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Summary of community publicity work

Summary of community publicity work

It provides important ideological guarantee, spiritual motivation and public opinion support to realize the goals and tasks of our community throughout the year. This year's propaganda and ideological work is summarized as follows:

Grasping the key points, the theoretical armed work is solidly promoted

This year, the theoretical party teaching of our community took the spirit of the Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 17th Party Committee as the main axis, and focused on the creation of a learning-type party organization. There are various plans and deployments in the community. Significant publicity and education activities. The first is to create a learning team. The Party Work Committee of the Community put the ideological and political construction of the leadership team on the important agenda, strictly in accordance with the requirements of the 2019 Nancheng Community Center Group Theory Learning Program, and further improved the self-study, study, evaluation, and supervision systems of leading cadres, and strive to innovate. The carrier and form of theoretical learning improve the quality and effectiveness of learning. This year, the Community Party Committee Theory Center Group organized a total of 10 learning sessions. Each team member made more than one center speech and wrote more than one research article. Each center group member has developed a self-study program, constantly updating the knowledge reserve, and each center group member has self-study notes of 10,000 words. The second is to create a learning institution. Formulated a weekly learning meeting system for government officials, a monthly learning meeting system for party branches, a self-learning system for party members and cadres, a system for learning exchanges, and a system for notification of learning, etc., so that the theoretical study of party members and cadres is institutionalized, standardized, and normal. Track. And set up an institution learning exchange platform, set up a study group, with each office as the unit, focusing on business learning and the end of the month summary system.

Carry out the theme of the construction of a learning-type party organization.

First, the “Leadership Cadre Reading Club” was held among members of the community team. The “Leadership Cadre Reading Club” was held once a month. Each member of the leadership team listed reading plans according to the must-read books and selected reading books, and wrote reading notes. And exchange reading experience at the book club. Second, in the cadres of all organs, the "one hour of self-study study every day" activity was carried out. Each office was used as a unit, and half a day was spent each week to organize staff to conduct a concentrated reading activity. Organize reading and discussion activities, and ask the cadres of the government to take reading notes while studying. The third is to carry out a series of activities such as “Learning to make life more exciting and learning to make the community more civilized” within the community. Held a "good book for everyone to read" national recommendation book activity, "good book everyone read" book delivery activities, "love heart" book "delivery" - XX donation book station activities, book bar into public places activities, "classic reading" activities Ten activities such as “Nongjia Bookstore” activities, organizing family reading knowledge contests, launching “Reading Stars”, “School Families” appraisal activities, conducting campus-themed reading activities, and carrying out readings of reading results, formed a good Reading a book, reading a good book, the new social trend.

Promote service and create a good public opinion atmosphere

The first is to launch an environmental comprehensive campaign for publicity. The comprehensive environmental improvement is the central work of our community this year. The propaganda work also carries out propaganda around the different requirements of the center work at different stages, creating a good public opinion atmosphere for the full realization of this work goal. At the beginning of the comprehensive environmental remediation work, our community actively carried out the “Three Ones” activities such as drafting a proposal, distributing a rectification propaganda material, and issuing a rectification notice, and launched a campaign for environmental comprehensive rectification. More than 5,000 copies of promotional materials were distributed.

The second is to carry out the sixth census publicity work. We distributed more than 5,000 “a letter to the national census households” to do a good job in the pre-census publicity work. The “Census of Knowledge in the Party” campaign was launched, and the People’s Knowledge and Knowledge Team consisting of the staff of the community and the villagers’ village officials was used to carry out the special party class activities in various residential areas within the jurisdiction of the district, and the census knowledge was It is communicated to every family, so that the residents can deepen their sense of responsibility and urgency to participate in the popularization of the people, support the people, and escort the normal work of the people.

