Inspirational quotes

Motivating words (1)

Motivating words

1. When a person is truly enlightened, he gives up the pursuit of the wealth of the outside world and begins to pursue the true wealth of his inner world.
2. Many failures are not due to limited ability, but because they do not persist.
3. "Impossible" only exists in the fool's dictionary.
4, the biggest enemy of a person is himself, there is no end to the task, only the one who loses confidence.
5, hold the greatest hope, for the best efforts, do the worst.
6. As long as you have confidence, people will never be defeated.
7, you will always be the best, you can do it!
8. The strong will of man is invincible!
9. No matter when you start, it is important not to stop after starting. No matter when you end, it is important not to regret after the end.
10. If a person is weak, he is his greatest enemy. If people are brave, they are their best friends.
11. It is extraordinary to do ordinary things well. It is a trick to practice simple moves to the extreme.
12, leisurely can make people's minds rust.
13. Everything must be viewed from a multifaceted perspective. What is your wish? It is an instant that cannot be missed. What is shouting? It is a sincere wish for that moment. Come on, you must have heard the cry, you must have seen the eyes that look forward to you. You must have felt the heartfelt wishes.
14, the muddy road has gone through countless tired, telling yourself: fast, and then insist on the pain of bleeding on the body for a while, telling yourself: don't cry, will fall well, tell yourself: get up quickly, the world is very There are few smooth roads.
15. You are the heart of the sports field, beating your dreams; you are the spirit of the long road, inspiring the glory; you are the ones who will go up and down! The wind cheers for you, the cloud cheers for you, firmness, perseverance, endurance and hope, and condenses in the extended white runway! Strength, faith, hard work and struggle, gradually brighten at the far end line! The strong voice of the times is ringing at your feet.
16. Not for the interpretation of applause, not for the deliberate conquest, only the hard sweat is the pursuit of the footsteps, the firm belief in the heart, the steady pace at the foot, you use the action to tell a constant truth, no longer than the feet The road, there is no higher mountain than people, I hope to wave at you at the end, work hard to use your tenacity, to meet the flowers and applause at the end, I believe that success belongs to you.
17. In life, we try every day, we go to success and taste failure, walk through the soul of the rain and clear skies, don’t give up trying whether it’s important or not, it’s the spirit of your courage to participate. Whether it is successful, we will always praise you, you will always be our pride.
18, long road, you are willing to stand alone, endure loneliness and loneliness, withstand the physical and spiritual oppression, only sweat dissolved in tears, but never stop. Good, even if you can't get the laurels, you can stick to the final applause.
19, deep breathing, waiting for you is a difficult 1500 meters. I believe that victory will belong to you. But on this journey, you need to be brave enough to face. We are cheering for you, have you heard the cry from our hearts? Difficulties and triumphs are waving to you, go, go, don't hesitate. Go to defeat the difficulties and go to win! I believe you will give us a sweat-soaked smile!

20. Life is a voyage. In the voyage, you must encounter the wind from all aspects, but every gust will speed up your speed. As long as you stabilize the rudder, even if it is a storm, it will not make you deviate from the course.

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