Work summary > Sales work summary

Sales half-year work summary

Summary of the sales of the mall for half a year

Time flies, and unwittingly spent the first half of 2019, but I still clearly remember how hard the process was when I first took office, the pressure is unprecedented, the overcoming is too problematic, I need to pay More labor and hard work than before, the company arranged for me to take over the post of the wide-name *** counter store manager, facing the fierce challenges. I am a little embarrassed, whether I have the ability to provoke this burden, see the counter brand is complete, the popularity is loud, the staff unite, I want to come to the world to know, let go of the burden, concentrate on the work, do their best, complete the company The task that was handed over was completed in one month, and then challenged for a new month. After half a year, I saw more customers recognize our brand, which made us very happy and very happy. Let us see the Deli source. Better development prospects have made me have a bigger goal for the future.

First, the overall task of the first six months of the month, the actual completion of the ******.*, 96% of the completion of the task in the past six months through unremitting efforts, outstanding results for two months, 2 Month and April. At the same time, the task was over 24%, and in other months, it was around 40,000-5,6000. In May, the cabinet group was separated from one person, but it did not affect sales. Although we did not complete the task, we persisted, from January to June. The second-line brand completed 96% of the sales task. Due to the *** withdrawal in May, there was a partial impact on sales. The repeat customers came to find some customers, but some of them were lost.

Second, the promotion activities, May *** held a large-scale promotion activities, 6.4-6.12 for 8 consecutive days, the overall task 8000 but we only completed more than 6,000, the task is not very satisfactory, from which I learned a lot of lessons, 1 Single is not active, some customers do not know that wide European poetry is doing activities, 2 stores are not frequent, 3 gifts are not available in time, 4 because one person is on the job, some of the power is not enough, losing some customers, 5 consecutive days, rainy weather, less passenger flow, The above factors are artificially affected and will be corrected in future work.

Third, checkout in May the company has a new checkout process, related to the problem of the bottom of the guarantee and the end of the insurance, because they have never been exposed to such accounts, so I still don't understand it, but I know, try to complete the promotion task issued by the supermarket. To reduce the company's financial losses, I will study hard and learn until I don't understand.

For the work of half a year, I know that I have to do a good job in cosmetics shopping guides. 1 Always maintain a good working attitude, such as the loss of customers in the work, or the failure of several customers to introduce the products, we are easily discouraged, the mood is not good enough, just thinking that today is bad luck, so pay attention to If you don't concentrate, you will not be motivated when you see customers, and you will have less confidence and will affect future sales. 2 look at the color, different from person to person, different sales skills for different customers, such as students, I found that such customers prefer the trend and advertising brand products, when introducing the second-line brand is more difficult, so More patience, you can briefly introduce the product, then tell him why the student has acne on the face, blackheads, what should be paid attention to in general care, etc. If you talk about these, he will think that we are more professional and can enhance his Trust, and finally recommend products for his problems, so the success rate will be higher. 3 When you face customers, don't talk about products. Don't just say products. Now there are many kinds of brands, more promoters, and the language of promotion is similar. So when introducing products, it is easy to let customers think that we just want to sell ourselves. Products, so that we can not be quickly trusted by customers, in fact, customers only trust you to listen to your words, and thus accept your products, we can ask how he usually care to close the relationship, and then introduce products.

In daily work, we will encounter many problems. For the joint counters, there may be more problems. In June, due to excessive management of the supermarket, I thought about leaving the company. Every day, I was under great pressure to work. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t get it. Recognized, but Liu’s words gave me confidence. She told me that there are problems that cannot be avoided. I can solve the problem myself. I can’t solve it myself. I can help you solve it. The company that I can’t solve will help you solve it. I have great encouragement. I know that I am not alone. We are a family. They will help me and make me more confident to work hard. I remember that there is a newsletter that is very motivating to me. I will share with you. Workplace must, 1 diligence is not lazy 2 to find problems without excuses 3 positive attitude 4 do not back down.

The above is my summary of the work in the first half of 2019!

The new half year is a half year for us to be full of challenges, opportunities, hopes and pressures. It is also a very important half year for me. Family, life and work pressures drive me to work hard and study hard. Here, I have a work plan for the second half of the year so that I can make greater progress and achievements in the new year.

1. As a beauty guide for cosmetics, you must take responsibility for your work and do your best to carry out business work while complying with company regulations.

