

1. "灰姑娘"(Cinderella):Cinderella ran away from home, but she was invited back to the party by the prince. She cleaned up her appearance and was able to attend the ball. She wore a beautiful dress and shoes, and she danced with the prince all night. Unfortunately, her stepmother and her sisters showed up at the end of the night and ruined everything.

2. "小兔子乖乖"(Little Rabbit's Ride):這是一個簡單的故事,講述了一隻小兔子如何幫助一隻小貓逃離大灰狼的故事。

3. "阿里巴巴和四十大盜"(Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves):這是一個經典的阿拉伯民間故事,講述了一個貧窮的樵夫阿里巴巴如何通過智勇雙全成功趕走盜賊的故事。

4. "精衛填海"(Jingwei Filles the Sea):這是一個中國古代的神話故事,講述了精衛鳥為了填平大海而不斷飛翔的故事。

5. "愚公移山"(Yu Gong Moves the Mountains):這是一個中國古代的寓言故事,講述了愚公不畏艱難,堅持不懈地移山的故事。

