

1. "人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。"

"Whoever dies cannot go back to life forever, let him leave behind a pure heart that illuminates history."

2. "天行健,君子以自強不息。"

"The heavens move constantly, so should a noble man strive tirelessly."

3. "讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神。"

"Reading ten thousand books and writing with inspiration."

4. "知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。"

"The knowing is not as good as the enthusiast, and the enthusiast is not as good as the one who finds pleasure in it."

5. "靜以修身,儉以養德。"

"Calmness cultivates the body and frugality nurtures morality."

6. "學而時習之,不亦說乎?"

"Is it not pleasant to learn and regularly review?"

7. "三軍可奪帥也,匹夫不可奪志也。"

"A general can be removed from his position, but a person's spirit cannot be taken away."

8. "泰山不讓土壤,故能成其大。"

"Mount Tai does not refuse any soil, which is why it can grow so great."

9. "桃李不言,下自成蹊。"

"Plum and apricot do not speak, yet their path attracts footsteps."

10. "路遙知馬力,日久見人心。"

"The longer the road, the more the test of stamina; the longer the time, the clearer the heart."