The third is to carry out the spirit publicity activities of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee. Taking the spirit of studying and implementing the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee as the current political task, we will focus on learning activities at three levels. First, the special reading club will learn from the team members. The Community Theory Learning Center Group takes the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session as the central content, and carefully organizes concentrated study and counseling to conduct special seminars. Through organizing a reading club, the members of the organization team carefully studied the "Communication of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" and the "Proposal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development". Leading cadres have profoundly grasped the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee in a relatively short period of time. Second, the "Five Plenary Session of the Central Committee" will do a good job in organizing cadres to study. Using the organ learning meeting held every Friday afternoon, the "Five Plenary Session of the Great Plenary Session" was held, and every cadre of the government was required to speak on his own work and study. The third is to grasp the grassroots party members in various ways. The Community Party Working Committee has incorporated the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC into the learning focus of the team members, the party activists and various party members training classes. During the event, we firmly grasped the theme of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee, worked hard on the armed mind, raised awareness, and unified thoughts, and sought practical results in perfecting ideas, guiding practice, and solving problems. Through in-depth activities, extensive education, let The spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee is well known and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

, culture, and enrich the spiritual and cultural life of residents

Sticking center, news propaganda and civilization create a double harvest

1. Grasp the propaganda of major decision-making arrangements of the central and party committees and governments at all levels. Vigorously promote the overall work ideas, major tasks, and major initiatives of the central and all levels, publicize the new ideas, new initiatives, and new progress and new achievements of the work carried out in our streets, and further unify the thinking of the cadres and the masses of the whole community to the central and all levels. The decision-making of the party committee and the government has been deployed, and the power has been condensed into the entrepreneurship and accelerated development.

2. A new breakthrough was made in ideological and moral construction. Continue to implement the "Implementation Outline for the Construction of Citizens' Morality". On September 20th, publicity banners were advertised in institutions, enterprises, and schools to vigorously promote civic behavioral ethics.

Summary of community publicity work

In 20xx, the Yingbin Road community propaganda ideology and culture work adhered to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", comprehensively and thoroughly implemented the scientific development concept, and strived to build a harmonious community, firmly clinging to the theme of development, around the center, The service center insists on being close to reality, close to life, close to the people, firmly grasping the correct direction of public opinion, vigorously promoting the construction of a harmonious community, actively creating a strong atmosphere of ideological and cultural development, building a harmonious atmosphere, and providing a harmonious atmosphere for the comprehensive development of the community. Public opinion support and spiritual motivation. Specifically did the following work:

First, do a good job in the creation and consolidation of "learning" party organizations

The first is to highlight the key to the "learning team." In the activities of building a learning-type party organization, we insisted that the leadership team play a leading role. Among the members of the "two committees" of the community, party members and leading cadres take the lead to learn one step and learn one step further, and use the personal demonstration role to promote the overall learning atmosphere. Advocating group learning, individual learning, guiding subordinates' learning, and helping others to learn, has truly become a meticulous organizer, active promoter, and conscious practitioner of building a learning-type party organization and a learning-oriented leadership team, and has set an example for the majority of party members and cadres. .

The second is to highlight the foundation of “learning organization”. In the role of the fighting bastion of the party organization, we have enhanced the cohesiveness and combat effectiveness of the party organization in the continuous strengthening of learning. Constantly expand the construction of learning places and hardware facilities, integrate learning resources, expand learning positions, and actively create good conditions for all members to study and lifelong learning. Actively expand the content and ways of learning, constantly innovate the ideas, methods and mechanisms for party organization learning, and further enrich and improve the concrete measures for building a learning-type party organization.

Third, we must highlight the main body of "learning party members." Community party members and cadres adhere to the concept of lifelong learning, full-time study, and whole-course learning. They truly regard learning as a political responsibility, a spiritual pursuit, a life attitude, a work task, cultivate the interest of learning, develop the habit of learning, and improve learning. Ability, consciously integrate learning into political pursuits, integrate into work practice, actively learn with a strong and enterprising spirit, consciously learn to increase intelligence, learn from the people, and strive to promote the comprehensive and sustainable development of the community with the progress of learning.

