

1. 祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合!

2. 祝福你們婚姻美滿,幸福長久!

3. 願你們的愛情如同美酒,越陳越香!

4. 祝福你們攜手共進,一生相守,一世相隨!

5. 願你們的婚姻生活充滿歡聲笑語,幸福美滿!


1. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and joy as you start your new journey together as husband and wife.

2. May your marriage be filled with love and happiness, and may it last a lifetime.

3. May your marriage be like fine wine, getting better with age.

4. Wishing you hand in hand, side by side, sharing all the good times and challenges of life.

5. May your marriage be filled with laughter and love, and last a lifetime.
