
Title: Three Wishes

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Amy who loved to make wishes on stars. She believed that by doing so, she could make her dreams come true. One night, she was sitting alone on the edge of her bed, watching the stars twinkle in the sky, and she made three wishes.

The first wish was for her family to be happy and healthy. She knew that if they were happy, she would be happy too. The second wish was for her to have a best friend who understood her and shared her interests. She hoped that her new friend would help her make more friends and have fun together. The third wish was for her to have a pet that she could love unconditionally and take care of.

The next day, everything she wished for came true. Her family was indeed happy and healthy, she found a great friend named Sarah who shared her interests, and she also got a beautiful puppy named Max who she adored. She realized that by making wishes on stars, she had actually made them come true by being kind to herself and others, and being patient with the world around her.

As she grew up, Amy realized that wishes were not just for children. She wished for peace in the world, for people to be kinder to each other, and for everyone to find happiness in their own way. She also wished that she could help others realize their dreams and make their wishes come true.

And so, Amy became a symbol of hope and kindness, and everyone who met her knew that wishes really could come true if you believed in yourself and had faith in the world around you.

