


1. 己所不欲,勿施於人。

2. 天下之本在國,國之本在家,家之本在身。

3. 百善孝為先。

4. 讀書百遍,其義自見。

5. 人而無信,不知其可也。

6. 學如不及,猶恐失之。

7. 人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月。

8. 知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。

9. 靜以修身,儉以養德。

10. 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。


1. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

2. The foundation of the world is in the state, the foundation of the state is in the family, and the foundation of the family is in oneself.

3. Filial piety is the first among virtues.

4. Reading aloud lets the meaning appear by itself after many times.

5. A man without integrity is not fit to be trusted.

6. Study is like a race, afraid of losing it.

7. The best time to enjoy life is when you are living it.

8. Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know.

9. Quietness helps one to improve himself, frugality to maintain one's character.

10. If one thinks about it, there is no knowledge without thinking, but if one does not think, there is no knowledge without learning.
