Inspirational article

Young people, please stay a little more

I believe that most of us are ordinary people.

What does ordinary people mean? It means that there is not much money, and there is no right. In addition to the back, or the back, especially in the early years before entering the society, there is still a bit of life in the world.

In fact, in the hearts of our young people, how eager to prove that they have matured and grown up, have the ability to live freely and independently, and even maintain some hobbies. However, the most urgent is often the most difficult to achieve. We graduated from college, the monthly salary may be only three or four thousand yuan, we must live in the outermost part of the city, it will be very flustered at the end of the month, because we are very afraid of having a person who bids higher than ourselves, and then let the landlord drive themselves out of the original There are only ten square meters of cottages.

So, slowly, we put away the ambitions of the past, and became hesitant in the face of hobbies. The first thing that comes to mind every day is to work hard and let the rents fall next month. Even so, we will be anxious, because we still don't know, if we pay the price of interest, can we really get back to that stability? How much can this future bring to the future?

I want to share my own experience with you. In the summer of 2005, I successfully got a college admission notice, and the joy can't be described. This kind of joy only lasted for a few weeks, because I suddenly found that I had to buy a train before I used my bag to squeeze the train. Tickets; When I just walked into the university campus and were still busy applying for student loans for tuition fees, the surrounding students had begun to plan famous postgraduate studies and go abroad... One person stood in a strange city, no money, some just with others The gap; do not dare to have too many delusions, just silently pray that you must not be defeated by reality.

At that time, I used to be a tutor, and I ran for hours on the road. Then I spoke to a disobedient child for two hours. If the parents passed the exam, they would get two hundred dollars. I have also been a tour guide, and I don’t mention it for a long time. Some people in the tour group will ask for the seven-eight-eight-eighth request. In order not to be dismissed and not to be dismissed, I can only meet it. Especially when it comes to holidays, when the surrounding students are reunited with their families, I am still looking for part-time jobs and part-time jobs.

Suffering, tired, crying. At that time, I didn't know whether it was to earn tuition or to dream of becoming a talent. There was only one idea in my heart - a little more persistence. In fact, I have not saved much money. Just filling up the stomach, just on the road of various part-time jobs, exercised the clumsy mouth, and with a professional eye, saw the “village in the city” in the prosperity, and noticed the complexity of cross-regional governance. There are many different perspectives to observe the city.

Then, at the end of each semester, I can always make fresh notes for boring papers; in every professional debate, I can find resonance with the audience through realistic cases; until the end, I also like many students. Successfully obtained the qualification for postgraduate admission.

I remember that when I graduated, an elder who is also a teacher and a friend always encouraged me. "Don't look at you now is just a small seed. It is about to break ground, but I always believe in you. In the future, I will grow into a towering tree." "This sentence made me quietly discover that the four years of "sad reminder" really did not pass.

In fact, there are many things in life that are the case. Sometimes we are very eager for freedom, but we find ourselves trapped in the real place; sometimes we really want independence, but we find that it is really hard to get support from the family. But no matter what, please believe that the moment we are really out of the ground, only a little distance. If you choose to persist, you really have the opportunity to break through and even become a towering tree.

Still returning to the original question, what does the ordinary person mean? In fact, it is simply a pseudo-proposition. On the contrary, the difficulty is only temporary. "There will be bread, milk will be there." Just let us insist on it in the face of reality.

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