

1. 如果有來生,要做一棵樹, 站成永恆, 沒有悲歡的姿勢。

If I had to come back as a being, I would choose to be a tree, standing forever in postures without sorrow or joy.

2. 世上的事情,只要肯用心去體諒,沒有一件是煩心的。

There is nothing in the world that troubles me as long as I am willing to understand with my heart.

3. 不要去看那個傷口,它有一天會結疤的,疤痕不褪,可它不會再痛。

Don't look at the wound, it will scar one day. The scar may not fade, but it will no longer hurt.

4. 生命的滋味,無論是陽春白雪,青菜豆腐,都要自己去嘗一嘗。

The taste of life, whether it is "highbrow" or "lowbrow", must be tasted by oneself.

5. 一帆風順的人,往往經受不住挫折。

Oftentimes, those who sail smoothly are not resilient enough to withstand setbacks.

6. 畢竟,人,是要自愛的。

After all, one must love oneself.

7. 朋友是五倫之外的一種人際關係,如花開在無形中。

Friends are a type of interpersonal relationship outside the five relationships of human relations, like flowers blooming無形中.

8. 最深最平和的快樂,就是靜觀天地與人世,慢慢品味出它的美與和諧。

The deepest and most peaceful happiness is to observe the natural world, people, and society slowly, and taste its beauty and harmony.
