Work Summary > Summary of School Work

School annual work summary

Summary report of the work of the school group branch in 2019

During the semester, the team branch of our team implemented a series of measures based on the problems existing in the class and the actual situation, mainly focusing on education and correcting students' study habits. The following is a summary of the work of my team branch:

First, strengthen study and vigorously carry out the ideological and moral education of the members

Seriously organize the members to use the class and group lessons to carry out extensive patriotism education, inspire the majority of the members to love the party, love the motherland, love socialism, guide and motivate them to inherit and carry forward the revolutionary glorious tradition, clarify the historical mission, and strengthen the socialist belief. Consciously associate personal ideals with the future and destiny of the motherland, safeguard national interests at all times, and never do anything that harms the country or undermines the dignity of the country. Starting from honoring elders, starting with respecting teachers, starting from helping students, establishing awareness of serving others and contributing to society, making their words and deeds beneficial to others, benefiting schools, and benefiting society.

Second, carry out a variety of moral education activities

Today's students, for various reasons, often lack good behavior habits, and personal morality needs to be improved. In response to such situations, we use the theme education activities as a carrier to carry out moral education activities for students. In order to improve the effectiveness and pertinence of the theme moral education activities, we consciously choose the theme of moral education activities on a monthly basis, and the general plan of the regiment will formulate an activity plan, requiring the class teacher to be responsible for the implementation and complete the original materials for review. .

We also correct the students' ideological line by publishing blackboard reports and promoting correct thinking and other work.

Third, strengthen management, do a good job in group wind, team style construction

The self-construction of the reinforcement group is determined by the nature of the regiment. We will continue to do a good job in the basic work of the team, organize the young members of the youth to study the charter of the group, the duties and rights of the members, highlight the education of the logo, strengthen the education management of the emblem, and let the students be in school. Consciously wear the emblem, consciously pay the group fee, love the team logo, and be proud of being a member of the Communist Youth League.

We have also carried out measures based on the group and set up various learning mutual aid groups. Our principle is "do not abandon, do not give up." Many students who were originally learning have become interested in learning through the study group and become the leader in the class.

In short, with the care and support of the school leaders, the school branch of our school has achieved certain results in all aspects. At the same time, the construction of relevant systems is still insufficient, and the training of the cadres of the regiment needs to be strengthened. We all look at it. While we work hard, we have the confidence to overcome the difficulties we have existed and are determined to do better in our future work.

Summary of School Comprehensive Safety Work in 2019

"Safety responsibility is more important than Taishan." Safe work is the primary task of the school. In order to effectively protect the safety of teachers and students and the safety of the campus, we at Baima Elementary School continue to adhere to the principle of comprehensive prevention, prevention and control, strengthening education, and prevention and control. It has effectively safeguarded the safety of teachers and students and the loss of property, and maintained the normal education and teaching order of the school. The summary is as follows:

1. Students' safety education work.

After the student examination on January 26th, the class teachers will educate the students about the safety issues during the holidays and inform the parents through the school newsletter.

On February 1st, on the day of the student's return to school, the Young Pioneers conducted winter winter life guidance for all students, mainly on the safety of winter vacation life, such as traffic safety, food safety, firecracker safety, prevention of H1N1 flu, etc. And to all parents of the parents issued a "letter to the parents of students", clear the parents' safety responsibilities.

During the winter vacation, the school also requires teachers to conduct telephone follow-ups of the class students, and to understand and study the students' learning and living conditions from time to time.

On February 26th, the first day of school, the school organized students to watch the photo exhibition entitled “Drunk Drive”, hoping to achieve social safety and harmony through the “small hand-to-hand” campaign.

At noon on March 4th, students were organized to watch the publicity and education films on traffic safety topics to improve students' safety awareness.

On March 19th, all the teachers were organized to learn the precautions for the prevention of influenza A (H1N1), especially the multi-ventilation and washing hands, and the responsibility was implemented to each class teacher.

Since the beginning of school, there are always several mobile vendors selling fried food at the school gate. For this reason, the school has contacted the city management and educated students not to buy three foods. They should not stay at the school gate and pass the supervision. The effect is good. Make the school door open smoothly.

