under the current situation, security is politics, the overall situation, stability, harmony, and is an unshirkable Responsibility, therefore, as a grassroots leader must fully recognize this point, continuously improve the understanding of safety and environmental protection work, and enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility for the safety and environmental protection work. A deep understanding of "safety determinacy indicators, management is a planning indicator, energy conservation and consumption reduction is a binding indicator", from the perspective of development benefiting employees and safeguarding the vital interests of employees, and earnestly do a good job in safety and environmental protection.

To do a good job in safety production, ideological understanding is the key, especially the safety production awareness of leaders at all levels at the grassroots level. We must conscientiously implement the national and local governments' safety production policies, policies, laws and regulations, and the relevant safety production management systems. Safety production work is included in the important agenda of construction management, timely researching and resolving major problems related to safety production, and extracting safety funds according to regulations, ensuring the timely availability of safety facilities and effectively solving safety technical problems. In daily work, we always adhere to safety production in the first place, constantly improve the safety production assurance system and safety production supervision system, and gradually improve the HSE code of conduct, HSE inspection and assessment standards, HSE rewards and punishments management methods, to achieve organizational implementation, The implementation of the measures, inspection and implementation, and implementation of the assessment will further strengthen the basic work of HSE management.

Third, fully implement the responsibility system for production safety

Safety and environmental protection work is a systematic project. It is a full-time, full-process, all-round work. As the first responsible person for the safety production of construction projects, the project manager must fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person and organize and improve the leaders at all levels. The HSE responsibilities of each functional department, and the responsibility objectives and work pressures are passed down to the level, until each position employee, to be horizontal to the side, vertical and the end, to build a "top novice, responsible leadership, professional road management, functions The department monitors, the party and government work groups work together, and the whole staff participates in the responsibility system and work situation. At the same time, establish and improve the HSE reward and punishment mechanism, combine the implementation of HSE responsibility objectives with effective assessment, rewards and punishments, strict assessment, hard cashing, and promote responsibility to be shared by all staff.

Fourth, increase implementation

To grasp the safety production work, we must pay attention to the implementation of capacity building, strictly in accordance with the company's rules and regulations and post operating procedures, develop a good habit of respecting the laws of science, opposing the violation of regulations, cultivating orders, prohibiting and resolute, and implementing a system that is meticulous and completes the work. At the same time, it is necessary to cultivate the work styles of all levels of management personnel to be strict and superficial, to dare to call the true chapter, to be good at grasping the details, to discover and block the loopholes of safety and environmental protection in time, to identify and prevent various risks existing at the construction site, and to implement Various emission reduction control measures, strengthen crisis awareness and risk awareness, enhance employees' ability to identify risks and avoid accidents, and establish a safe and environmentally friendly work. “No problem is the biggest problem” and “No best, only better” concept. Maintain a high degree of vigilance against all types of risks and hidden dangers, build a strong wall of prevention, and curb all accidents.

V. Effectively manage risk management

Risk management is the basis and premise for carrying out various management tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in this work and organize all employees to carry out comprehensive and comprehensive hazard identification activities. The project manager shall personally organize and organize the safety management department, production technology department and equipment management department to carry out hazard identification activities according to the accident category, construction process flow and equipment and facilities status, and timely formulate risk reduction control measures for the identified hazard factors. And enrich and improve the construction project "two books and one table", the post "two books and one table" and the operating procedures, guide the construction and operation of the operators to prevent the occurrence of various accidents.

In short, safe production work has only a starting point and no end. Therefore, the safety production work must be fully engaged, so that "everyone, everything, always, everywhere" to grasp the safety production work, and strive to enhance the safety and environmental awareness of all employees, improve the safety and environmental quality of all employees, and achieve "I want to be safe" to The "I want to be safe, I will be safe" thinking change, which will effectively promote the company's safety and environmental protection situation to continue to develop steadily.

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