The fourth is to train a group of party members and cadres to preach the team. The community center group conducts at least two learning activities every month, and once a quarter, a party class or branch work review meeting, in conjunction with the initiative to compete for personal commitment to carry out the publicity activities. This year, the party secretary of the community took the lead in the party class. The party committee members and the branch secretary set up a platform for communication and exchanges between the cadres and the masses. They also exercised their ability to express and were well received by everyone.

The fifth is to use the learning center group formed by the members of the two committees of the community as a platform to regularly carry out learning exchange activities between the members. Use the learning-type party organization to specialize in the learning field, and write your own experiences, experiences, and feelings for each period and every topic. At the same time, insist on writing reading notes to achieve mutual learning and exchange. Through study, it has enhanced political awareness, overall awareness, and sense of responsibility, and improved the level of Marxist theory and the actual writing level of work.

Sixth, after my community won the title of street learning party organization in June this year, we did not stop learning because of this pride. On the contrary, the enthusiasm for learning was even higher, and the theoretical level of the cadre team was continuously improved. It has obviously improved.

Second, the popular cultural and sports activities are flourishing

In the past year, the community party committee has closely organized the various ideological and cultural activities in accordance with the needs of the situation, tried its best to meet the growing cultural needs of the people in the area, and strived to create a beautiful community with rich cultural atmosphere, rich and healthy cultural and sports activities, and residents living and working in peace.

The first is to carry out the "singing and reading" activities. In accordance with the unified arrangement and deployment of the Party Work Committee of the Street, we combined the tasks of the street cultural station, and insisted on singing and reading activities every month. We used the branch to go out to organize the life to sing red songs, May 1st and 7th to participate in the street organization expertise. Dedicated to the Party and the "10,000 Party members revisit the oath of the party", celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the community, the community launching unit jointly held a large-scale "singing and reading" art performance and summer school leave to teach stories, read rumors, sing red songs and other activities Let the culture of the jurisdiction be higher than the waves, and the people will enjoy it.

The second is to fully tap the potential of the jurisdiction, relying on the active literary and art teams in each district, and taking the path of “resource sharing, co-construction and joint construction”, and actively integrating limited resources to promote the rich and colorful cultural activities of the community. During the Spring Festival, various property communities in the jurisdiction organized a number of different forms of cultural and sports activities to enrich the people's Spring Festival cultural and entertainment life and received favorable comments from the residents.

The third is to form a cultural and sports team to condense cultural atmosphere. Centered on the sports ground of the steel ball community, the community sports team of the middle-aged and old-age fitness team, the waist drum team, the dance team, the chorus team, the goal team, the badminton team, the table team and the mahjong sports team were formed. Set up a community culture home, set up a reading interest group, regularly or irregularly organize photography, painting, fishing, billiards, basketball, chess, badminton, mountaineering and other activities.

The fourth is to carry out the creation of spiritual civilization. We use the hero police Lu Zhenlong statue as a citizen education base, and insist on organizing citizens and students to conduct heroic deeds education and patriotic education activities every quarter. At the same time, combined with the work of popular science, organize healthy and upward-flowing competitions for energy conservation, emission reduction, and modeling. Organize and mobilize all property communities and units to actively create spiritual civilization creation work. At present, my community has been rated as a science demonstration community in Jiulongpo District in 20xx, and the beautiful starry sky community is ready to meet the inspection work of spiritual civilization and safe and civilized communities.

Fifth, the community volunteer team has gradually grown. Party member volunteers, trade union volunteers, resident volunteers, Communist Youth League volunteers, young student volunteers, and women volunteers have grown and developed from more than 40 people to more than 200 teams. He has organized condolences to poor residents, one-on-one, clearing exposed garbage, maintaining the environment of Tongtianguanyun, environmental action in Hung Hom Sancun, pulling out green weeds in the steel ball community, comprehensively renovating the land acquisition office under the jurisdiction and the health of the steel ball branch. Dead corners, etc. It has changed the appearance of the community environment and the good situation of caring for the harmony of the neighborhood. Around the cloud, the surrounding area was awarded the second best result in the city's comprehensive environmental sanitation inspection in April this year, contributing to the glory of Jiulongpo District.