2. Learning plans. Learning is very important for business people because it is directly related to the pace of a business person's progress and the vitality of the business. I will adjust my learning direction to supplement new energy as needed. Cosmetics' professional knowledge and comprehensive ability are the things I have to grasp.

3. Enhance sense of responsibility, enhance service awareness, and enhance team awareness. Proactively put the work to the point and implement it. I will do my best to ease the pressure of leadership.

4, my cabinet group lacks skin care products with price between 20-50, some of the low-consumption customer groups are lost, apply for the previous brand to fill this price vacancy.

I have experienced too much ups and downs in my work, let me grow up, learn, and the second half of the year is coming, I hope to work happily in my future work. Find happiness in your work, and at the same time, learn more things, work wholeheartedly, meet the challenges of the second half of the year, and make better achievements!!

Sales half-year work summary

September has quietly left us. The arrival of October tells us that more than half of the 2019 has passed. At the end of last month, our company also held a sales meeting for half a year. The company’s leaders also made a half-year work summary at the meeting. Give us a deeper understanding of our company's work in the past six months, and also summarize some experiences for us to share. Therefore, after this meeting, the leaders asked us to also give a summary of their work for half a year. I hope that by summarizing, we can better understand ourselves and learn from our excellent colleagues, so as to better carry out the work in the second half of the year.

Now my summary of my work experience and feelings over the past six months is as follows:

First, do things in a down-to-earth manner and earnestly perform your duties.

First of all, I can start with product knowledge, carefully analyze market information and formulate marketing plans at the same time, timely follow up customers and analyze customer data, and secondly, often communicate with other salesmen, communicate diligently, analyze Market conditions, existing problems and solutions to seek common improvement.

It is necessary to develop new customers frequently, and to classify the customers in the continuous opponents, and to treat the customers who are most likely to use our products as important customers, and to focus on the customers with recent projects as the key customers, and according to their demand. To allocate the number of visits. Strive to promote the order to achieve the purpose of sales.

While analyzing customers, you must establish your own customer base. Finding the right customer base is the key to success based on the characteristics of our products. In the past six months, many of the customers in my hands have not been very familiar with the industry, that is, they have just started in this industry, the technology is relatively weak, the list is relatively small, but the success rate is relatively high, and the price is also Can be done higher. Customers like this can be included in the main customer group. They are generally transferred from other related industries or newly established monitoring projects, because they have customer resources in this area and have prospects for development, so if they can maintain these customers, they will go later. The amount is also considerable.

Second, take the initiative and strive to complete the task on time and in volume.

Actively visit customers every day and ensure the quality of visits. After returning, we must carefully analyze the information and summarize the work, and do the next day's work plan. Visiting customers is the basis of sales. There is no sales without visiting, and because people are emotional, only the emotional foundation is established with the customers, and the customer's trust in us will increase the chance to sell the products to them.

Actively assisting customers to do their work, such as helping to find information, helping with programs, and budgeting, is one of the ways to increase customer trust, and the best opportunity to push our products to them. Even if they didn't make a deal at the time, they would always remember your credit. Anything that was useful later would take the initiative to find us.

Third, do a good job

No matter how good the product will have defective products, there will be various problems, so it is especially important after the sale. It is an important means to maintain the customer's condition after the sale, and it is the key to re-selling. When the customer responds to a problem and comes to us, we must first understand the situation to the customer and try to find out the problem. If you can't find the reason, don't worry, first stabilize the customer's mood and comfort the customer. Then promised to help him solve the problem, let him rest assured, then react the problem to the company's technical staff, and then find a solution.

In the customers I deal with, there are many problems in the response, but after coordination and help, most of the customers are very satisfied with our service. Many of them immediately indicated that they would continue to cooperate. If there is a project that needs to be purchased, please contact us immediately.

Fourth, adhere to learning

People must continue to learn to progress. First of all, we must learn our new products, our product knowledge must pass; secondly, learn communication skills to improve their business capabilities; and then have time to learn some of the product characteristics of their peers, and compare with us to understand To the advantage of our products, so as to avoid weaknesses in front of customers.

V. Learn more about industry information

Understanding our competitors, our peers, understanding the products that are doing well in the market, and understanding the relevant policies in the industry are all issues that a good salesman must always care about. Only knowing the outside world will not become a frog sitting in the sky, and can make a correct judgment in the information grasped by the opponent.

