Summary of work > Summary of work

2014 rectification work summary essay

Article 1:

My name is Yang Lan, I joined the company in May this year. During the few months of my company's work, I learned a lot of knowledge. Through the contacts and things, I understand my own shortcomings, my shortcomings, and continue to continue. correct. During this period of work, under the leadership of the company's leaders, with the help of the company's colleagues, I have achieved good results in all aspects of work, study, etc. Now I will do my work and study in a few months. to sum up.

First, the work situation

With the infinite ambiguity of life, I walked into the 35kvxx substation. After the renovation, I have two main transformers, which are responsible for the power supply of two and a half townships. Many people think that the substation operation duty is simply to copy the watch, patrol the equipment, handle the work ticket, and carry out the switch operation; but only the people who have done it know that as a highly responsible watchman, to ensure a substation Safe and stable operation, it is not enough to complete the above work; to ensure the safe operation of the power grid, the most important thing is to be good at analyzing and processing the defects of the equipment, so that defects and hidden dangers can be controlled or eliminated in time. The heavy rain in June brought abundant rainwater around the high pressure room of our station. In order to prevent rainwater from invading the indoor power distribution device, it caused undue accidents. Our class was led by the stationmaster to check the rain and timely clear the blocked drainage. System, install a water baffle to prevent rainwater intrusion; then apply waterproof mortar on the indoor wall, and finally strengthen the inspection. Through effective measures, I stood peacefully through the thunderstorms in June.

In the work of the apprenticeship, on the one hand, I strictly abide by the company's rules and regulations, not late, not early, strict self-discipline, consciously abide by the various work systems; on the other hand, hard work, initiative, and hard work; While completing the leadership assignment work, I will actively assist other colleagues to carry out their work and learn to be motivated in the course of their work to improve their ability in all aspects. In addition, I am a glorious correspondent, except for the monthly In addition to the news reports, I am also responsible for the technical training of this site, and I am dedicated to assisting the webmaster's work in the work, in order to enrich my work experience, and through monthly training, to a certain extent, improve the cohesiveness of our station staff. In the details of the work, I saw that the company is gradually becoming bigger and stronger. With the current trend, I can foresee that the company will have a brilliant tomorrow. As a newcomer, what I can do now is to work hard, let myself sway my sweat in the ordinary post, rejuvenate my youth and enthusiasm; let myself get more exercise at the grassroots level.

Second, the learning situation

Now is the stage of my hard work. "Threesome, there must be my teacher." Every colleague in the company is my teacher. Their rich experience and work behavior are a valuable asset for me. I remember when I first arrived at the substation, I was surprised by everything in the station. Because I am not a professional in power-changing operation, I know a lot about the equipment operation management knowledge, but I have benefited a lot from the long-term and long-term guidance. With full work enthusiasm, I gradually became familiar with the operation of the equipment. Although I am just getting started, I am as passionate about work as other young people. In order to improve my knowledge and ability in my own position as soon as possible, and give full play to my subjective initiative, I used my spare time to find relevant materials for learning. In just one year, the theory combined with practice made me have the basic equipment for the substation. Real understanding, this laid the foundation for future work.

As a trainee, the question I often think about is how to cooperate with the stationmaster to do a good job in management, especially during the period of “creating first-class”. For this reason, I often consult the new and old stationmasters.

After spending a year at the substation, I contacted a lot of colleagues. Just touching them, I knew what it means to be "personnel." Whether it is society or the unit "doing things for people" is a profound knowledge. For this profound knowledge, my layman can only say: "Be honest, work hard!"

Along the way, I participated in the overhaul and defect handling of the 35kv substation. In the process of following the responsible person's study, I deeply felt the insufficiency of my own technology, and also realized the hard work of the grassroots work! In order to better adapt to my job, I have already traveled to the Jiangxi Electric Power Vocational and Technical College to teach the power system and automation.

Third, summary

As a young worker, I have a long career and a lot of opportunities to learn. As a member of the league, joining the party is my dream. To this end, I will try my best to develop my work and make achievements. In order to achieve the goal as soon as possible, I ask myself: work hard, maintain the advantages, correct the shortcomings, fully reflect the value of one's life, and contribute to the bright future of the company. I also hope that through the efforts of all the staff of the company, the company can be pushed to the peak of one after another.

