Title: The Little Starfish
One day, a little starfish woke up and found himself on the beach. He looked around and saw all the beautiful sand and waves. He felt sad because he knew he was going to die.
Then he remembered something his mother told him before she died. She said, "If you live your life like a starfish, you will make a difference."
The little starfish decided to do just that. He crawled along the beach, catching other sea creatures and giving them a little help when they needed it. He also helped the humans on the beach by bringing them seaweed and shells that they could use for their homes and gardens.
He felt so happy when he realized that he was making a difference in the lives of others. He realized that even though he was going to die, he could still leave a legacy of kindness and compassion.
Storytime is over, but the little starfish will always remember his journey on the beach and the kindness he received from others.