

七夕情人節(The Cowherd's Festival)

Every year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl could meet on the Milky Way. This festival is a time for lovers to express their feelings and express their love for each other.

Long ago, there was a kind and hardworking cowherd named Qi Xin. He lived alone on the farm and raised many cows. One day, he saw a beautiful weaver girl named Nu Wa flying through the sky on a magic carpet. He fell in love with her at first sight and decided to ask her to be his wife.

After many adventures and trials, Nu Wa agreed to marry Qi Xin and they lived happily ever after on their own farm. On the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, they would meet on the Milky Way to celebrate their love and share their happiness with each other.

This festival is a time for lovers to remember their love and express their feelings to each other. They may exchange gifts, cook special foods, and hold romantic dinners to show their love for each other.七夕情人節(農曆七月七日)




