Good sentence Daquan > Discourse Daquan

Touched words 2019

1. Don't complain about your woman's ugliness, don't complain that you don't have a good father, don't complain about your poor work, don't complain that no one appreciates you. There are too many disappointments in reality. Even if life gives you rubbish, you can also put the rubbish on the bottom of the world. The world only cares if you are reaching a certain height, don't care if you step on the shoulders of giants, or step on the rubbish.

2. Seeing that others are not pleasing to the eye is not enough for self-cultivation. The moment when people are angry, the IQ is zero, and it returns to normal after a minute. The key to human elegance is to control your emotions. It is the most stupid behavior to hurt someone with your mouth.

3. There is a person who knows you, the greatest happiness. This person is not necessarily perfect, but he can read you, can walk into the depths of your heart, and can understand everything in your heart. The person who knows you the most, will always be by your side, silently guarding you, not letting you suffer a little wrong. Those who truly love you will not say many words that love you, but they will do many things that love you.

4. If a person has been single for a long time, he does not want to fall in love. He will feel that his friends are more and more important. If a person is single for a long time, he does not want to go shopping. He will like to listen to songs at home more and more. When a person is single, he will become mature. I will love my parents more and more. If I am single, I will buy a lot of shoes and go to a lot of places to travel alone. If a person is single for a long time, he will inadvertently shed tears and will not care about anything in front of everyone.

5. Pick up. You may say, "Isn't it all gone?" In fact, the past is only time, you still can't escape, remembering the fate of smiling or sad, the fate is called "incompetence."

6. Sometimes, the inexplicable mood is not good, I don't want to talk to anyone, I just want to be alone in a daze. Sometimes, I want someone to hide and be weak, and I don't want others to see my wounds. Sometimes, I walked through the familiar street corner and saw the familiar back, suddenly remembering a person's face. Sometimes, others misunderstood their own words, and they were depressed. Sometimes I find myself growing up overnight.

7. If there is an afterlife, be a tree, stand for eternity, and have no sorrowful posture. Half in the soil, half in the wind, half in the shade, half in the sun, very silent and very proud, never rely on never looking.

8. There are always some people around you. You see that she is happy all day, and she is really like a child. Everyone envied her. In fact, where do you know: the last one second, she still sadly shed tears, after a second Immediately before the people, there was a bright smile. They actually don't have the ability to be alone. When they are quiet in the night, they always sit at the window and meditate on the night sky. They are like sunflowers, and they are always bright and bright toward the front of the sun, but they are deeply saddened on the back.

9. Your birth brings me hope, and I hope to bring you happiness.

10. I hide the storm-like love in my heart. It is to not give any psychological pressure to the other party. The more precious my love is, the more I cherish the love of others.

11. Love a girl, instead of giving up her for her happiness, it is better to keep her and work hard for her happiness.

12. The more you want to know if you have forgotten, the more you remember, the more clearly you remember. I have heard people say that when you can't have it, the only thing you can do is not to forget.

13. A secret crush on a person's mood is like a seed waiting for sprouting in a bottle. It is never certain whether the future is beautiful, but it is really and reluctantly waiting.

14. Among all the gifts, women think that the most valuable reason for flowers is that men must overcome the shy feeling of holding flowers on the streets when giving flowers to women.

15. I am alive only when I am with you. When I am alone, even the most dazzling sun loses its brilliance!

16. I don't want you to know my existence, but I don't want love to come to my head. Sometimes I think, we are animals in different waters. Although I admire the beauty of your world, I walk in the shallow waters. Nearly, it will be drowned in deep water.

17. When you think you are being abandoned, the other person is lost: because he lost someone who really likes him, and you just lost one who doesn't like you.

18. What is the feeling of being loved by someone you love? What will it look like? If you want to answer immediately, you need to know how happy you are. Although it has been strongly argued that unrequited love is also a kind of love, but the palm of one side can't make a sound.

19. When you are young, you will want to talk a lot about love, but as you get older, you finally realize that you love someone, even if you spend a lifetime, it will not be enough. Slowly understand this person, consider this person, until you fall in love, you need to have a very broad chest.

20. What is the completion of love? If marriage is the completion of love, what is the divorce? When I start to love someone, it is the completion of love.

21. People were born on the stars and lived on this star called the earth. Therefore, anyone is a star-like heart. Even though life is limited, it still uses light and smile to radiate to others. .

22. The original world of love is so large that it can hold a hundred kinds of grievances; the original world of love is very small, and as small as three people squeeze into suffocation; the world of love is very big, and there is still a gap in happiness; The world of love was very small, and when it was stepped on, it became a ruin.

23. Love, why bother to ask? Ask too much, I am afraid I will not love. Mature people don't ask the past; smart people don't ask the present; open-minded people don't ask the future.

24. 29. Do you think that the most sour feeling is jealous? No, the most sour feeling is that you don't have the right to be jealous. You can't even get jealous at all, that is the most sour and sour.

25. Hope and trust are the tails of lizards, and even if they are cut, they will grow again.

26. It is better to fail on what you like and not to succeed on what you hate.

27. A person always has to take a strange road, look at strange scenery, listen to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that things that you have tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

28. Happiness is not a lifelong, not a big fish, not a right to blame. Happiness is each tiny wish come true. When you want to eat, you have to eat. When you want to be loved, someone will love you.

29. Love is a lamp, friendship is a shadow, when the light is gone, you will find that you are surrounded by shadows. A friend is someone who can give you strength in the end.

30. I love you not because of who you are, but who I am in front of you.

31. Love is either mature or degrading.

32. It can be lifted and lifted, and it can be lifted. Unfortunately, most people's love is weight-bearing.

33. Many people yearn for crystal-like love – there is nothing wrong with crystal clear. More people have glass-like love – equally transparent but easily broken.

34. Each of us lives in our own past. People will spend a minute to get to know a person, spend an hour to like someone, and spend the day falling in love with someone. In the end, they will use For a lifetime, I will forget someone.

35. A person can fall in love with a lot of people in his life. After you get the happiness that truly belongs to you, you will understand that the pain together is actually a kind of wealth, which allows you to learn to better grasp and cherish the people you love.

36. In a person's life, there are two kinds of regrets that are most afflicting: one is that you don't get the one you love, and the other is that the one you love is not happy.

37. Living in a world that you don't have is more painful than any kind of punishment. Do you know that for me, you can't replace anyone.

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