Sixth, the second half of the plan

At the half-year sales summary meeting, my data is very different from the data of colleagues xx in the same department. Her half-year sales are more than 150,000, and the return is more than 80,000. I only have more than 20,000 sales. Far behind, so I have to catch up in the second half. Although she entered the company a little earlier than me, the same market that everyone faces is the same number of customers. The gap between them is only the gap between people. I will go to her and other colleagues in the future. Learn to sell skills, and strive to increase your sales and try to catch up with them. I have to set a clear goal for myself, and I will strive to achieve 150,000 in the second half of the year, that is, I will do about 30,000 per month. At the same time, we must develop a sales plan and assign tasks to the customers in the hands. The general direction is from the industry to the small customers. In this way, we can clearly know our own tasks every day, in order to clarify the purpose of visiting customers and improve the quality of visits. Since my work plan in the first half of the year was not detailed, visiting customers is more blind, not familiar with the products, and even the sales volume is relatively small. All the methods should be changed in the second half of the year, and efforts should be made to increase sales, and efforts should be made to complete the tasks assigned by the company.

Finally, I would like to thank our leaders and our colleagues for their support and help in my work in the first half of the year. I hope that we will work together in the future to enable us to achieve further success in the second half of the year.

Summary of marketing half-year work

Under the good beginning of the national economic recovery in the initial 200* years of the new century, we have entered a crucial year to fully meet the challenges of economic globalization. As China joins the World Trade Organization, the industrial economy of our city faces a very favorable situation at the beginning of 200*. So that our power supply companies have also seen new developments. However, since the beginning of February, the continuous dryness for five months has brought about the high cost of electricity generated by the reverse power transmission. As the company is unable to bear the price of electricity, the whole society has shrunk sharply and the electricity bill has been recovered. Difficulties, our power supply companies are also affected by the sale of electricity to facilitate sales, the economic situation has fallen into a new dilemma. In order to ensure the realization of the company's various business objectives, the marketing department of the company, with the care and support of the company's leaders, closely focuses on the company's overall guiding ideology, focusing on achieving the best economic benefits, targeting the new situation and new difficulties in the power market. It is difficult to forge ahead and strengthen management. In the past six months, various work has made certain breakthroughs in the predicament. The following is a summary report on the work in the past six months.

First, establish the concept of power marketing, rationally regulate the market, and strive to optimize the power consumption environment.

Since 1998, our company's electricity sales have fallen sharply, and the cost of electricity sales has continued to grow. The strong contrast has seriously affected the economic efficiency of our enterprises. How to further develop the role of electricity first, and actively increase supply and expansion, has become A theme of power supply management work in recent years. In 2001, the company's sales volume has recovered. In 2002, we hoped to push the sales of electricity to a new historical high. However, the emergence of reverse power transmission has made our goal become very embarrassing. Since February, XX has implemented the project supply for the city's electricity consumption. The power supply of the city has been limited to 1650~19 million KWH for four consecutive months, which has caused the power marketing work to fall into a narrow "box": on the one hand We can increase sales of electricity, carry out profit-making sales to mobilize users' enthusiasm for electricity consumption, and promote the growth of power sales. On the other hand, in order to reduce the cost of purchasing electricity and purchase less electricity, we also limit the amount of electricity sold within the planned power, and must also The temporary electricity price of the electricity is timely formulated and introduced, and the electricity is completely distributed to the customers in order to seek the best economic benefits. In the face of the new situation, we quickly changed our mindset and increased our market awareness, focusing on the following aspects:

1. Formulate policies to adapt to the current electricity market,

Under the guidance of the company's leaders, in the first half of the year, we launched a profit-making sales activity, and shared the economic losses caused by the power transmission with the power customers to maintain the subsequent development of the power market. In February, it was calculated by the government price department, and the temporary sales price of the reverse power transmission should be ##元. In order to keep the power customers from stopping production, we will carry out a total sales of 220.195 million kilowatt hours for industrial enterprises in May, which guarantees one hand. During the power transmission period, the power market was stable. On the other hand, it established the image of a public welfare enterprise that the power supply enterprise serves the society, and stabilized the customer for the end of sales growth by reversing power.