Article 2:

First, strengthen learning and enhance personal qualities

First, earnestly strengthen ideological and political study, consistently adhere to the Party Central Committee in ideological, political, and action, unswervingly implement the party's line, principles, and policies, and actively participate in various learning activities organized by superiors and the organization. In work and study, I can seriously study Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and Comrade Jiang Zemin's important thought of "Three Represents", and constantly deepen the understanding of the background, practical foundation, spiritual essence and historical status of the important thinking of the "Three Represents" The understanding has further deepened the understanding of the world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​and the need for further self-reform. At the same time, he actively pursued progress in thinking. In August xx, he participated in the training class for party activists. As a probationary party member, he further clarified the goals and tasks of our party's next work, and at the same time further strengthened the communist belief. .

Second, earnestly strengthen the study of professional knowledge and continuously enrich the business knowledge of its engineering audit work. For me, although I have been engaged in engineering construction for many years and have certain work experience and ability, as a government department, engineering audit work is a brand-new job. In order to adapt to the environment as soon as possible, we can work better and strive to adhere to the principle. Learning-oriented approach to learning and book-based learning: On the one hand, humbly ask the old comrades in the same department to regulate their work behavior through their words and deeds, work procedures, etc.; on the other hand, carefully study the past years. Books and magazines such as the Audit Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Quality Control of Auditing Auditing Projects, and strive to master relevant professional knowledge. In September xx, he participated in the "National Cost Engineer Training Class" organized by Tianjin University of Technology, systematically studied the "Basic Theory and Related Regulations of Engineering Cost Management", "Engineering Cost Pricing and Control", "Construction Engineering Technology and The knowledge of “Measuring” and “Case Analysis of Engineering Cost” passed the National Qualification Examination for Cost Engineers, laying a professional knowledge base for better doing their jobs.

Third, earnestly strengthen the study of science and culture and continuously improve their overall quality. I strictly follow the copyright of the first model network of the national civil servants, the common world of civil servants nationwide! The knowledge structure requires ourselves to improve their overall quality, and strive to enrich their comprehensive scientific and cultural knowledge after work. Participated in and successfully passed the induction training for civil servants and government workers, and taught the computer by himself, and passed the intermediate qualification examination for computer application technology.

Second, earnestly perform duties and actively carry out work

First, do a good job of tracking and auditing the whole process. In February xx, according to the arrangement of the bureau, I went to the XX City Convention and Exhibition Center construction project to engage in accounting cashier and responsible for the whole process of tracking the audit work. In the construction of the project, it actively participates in the measurement and acceptance of concealed projects, strictly monitors the on-site changes and the construction process of on-site visas, and promptly resolves the changes to the on-site changes and on-site visas that violate the regulations, and must not increase the fees or enter the settlement. The fourth is to establish a “project progress section console account” to strictly control the progress of the project. The “engineering progress section console account” was established as a main basis for paying the progress payment to the construction unit, so that the progress payment of the construction unit can be clearly seen at a glance. Before each payment of the progress payment, compare the project progress confirmed by the construction management department with the total amount of accumulated payment recorded in the account with the contract cost of the project and the budget cost of the project, and then pay the progress payment. In this way, the total amount of payment can be controlled within the contract cost and budget cost, and the payment of the progress payment can be effectively controlled, and the payment of the project progress payment is effectively controlled, which has been well received by all the staff.

Second, adhere to the principle, work conscientiously, combine the site with the information, and do a good job in the investment audit of the “village to village” project. From July to September of xx, according to the spirit of the superiors and the unified arrangement in the bureau, I participated in the audit work of the “Village Village” project. Due to the nervousness of the bureau, every morning at 7:00 am, they departed to the roads of various townships for on-site measurement and sampling, and the wind and rain were unimpeded. At noon, give up the rest, check the measurement and sampling data with the relevant visas, and in accordance with the realistic, rigorous, and responsible work attitude, remove the visas that do not meet the requirements, and review the materials that do not meet the requirements at the scene. Work overtime to complete the audit work report. In just over two months, the city completed the “Village Village” project investment audit project with high quality, and the work was fully affirmed by the bureau leaders and relevant departments, and safeguarded the national interests.

