1. 不要被情緒控制,要保持冷靜。
Don't be controlled by emotions, stay calm.
2. 忍耐是心靈成長的養分。
Patience is the nourishment of spiritual growth.
3. 所有的痛苦都是內心的投射。
All pain is a projection of the mind.
4. 人生就是一場修行,修的就是心性。
Life is a journey of spiritual cultivation, refining the mind and character.
5. 一切皆由心生,心淨則國土淨。
What exists are only in the mind, and when the mind is pure, so is the country.
6. 活在當下,享受生命。
Live in the present moment and enjoy life.
7. 以慈悲心對待一切,以歡喜心過生活。
Treat everyone with compassion and live your life with joy.
8. 放下即是解脫,隨緣是自在。
Letting go is liberation, and following the circumstances is freedom.
9. 真正的修行不在山上,不在廟裡。
Real cultivation does not take place on a mountain or in a temple.
10. 每個人都是自己命運的建築師。
Each person is a builder of their own destiny.