Secretarial knowledge > commitment

Chuangxian Qualified Undergraduate Party Branch Implementation Goal Commitment

I am the secretary of the 17th Party branch of the xx undergraduate student. In order to maintain the advanced nature of the Communist Party and strive for the advanced party branch, I have combined the actual situation of this branch to represent the 17th Party branch and set a goal for the implementation of the branch to strive for excellence. The current commitment of the branch is as follows:

1. Create superiority in improving social service level

Serving the people is the purpose of being a party member and an important criterion for measuring the advanced nature of party members. As a party member, you should use your own strengths to flexibly apply your knowledge in social practice activities such as summer vacations, winter vacations, and rural areas, and actively improve social service levels in various social practice activities.

2. Innovate in the transformation of work style and implementation

The Party branch and party members play a leading and exemplary role in changing their work style and enhancing their sense of responsibility, strengthening their sense of execution and service, and improving their execution. Promote dedication and overall awareness, and jointly promote the rapid development of the college.

3. Innovate in the study of theoretical knowledge

A party armed with advanced theory cannot be an advanced party; a party member armed with advanced theory cannot play a vanguard model. Therefore, to reflect the advanced nature of party members in this branch, we must first encourage party members to continuously learn the advanced theoretical achievements of the party and arm their own ideas with advanced theories. Make full use of resources, use books, the Internet and other means, through branch discussions, competitions, formation of learning experiences and other forms, and constantly study the various theoretical achievements of the party in all aspects and establish a firm ideal and belief.

4. Create a first-class competition in improving the professional level of disciplines

Give full play to the subjective initiative of branch and party members in subject learning and scientific research innovation, earnestly study the subject professional knowledge, actively participate in various scientific research and innovation activities, combine theoretical knowledge with practical activities, improve the professional level of disciplines, and go out of production for the society. make sufficient preparation.

5. Innovate in the construction of grassroots organizations

Party branches should become a model for building a learning-type party organization, attach great importance to learning, and constantly strengthen the study of the party's theory, laws and regulations, etc.; further optimize organizational settings, promote intra-party democracy, enrich the content of branch activities, and innovate activities. Ways to strengthen the cohesiveness of party members in the branch, establish advanced models, and reflect the advanced nature of party branches and party members.

6, create a good job in student work

Enhance student-oriented service awareness, improve student management and service levels, guide and educate students, and promote the construction of good hospitality and study style. Keep pace with the times, update concepts, and use new technologies and new methods to improve work efficiency. We will actively participate in the construction of “Safe Campus”, and have plans for emergencies to consciously maintain campus stability. In-depth student accommodation and classrooms, understand the actual situation of students, and help solve problems and difficulties for students in a timely manner.

7. Create "five good" and build advanced party organizations

This branch promises to work hard to achieve "five good." First, the leadership team is good, in-depth study and practice of the scientific development concept, has a strong cohesiveness and combat effectiveness. Second, the party members are good, and the development of party members and party members' management education services is standardized, institutionalized, regularized, and the quality of party members is high. Third, the working mechanism is good, the system is sound, and management measures are in place. Fourth, the work performance is good, working around the school and the college center, serving the overall situation, the implementation is in place, and the results are remarkable. The fifth is that the teachers and students reflect well, and the prestige is high among the people, the image is good, and the relationship is close.

Xx College Undergraduate Seventeenth Party Branch

October 8, 2019

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