Third, go deep into the scene, earnestly investigate and conduct a rigorous audit of the “Snowfield Irrigation District Water Saving Reform” investment project. The investment budget of water conservancy construction projects has become a prominent problem in water conservancy construction. The reasons for the over-estimation of investment include policy adjustments, rising prices of engineering equipment and materials, and increased interest on construction funds. Of course, there are also reasons for the construction team's fraud. Since taking over the audit of the “Snowfield Irrigation District Water Saving Reform” investment project in October, I actively went to the site to re-check the relevant data and check the original documents in a pair of settlement materials; on the other hand, check the market conditions of relevant materials, Materials and equipment that exceeded the market price were strictly reviewed and reduced, and the non-standard fee collection standards were appropriately adjusted. The unhealthy winds in the water conservancy construction project were eliminated, effectively avoiding the waste of state investment and maintaining the maintenance. The interests of the country and the people.

Third, adhere to strict self-discipline and strive to set an example

First, strengthen the construction of ideological style. Strictly follow the "diligence" proposed by Comrade Hu Jintao

Second, strengthen the construction of diligent and honest government. I cherish the opportunity for the organization department to give me the work of the audit bureau. I work hard in self-discipline, diligent politics, self-denial, and indifferent to fame and fortune, strive to overcome various difficulties in life, give full play to my age, and work actively and excessively. Inspired by the example of the leaders of the bureau and the heads of the department, I also cultivated a work style that is not afraid of hardship, hard work, continuous combat, and long-lasting combat. From the construction project of the XX Convention Center in February xx to 7-9 During the month of the city departure, he gave up many holidays and rest time. Sometimes he often took the information home and reviewed it until late at night, and completed the work assigned by the bureau leaders according to the quality.

In the past year, with the support and support of leaders and comrades, through their hard work, they have achieved certain results, but there are still many gaps from the requirements of leaders and comrades:

First, due to the short working hours, it is not easy to treat your own work. The heavy workload of the work has led to fewer opportunities to go to the scene. The combination of theory and practice needs to be further improved.

Second, in the work and leadership, at the same time communication is not enough, sometimes only knowing to pull the car, the age is light, sometimes lack of courage in the work.

In the work of the coming year, I will definitely emancipate my mind, keep up with the work ideas of the leaders of the bureau, and actively cooperate with the department heads and other members of the department, earnestly practice the important theory of the "three represents," and keep in mind "two musts." Advance with the times, develop and innovate, and strive to do a good job in engineering investment auditing, and contribute to the country's engineering investment cause.

Article 3:

I became a trial employee of the company on January 25, 2019. The trial period of 3 months has expired. According to the company's rules and regulations, the application is now transferred to the company's official staff.

As a graduate who has just been working for more than a year, the company has always been worried about how to coexist with others, how to do a good job; but the company's relaxed and harmonious working atmosphere and united corporate culture make me very The transition from ordinary staff to efficient staff has been completed.

During my post trial, I studied and worked in the business department. The business of this department is something I have never touched before, and my professional knowledge is quite different. But under the patient guidance of the leaders and colleagues of various departments, I have adapted to the working environment of the company in a short period of time. Also familiar with the company's entire operating process.

In the work of this department, I have been strictly demanding myself, doing every task of leadership arrangement in a timely and conscientious manner, and taking the initiative to share the concerns for the leaders; the problems that are not understood by professional and non-professional students are open-minded to learn from colleagues and constantly improve themselves. I hope to make a greater contribution to the company as soon as possible. Of course, when you first enter the workplace, you will inevitably have some small mistakes and need to be led by the leaders. But the lessons of the past, the teachers of the aftermath, these experiences have also allowed me to mature, to consider more comprehensive in dealing with various issues, to eliminate similar mistakes. occur. Here, I would like to express my special thanks to the leaders and colleagues of the department for their guidance and help to me, and for their reminders and corrections about the mistakes that have occurred in my work.

After these three months, I have been able to handle the company's business independently and organize all kinds of information within the department. Of course, I still have a lot of deficiencies. The experience of dealing with problems needs to be improved, and the teamwork ability needs to be further enhanced. Improve your business capabilities.

This is my Xth job. I have learned a lot in the past three months and I have learned a lot. I am deeply proud of the rapid development of the company and I am more eager to have a formal employee. I am working here to achieve my goals, to reflect my own life and to grow with the company.

Here I propose to apply for a change, and ask the leader to give me the opportunity to continue to exercise myself and achieve my ideals. I will do my job with a modest attitude and full enthusiasm, create value for the company, and look forward to a bright future with the company!

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