2. Transform ideas, update concepts, and develop new users with quality services. The power sales market is composed of many power users. To expand the power sales market, it is necessary to develop power users. In order to increase the power consumption of power users, we actively change our minds, update our concepts, and vigorously develop new customers. For new users, we simplify the installation. The program greatly shortens the user's power-on time, actively helps new users to win preferential policies, solves the difficulty of investing in electricity, and creates a good electricity environment. Especially for the re-production of some restructuring and leasing companies, we actively provide on-site services and take various measures to solve the problems of equipment property rights, measurement households, etc., and strive for customers to put into production in advance. From January to June, a total of 2,822 households with electricity consumption, 14470KVA, and 1,676 households with one household and one meter were added.

In the first half of the year, under the grim situation of the company's internal difficulties and external difficulties, the power supply management work encountered new and unprecedented difficulties. On the one hand, due to the influence of the international economic situation, the production and operation of industrial enterprises in our city is in a sluggish situation. However, the recovery of electricity and electricity in industrial and mining enterprises is closely related to the economic interests of power companies. The energy demand in various industrial and mining enterprises is declining, and the funds are difficult to recover. Under the power supply company's electricity fee recovery work has been seriously affected. On the other hand, due to the influence of natural conditions, our city continued to be dry and rainy in May, which caused the power generation of power plants to be insufficient. We had to reduce and limit the electricity consumption of various power users to ensure power generation, power supply and use. The balance of the three links. In order to ensure the interests of power users and meet the user's electricity demand, in the case of severe power shortage, we take the purchase of electricity, which makes the cost of electricity sales significantly increase, and the rise in electricity prices has led to a significant decline in electricity sales. Until the end of May, the rainfall gradually increased, and the power supply was terminated, and the power supply operation was gradually restored to the normal and stable state of the past.

In order to ensure the completion of the annual plan formulated at the beginning of the year, marketing personnel change their concepts, expand the power market, formulate policies that meet the current market requirements, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the majority of power users, and develop new users with quality services. Through some of the above-mentioned strong measures, the electricity sold from January to June has reached 195 million KWH, accounting for 51.3% of the annual plan.

Second, focus on efficiency objectives to strengthen business management, and promote tapping potential.

Achieving the best economic benefits is the highest goal of marketing. In addition to ensuring the amount of power supply, the way to achieve efficiency is more important to prevent theft, increase potential, and increase potential.

The arrival of inverted power transmission makes it difficult to control the external business environment. In this situation, we focus on digging potential by strengthening business management.

First, do a good job in the calibration, use, and technical update of metering equipment. The management and use of measuring equipment is not only related to our line loss indicators, but also closely related to the efficiency of our company. We strictly control the import, inspection, sales, use range, and use of all aspects and channels of the energy meter to ensure the qualified rate of metering equipment entering the power grid is 100%. Secondly, we strengthen the dynamic testing of equipment and carry out various types of meters. On-site weekly inspection, clear responsibility for the customs table of the customs table, implementation to the people; in the first half of the year due to continuous automation of the dispatching caused several measurement loop failures, were found in time to correct, avoid losses, and found a major business accident, The recovery of electricity was 598,800 kwh, and the loss was recovered by 180,000 yuan. In addition, we actively quote and promote high-tech, new technology metering devices such as PT secondary pressure drop compensation equipment and full electronic energy meter. In the first half of the year, the total number of calibration tables in the school room was 6,934, and the field calibration verified a total of 150 sets of high-pressure metering boxes and 210 sets of station switchgear.

The second is to carry out in-depth and long-term census activities, which has effectively cracked down on illegal electricity theft and illegal business activities. In the first half of the year, as the first phase of the network transformation project entered the final sprint phase, all power supply marketing units had no time to take into account the anti-theft and plugging. The electricity inspection brigade carried out in-depth and meticulous census, and repeatedly took the form of night raids for the characteristics of the electricity theft phenomenon. Vulnerabilities; in addition, through the census activities to comprehensively clean up the implementation of electricity prices, canceled some unreasonable "preferential" policies. In the past six months, the general survey has changed 11114/times, and the special change has been 11137/times. It has investigated and dealt with illegal electricity and electricity 11113, the meter error is 111128, and the general business accident is 1113; the total charge is 1392064kwh, and the electricity charge is 11.159 million yuan. .

The third is to strengthen the management of the responsibility system and improve the quality of business. In order to be able to establish a lean and efficient power management team, we have clearly implemented various operational indicators to each individual, and formulated a strict reward and punishment assessment system, single-line, single-distribution assessment system, and required companies to actually The clerk shall implement the "three-set" and "three-test", and conduct strict examination and examination of the battalion team from time to time to optimize the combination of the battalion team.

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