Inspirational story

Self-control of the rich

George Gallup, a famous American mathematician, said: "People are obsessed with some characters in history, sometimes not because of their political achievements, how much they have won, how much wealth they have, but only because of their subtle characteristics. "The financial writer Wu Xiaobo has investigated the world's 30 richest people and found that they are very similar in subtle character: low-key, hard, seemingly inhuman, like a coin. To put it another way, these rich people have almost stubborn control over themselves.

Psychologists have long discovered that a person's self-control ability seems to have something to do with his life's achievements. In 1968, American psychologist Walter Michel hosted the famous "Marshmallow Experiment" at Biying Kindergarten. At the beginning of the experiment, each child had a piece of marshmallow in front of him. The children were told that they could eat the marshmallows right away, but if they could wait a little longer, they would get a second piece of marshmallow. As a result, some children immediately ate the sugar, some waited for a while to eat, and some waited long enough to get a second piece of marshmallow. The original purpose of this experiment was to study at what age the child developed some kind of self-control ability. However, after 18, 30, and 41 years, the research team has unanimously discovered that the children who were able to wait for a longer time unexpectedly surpassed those in their later life development and career achievements. A child who can't wait for it, maybe this is a powerful derivative of self-control.

A famous entrepreneur once made a mistake that a man often made when his career was flourishing. He wanted to divorce his wife because the unspoken wife did not help his career and his feelings for her. Getting thinner and thinner. However, the rational and wise entrepreneur did an investigation before the divorce. He selected 100 representative couples, including workers, doctors, cadres, teachers, and bosses. He asked them about their satisfaction with their lives. In the end, he found that none of the 100 couples were completely satisfied with their family. No family was absolutely happy. So he gave up the idea of ​​divorce, decided to cultivate his relationship with his wife, and managed his family. In the 1980s, such a million-dollar chairman was able to self-discipline emotional desires and adhere to a calm marriage, which is truly admirable.

The famous stock god Buffett’s desire for wealth is even more difficult for ordinary people to imagine. When they first got married, the Buffett couple rented a house and lived in a remote suburb. When Buffett’s company began to make a profit, they spent $3 million to buy a small gray building in the city center. After 47 years of marriage, his property reached $62 billion, becoming the world's richest man, but he also lived in this small gray building that was built in 1921. Buffett’s motto is “frugality”. He does not pursue big mansions, and he does not have much interest in new mobile phones, computers, and cars, let alone the illusory things of private islands and social status. He will donate tens of billions of wealth, but in his life he is bound to limit spending, even mobile phone fees, Internet fees, real estate taxes, home repairs, etc. will be controlled and reduced as much as possible.

German economist Max Weber said: "Greed and control is the choice that entrepreneurs in the new era have to face." Self-control is the only answer, because "only a very strong and strong personality can make such a new type of entrepreneur. It is not to lose modest self-control to protect him from moral and economic destruction.” For marriage, for money, for all life desires, self-control is the goal of all the rich in the era. Keep the ultimate weapon of Evergreen.

It doesn't matter whether you are rich or not. What matters is that in such a materialistic world, do you have the ability to control others beyond the control of others? With this personality trait, you are not far from success.

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