The sixth is to give full play to the role of propaganda and create a special community. In order to highlight the characteristics of community propaganda, the community has cultivated a wide range of ideas, from no fixed bulletin board to the existing 18, fully demonstrating the team's emphasis on propaganda. There are 8 stainless steel fixed bulletin boards next to the steel ball road, and there are publicity columns such as learning party organization content, creating first-class competition, two common unions, fire safety, family planning, and public affairs. In front of the door, there are contents such as popular science, comprehensive treatment, model creation, and party affairs disclosure. Use civil defense scrolling videos and community blogs to promote the three systems and spiritual civilization activities carried out by the community. Guided education for residents and created a distinctive community culture. It is refreshing and plays a very good role in subtle education.

Seventh is to further strengthen the work of propaganda information. The community assigns a special information officer to be responsible for fulfilling the responsibility for information reporting. Linking the work of publicity information with the responsibility system, turning pressure into motivation, and completely transforming the situation in which propaganda dynamic information and public opinion information are sent and used. Adhere to at least two monthly newsletters, one monthly newsletter, and regular reports. According to incomplete statistics, the community has completed 82 newsletters, 5 information guides and 4 research reports. The community blog has risen from the zero level to the 11th level this year, and the click rate has reached more than 10,000, which has played an important role in publicity and guidance. The community will give spiritual and material rewards to activists who are active.

A year is about to pass, although we have achieved some results, there is still a certain gap from the requirements of our superiors. In the future, we will use our strengths to avoid weaknesses, work hard, and strive to make the work of propaganda and ideological and cultural work even better.

Summary of community publicity work

Under the correct leadership of the district party committee and the district government, under the guidance of the Party Party Committee and the office, the community’s propaganda and ideological work closely focuses on the goal of creating a civilized community and is guided by the important thinking of the "three represents." Comprehensively and in-depth study and propaganda and implementation of the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, unifying thoughts, cohesive strength, uplifting spirit, providing theoretical guidance, public opinion, spiritual support and cultural conditions for promoting economic development, maintaining social stability, implementing the scientific development concept, and striving to build a harmonious society .

The overall layout of propaganda and ideological work is: to implement the scientific concept of development, to thoroughly study and publicize the important thinking of the "Three Represents", to study and propagandize the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and to focus on the theme of creating and building harmony and building harmony. Carry out activities carriers, gather people's hearts, enhance people's sentiment, shape a good image of civilization, integrity, and openness, continuously consolidate the guiding position of Marxism-Leninism in the field of ideology; continuously improve work ideas and methods, and improve the level of propaganda work in the new era. Grasp the team, strengthen the education and training of the cultural team, continuously improve the political quality of the team, actively discover and promote advanced models, vigorously promote the spirit of the times, promote propaganda and ideological work, and continuously achieve new progress and new results.

Strengthen the theoretical armed work, further consolidate the ideological foundation of the united struggle of the people in the community, follow the requirements of armed brains, innovative thinking, guiding practice, and promoting work, focusing on consolidating the guiding position of Marxism-Leninism, building the practice of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and guiding reform and opening up. The typical theoretical and practical problems of practice will enhance the effectiveness of theoretical propaganda, further promote the popularization of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and promote the implementation of the spirit of the party's plenary session.