2. Teacher's safety education work.

Before the winter vacation, all the faculty and staff members were asked to live safely for their holidays. For example, stay away from yellow gambling poisons, do not drink too much alcohol, and prohibit drinking and driving.

The opening meeting requires teachers to strictly follow the requirements of the school, pay attention to classroom safety and safety of activities.

There are self-driving teachers, the school requires the speed to enter the campus less than 20 yards, banned speakers, especially novices, conditions permit, do not drive to work.

3. School management safety work.

Prior to the holidays, the school’s valuables were hosted to prevent human theft.

The guard system and the duty system were further emphasized, and the administrative staff members were on duty daily and kept a record.

The General Affairs Office examined the safety of the school premises before the holidays and at the beginning of the school, and dealt with the potential safety hazards in a timely manner.

Taking the murder of the Nanping experiment in Fujian as a lesson, the school sounded the alarm at the faculty meeting on March 26, and informed the security personnel to strengthen the patrol on duty, and contacted the police station to send students to school and school hours. Specialized personnel do a good job in patrol.

Taking the xx national primary and secondary school students' safety education day as an opportunity, our school has identified the last week of March as the school's safety education week. The school uses campus gatherings to publicize safety knowledge to teachers and students, and conducts extensive safety education for students. The entire campus formed a good educational atmosphere; and carried out the "Eight One" activities: 1. A good blackboard and a computer tabloid; 2. Collect a slogan about safety education. Each student is required to collect a slogan on safety education and display it in the class; 3. Hold a theme class meeting to “strengthen evacuation drills to ensure students' safety”; 4. Conduct a safety theme education every day. The educational content includes self-prevention and self-rescue education, life education and traffic safety education, food hygiene and prevention of infectious diseases education, environmental safety education, fire safety education, teaching activity safety education, and network safety education. Items can be seen with or without controlled tools, fire, etc., once found in a timely manner; 6, see a safety education video; 7, organize a safety answer; 8, organize a special flag-raising ceremony. At the same time, the school will conduct a safety inspection on the facilities and equipment of the whole school to identify hidden dangers and eliminate them in time.

In short, in the first quarter of the comprehensive safety work of our school, with the care and support of the superior leaders and the joint efforts of the teachers and students of the whole school, the campus was safe and stable, no security incidents occurred, and no crimes involving teachers and students occurred.

2014 School Union Summary Report

Dear delegates:

I now report on the trade union work to the General Assembly on behalf of the School Trade Union Committee, please deliberate.

I. A brief review of trade union work since last year

Since last year, under the leadership of the higher education unions and the school party branch, our school union has thoroughly implemented the Trade Union Law, closely focused on the central work of the school, and worked hard to strengthen the organization and work style of the trade unions and fully perform the functions of the trade unions. Give full play to the role of trade unions in the school's democratic management, democratic supervision, and participation in politics, actively protect the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff, eagerly do practical things for faculty and staff, help faculty and staff to improve their quality, and make reform, innovation and development for schools. After contributing, he was awarded the advanced trade union by the trade union of the Guye District Education Bureau.

Broaden the channels of democratic management and give full play to the important role of trade unions in the democratic management and democratic supervision of schools

In accordance with the requirements of the higher-level trade unions, the school trade unions incorporate democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision into the school's goal management. As an important part of examining and supervising the work of the school, the school's democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision work are gradually institutionalized. , standardization and legalization. In the past year, under the leadership of the school leadership team, our school has carried out a series of reforms, the school has undergone great changes, and various achievements have achieved remarkable results. In the school reform and various work, the trade unions paid attention to doing a good job in source participation, and played an important role in the democratic management and democratic supervision of the school, and achieved remarkable results. In the school's activities to maintain the advanced nature education and scientific development concept of the Communist Party members, the school-level labor union actively participated in and assisted the party branch to organize the education activities of the whole school, and did a lot of work for the educational activities, which was fully affirmed by the party committee of the bureau. Under the leadership of the school party committee, the school-school union has assumed the daily work of the teachers' congress, organized and organized every meeting, and carefully examined and supervised the implementation of the resolutions of the teachers' congress, which promoted the work of the school. The school deepened the reform of the personnel system, adjusted the establishment of middle-level institutions, carried out a new round of mid-level cadre rotation and faculty positions, and established a new middle-level cadre team. The school strengthened the system construction and introduced a series of rules and regulations, many of which were reviewed and approved by the Teachers' Congress. Such as "Teaching Standards Selection Program", "Teachers' Class Hours Allowance Method", "Teaching Staff Appointment Assessment Program", "School Enrollment Work Plan", etc., the school work unions have done an effective job, so that they really played the leadership of the staff assistant The role has fully played the role of democratic management, democratic supervision, and participation in politics.

Actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of faculty and staff, and eager to do good things for the people

The school-level trade union accurately grasps the principle of correctly handling the relationship between the whole and the local, individual and collective interests, and often goes deep into the people's investigation and research, widely understands the difficulties and requirements of the people, and reflects the strong difficulties and hot issues for the teachers and students, and timely reports to the school. The school leaders are very supportive of the work of the trade unions, attach importance to the problems reflected by the trade unions, and work with the trade unions to study and implement measures according to the wishes of teachers and students and the actual situation of the school. The school leadership team advocates humanized management and cares about people's lives. In this regard, the trade unions have also done a lot of work. Usually, the faculty and staff have injuries, or the relatives of the faculty and staff are gone, and the trade union cadres and school leaders go to visit and condolence. The old teachers’ children are married and happy, and the trade union cadres and school leaders go to congratulate. There are many young teachers in our school. They need more help. For example, the wedding affairs union actively organizes the preparation of their weddings, making the wedding lively and enjoyable. Happy, meaningful, and feel the concern of the leadership, the warmth of the collective, but also enhance their enthusiasm for work. Teacher Zhang Chunmei lived in the field and could not solve the housing problem for a while. The trade unions coordinated the logistics to solve the practical problems for them, so that they temporarily have a place to live. The school really sent warmth to the hearts of every faculty and staff, enhanced the affiliation of all faculty and staff to the school, stimulated their work enthusiasm, and promoted the overall development of school work.

Carry out various forms of activities to help faculty and staff improve their overall quality

The colorful cultural and sports activities have brought anger and vitality to the work of the school. At the same time, it has further invigorated the life of the faculty and staff, promoted the physical and mental health of the faculty and staff, enhanced the cohesiveness and centripetal force, and made the faculty and staff happy and energetic. And united in the work to contribute to the school's reform and development.

Second, the task of school union work in the future

A trade union is a popular organization. Its basic duty is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of its employees. To do a good job in the school's trade union work, we must do a good job of maintaining the vital interests of the faculty and staff and promoting the work of the school. Therefore, the trade union work of our school must, on the one hand, strictly follow the requirements of the Trade Union Law, unswervingly represent and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the faculty and staff; on the other hand, it must be based on school reform, innovation and development, and closely focus on 1234" project, do a good job in trade unions, and promote the health, stability and sustainable development of the school.

In the future, we must focus on the trade union work of the school from the following aspects.

1. Seriously study and implement the Trade Union Law, and comprehensively promote the work of school trade unions

2. Continue to strengthen the self-construction of trade unions and further strengthen service awareness

3. Strengthen the education of teachers and teachers, and continue to hold educational activities such as story telling.

4. The school-teachers will give full play to the role of trade union members and trade union leaders, and do a good job in educating and caring for young faculty. Let them become the backbone of the school as soon as possible.

5. Cooperate closely with the functional departments of the school, and truly create and evaluate the civilized office and push it to the depths.

6. Close contact with the school's research and research departments and other departments to carry out business competition activities, strengthen teachers' learning awareness, and study awareness and development awareness.

7. Through various channels, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, solve problems for employees, do practical things, and implement warm projects.

Dear delegates, comrades, under the new situation, the reform and development of our school has entered a new era. The future is bright and the road is winding. Let us, with the support of the school, further understand the situation, raise awareness, clarify the task, closely focus on the “1234” project, unite and work diligently in accordance with the tasks and requirements of the trade union work, and create a new situation for the school’s trade union work. Work hard!

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