

1. 「Yo, what's up, guys? Today I'm gonna show you how to make some money in the game of rap.」(嘿,大家最近怎麼樣?今天我就要教你們如何在饒舌遊戲中賺錢。)

2. 「Life is like a game of cards, you never know what's gonna happen next.」(人生就像一場紙牌遊戲,你永遠不知道接下來會發生什麼。)

3. 「I'm a real street poet, I write my rhymes like a poet would write his poetry.」(我是一個真正的街頭詩人,我用詩人的方式寫我的韻律。)

4. 「Money, power, girls, it's all good as long as you got the right attitude.」(金錢,權力,女孩,只要你擁有正確的態度,一切都是好的。)

5. 「I'm on a mission to make a name for myself in this game of rap, and I ain't gonna stop until I do.」(我在這個饒舌遊戲中為自己的名字而奮鬥,直到我做到為止,我不會停下來。)

6. 「Life is like a rollercoaster, ups and downs, but you gotta keep your head up and keep pushing forward.」(人生就像過山車,有起有落,但你必須要保持清醒,不斷向前推進。)