Grasp the correct direction of public opinion, build a harmonious society, build a good social public opinion environment, strengthen the ability to guide public opinion, and firmly grasp the correct direction of public opinion. Comprehensive, accurate, and in-depth publicity of the three important ideas, advancing with the times, courageously innovating, and accelerating the development of a good public opinion environment, with large-scale series of activities as the carrier, with the goal of creating a civilized city, organize various activities, such as: New Year's Day, three Eight Women's Day, May Day, July 1st, and 11th celebrations will form a new era and enhance popularity. By carrying out the creation of a civilized city and striving to be a propaganda report of a civilized citizen, we will vigorously publicize the new achievements and new features of the coordinated development of socialist material civilization, spiritual civilization and political civilization in the new era of our city, and fully demonstrate the good city image of our community civilization and openness. Further stimulate and agglutinate the spiritual strength of the people's understanding, inheritance, love, and hard work.

Vigorously carry forward the national spirit and continuously strengthen the socialist ideological and moral construction. We must carry forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times as an important part of spiritual civilization construction, further promote socialist ideological and moral construction and education of ideals and beliefs, and guide people to establish a correct world outlook and outlook on life. And values, laying a solid ideological foundation for promoting the building of advanced socialist culture and building a harmonious socialist society.

Carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core and the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core, carry forward the team spirit, socialism and socialist ideology, and promote the in-depth development of edgy education. Constantly enrich the content and methods of ideological and moral construction, implement the overall requirements of the "Civil Moral Construction Implementation Outline" program, and conscientiously organize and implement the civic moral construction project. Through the propaganda column and propaganda banners, it is necessary to learn moral knowledge, advocate moral new style, establish the typical morality as the main goal, extensively carry out various forms of moral practice activities, organize the infiltration of civic moral propaganda days, and strengthen and improve minors. Ideological and moral construction, actively participate in strengthening and improving the ideological and moral construction of minors, promote the formation of a three-in-one education network of society, schools and families, and organize activities for the harmonious development of people and nature.

In-depth development of the people's spiritual civilization construction activities. Continue to deepen the large-scale series of activities with new ideas, comprehensively carry forward the outstanding contributions made by the people for the national rejuvenation during the revolution and construction period, vigorously carry forward the noble spirit gathered by the people in the course of arduous struggle, and gather people's hearts for accelerating catch-up development. Inspire the power. Civilization: Starting from the theme education activities, we will take effective measures against different industries and different groups, solidly promote the construction of civilized integrity, and promote the continuous improvement of the overall quality of the people of the city.

Intensify the activities of creating a community of four civilized communities, vigorously promote the Conventions of the Civilized Citizens Convention, and guide people to consciously develop civilized and healthy norms and lifestyles, continuously improve the civilized quality of all citizens, and gradually introduce spiritual civilization creation activities. Go deeper. Do a good job in the creation of the fifth civilized community in Quanzhou.

Grasping culture continues to meet the growing spiritual and cultural needs of the people. We will always grasp the direction of advanced culture, promote the main theme, and promote diversity. Facing the people, facing the market and promoting creative prosperity. Strengthen cultural market management, improve systems, clarify responsibilities, focus on new industries in the cultural market, new development trends, new business methods, actively study new situations, solve new problems, achieve orderly management according to law, and promote healthy development. Establish a global concept, actively coordinate the power of cultural market management, do a good job of joint law enforcement, continue to increase efforts to eliminate pornography and pornography, and ensure the health and prosperity of the cultural market.

Seriously do a good job of propaganda and ideological fronts, maintain the educational activities of the advanced nature of party members, and learn the educational activities of "eight honors and eight shame". Carry out the study and education activities of the important thinking of the "Three Represents" in the field of social science research, Marxist-Leninist standpoints and methods, professionalism and professional ethics. Strengthen ideological and political education, strengthen the building of the party's work style and clean government, continuously improve the work style, and promote the propaganda and ideological front. The party members always maintain the advanced nature and purity.

Emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, advance with the times, develop and innovate, work hard, be realistic, complete the tasks of community propaganda and ideological work, make due contributions to building a civilized and affluent community, and make the community Work has taken a new step.

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